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30th Infantry Division, Old Hickory

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by Ruud, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    Euge, i also found this information about Hette's book, but thanks again for bringing it up. Yes Hette seemed quite good in making drawings. This book is about a quarter of Amsterdam. You migth read about it on Wikipedia:

    Nice booklet you have about Old Hickory ! Hope you can post more documents about your grandfather. They fit perfectly in this thread. That also counts for you Kodiak, as i rember correctly your father was in 117th ?

    As for the German AAR i had little time last week to continue translaton. But i will be back soon.
  2. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    Div. zur Zeit in Umgruppierung gem. Korpsbefehl.
    Division at the moment redeploying like Korps ordered.

    c) Gefechtstand: Aubel West. commandpost Aubel WEst
    Pz.Gr.Rgt.60 voraussichtlich Henry-Chapelle
    Pz.Gr.Rgt.156 westlich Froidtheim
    A.A.116 Montzen
    Pz.Pi.Btl. 675 in Gemmerich
    A.R.146, II/16 bei Div.Gefechtsstand.

    C) commandpost : Aubel West
    60th Pz Grenadier Regiment probably at Henry Chapelle
    156 Panzer Gren Reg. West of FroidheimAA 116 at Montzen
    Panzer Pionier Battalion 675 at Gemmenich
    AR 146, II/16 at commandpost
    d) Anschluß rechts und links nicht vorhanden.
    No connection available at left and right wings
    e) Keine Reserven
    e) No reserves
    f) Heeres-Flak-Kp. 960, der Div. unterstellt.
    F) Army Flak. Komp 960 under command of Divison
    g) siehe Korpsbefehl.

    h)h) 5 C 2
    1 D
    2 K 2
    1 C 2 U
    1 K 2 U

    K.T.B. LXXXI.A.K.
    10 September 1944
    03.00 Uhr:
    Eintreffen auf dem neuen Gefechtsstand Weiden.
    03.00 Arrival at new commandpost in Weiden
    09.30 Uhr
    Chef AOK teilt mit, daß 9.Pz.Div. in Schleiden ausgeladen und nach Olpen zugeführt wird.
    Chief AOK informs : 9th Panzer Div. unloaded in Schleiden and on the way to Olpen
    Uhr: Besuch des O.B., General Brandenberger, beim K.G.
    11.00 : General Brandenberger arrives at K.G.
    11.15 Uhr: Besprechung über Ausbau des Westwalls. 11.15 Meeting about sttrengthening of Westwall
    Teilnehmer: Participants:
    Kampfkdt. Aachen, Oberst v. Osterodt
    Kdr.I.R.253, Oberst Feindt
    Ia 353.I.D., Oberstlt. Witte
    Fest.Pi.Stab Düren, Oberstlt. Deer,
    Stopi, KNF, Qu
    Die Dienststellen sind dem Gen.Kdo. zum Ausbau und Vorbereiten der Verteidigung des Westwalls
    The departments are under command of General Komando to strengthen and preparation of defence of Westwall.
    Es wird folgendes befohlen:
    Militärbefehlshaber Belgien übernimmt den Abschnitt von Maastricht bis Aachen ausschl.
    von Aachen bis zur linken Abschnittsgrenze 353.I.D.
    Militarycommander of Belgium takes over sector Maastricht-Aachen.
    353.I.D. werden hierfür unterstellt: The next units will be addes to 353th inf div:
    Flak-Untergruppe Aachen
    Landesschtz.Ausb.Btl. II/16 und I/9
    KNF sorgt für Herstellung der notwendigen Kabelverbindungen, Stopi für alle pioniertechnischen
    Notwendigkeiten und Instandsetzung der Anlagen, Qu. für Heranschaffung der erforderlichen
    Waffen, Gerät, und Einrichtungen der Verteidigungsanlangen.
    KNF takes care of the set up of the necessary communicationlines, Stopi takes care of engineering utilities and everything to keep them running, QU takes care of the aquired weaponry, equipment and facilities, and the defencestructures.
    11.45 Uhr:
    Meldet sich ein Batteriechef der Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 394 und meldet, daß Brigade mit 15
    Sturmgeschützen im Raum Aachen liege und Kdr. zu 116.Pz.Div. voraus sei.
    11:45 a batterycommander of 394 Sturmgeschutz Brigade reports in and informs that the Brigade is at Aachen with 15 Sturmgeschütze and the commander is already on the way to 116th Panz Div.
    12.25 Uhr: Meldet sich der Chef der Pz.Jg.Kp. 253, Hptm. Mettei. An Geschützen stehen bei Herzogenrath nur die 2,7 cm, 2,5 cm und 16 3,7 Flak, je 3,7 Geschütz 6 Stück Granaten.
    12:25 Hauptman Mettei, chief of 253th Panz. Jäger Komp reports:
    At Herzogenrath are only the 2,7 cm , 2,5 cm and 16 of the 3,7 cm FLAK-cannons present and per 3,7 cannon only 6 rounds available
    13.50 Uhr:
    Ia AOK mit Ia:
    Lageorientierung. Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 394 wird in den Raum Eupen herangeführt und soll der 9.SS.Pz.Div unterstellt werden. Die Pz.Brig.105 soll gleichfalls nach Eintreffen der 9.Pz.Div. unterstellt werden.

    Ia AOK with Ia:
    Statusreport: 394th Sturmgeschützbrigade will be transferd to sector Eupen and will be added to 9th SS Panzer Div. Likewise the 105th Panz Brig will be after arrival under command of 9th Panz. Div.
    14.00 Uhr:
    Meldet Ia 275.I.D.:
    Aufklärungsvorstoß auf Uferstr. Ostwarts der Maas nach Norden bis gegen Argenteau abgewiesen.
    Advance of Reconmission on East bank of Maasriver to north heading Argentau unsuccesfull.
    15.00 Uhr:
    Id AOK fragt an, ob Marschbtl.564 eingefangen ist. Befehlshaber Belgien erhält nach Valkenburg Sich.Btl. 657, 735. Stärke und Zeitpunkt des Eintreffens unbekannt.
    15:00 AOK informs if Marschbattalion 564 has been captured. Commander Belgium receives in Valkenburg Sich.battalion 657 and 735. Strength and time of arival unknown.

    15.05 Uhr: Ia 275.I.D. Meldet:
    15 Feindpanzer südlich Dalhem. Div bittet um Panzer oder Sturmgeschütze, kann nur noch abriegeln und sperren. Lage ist angriffsweise nicht mehr zu lösen
    1505 Ia of 275 Inf Div reports:
    15 enemy tanks south of Dalhem. Division request tanks or Sturmgeschütze, they can only form blockades, situation can not be saved with an offensive.

    16.15 Uhr:
    K.G. – Chef AOK:
    Feind drückt südl. Limbourg nach NO. 116.Pz.Div. hat dort keine Inf. K.G. bittet um beschleunigte
    Heranführung 9.SS.Pz.Div. Chef AOK: 9.Pz.Div. heute morgen noch 40 km ostwärts Schleidern, Div.Kdr. tut alles, mit seinem Eingreifen kann aber vor 11.9. nicht gerechnet werden. K.G. teilt mit, daß Feind in Dalhem und daß 275.I.D. keine panzerbrechenden Waffen hat. Bei der Luftüberlegenheit des Gegners am Tage keine Bewegungen.
    16:15 KG to Chief AOK:
    Enemy pushes southerly of Limburg to North East.
    116th Panzer Div has no infantry support overthere. Kamfgruppe requests to speed up the advance of the 9th SS Panz. Div. Chief AOK: This morning the 9th Panz.Div was still 40 km to east of Schleidern.
    Division Commander does his utmost but is his intevention has not to expected before 11th september.
    KG informs that enemy is in Dalhem and 275th Inf Div has no anti-tankguns. No movements at dayligth because of enemy air superiority.
    16.35 Uhr: Ia 49.I.D. – Ia:
    Ia 49.I.D. schildert Lage Argenteau.
    Ia befiehlt Schwerpunkt rechts durch Heranziehen panzerbrechender Waffen
    Ia statusreport sector Argentau
    Ia orders mainfocus on right wing by support of anti-tank units
    17.00 Uhr:
    Ia – Ia 275.I.D.:
    49.I.D. wird zur Lagebereinigung bei Dalhem durch panzerbrechende Waffen verstärkt.
    17:00 Ia to Ia 275 Inf Div:
    49th Inf. Div will be supported by antitank units to sweep sector at Dalhem.
    17.30 Uhr:
    Ia – Ia AOK:
    Antrag, Gen.Kdo. bis Eintreffen 9.P.D. Stu.Gesch.Brigade 394 der 116.P.D. zu unterstellen. O.B. Voll einverstanden.
    Ia to Ia OK: request to ad 394th Sturmgeschütz Brigade to 116th Panz Div untill 9th Panz. Div arrives.
    OB totally agrees.
    17.50 Uhr: Oberst Winter, Stab Klosterkemper, meldet, daß 2 Kpn. in Aachen. Lützowkaserne gesammelt sind. Diese werden 49.I.D. unterstellt. 49.I.D. angewiesen, sie in Aachen abzuholen.
    1750 Oberst Winter of Staff klosterkemper reports that 2 companies have been put together in the Lützowkaserne in Aachen, they will be under command of 49th Inf Div.
    49th Inf Div ordered to pick them up in Aachen.

    17.55 Uhr:
    General Schmidt, 275.I.D. – Ia:
    49.I.D. soll 4 s.Pak an 275.I.D. nach Berneau abgeben. Gen.Kdo. einverstanden. 49.I.D. Angewiesen
    1755: General Schmidt 275th Inf Div: 49th Inf Div has to hand over 4 Antitank guns to 275th Inf Div which is heading to Berneau. Gen Com. Agrees and orders this to 49 th Inf Div.
    18.20 Uhr:
    General Schmidt, 275.I.D. meldet, Dalhem wieder in eigener Hand.
    General Schmidt of 275th Inf Div reports : Dalhem retaken

    19.30 Uhr:
    Chef AOK fragt nach Vorschlag für Einsatz der 9.SS-Pz.Gruppe.
    Vereinbart, der Heer.Gru. Vorzuschlagen, Panzerstoß mit 116.P.D., 9.P.D. und SS-Pz.Kampfgruppe aus dem Raum Aubel – Limbourg nach SW.
    Chef AOK kündigt Ankunft von Generalfeldmarschall Model, Treffpunkt 09.30 Uhr beim Gen.Kdo., an Einweiser Eisenbahnübergang Richterich. Zur Besprechung Mil.Bef. Belgien, Gruppenführer Jungklaus.
    19:30 Chief AOK request to put 9th SS Panzer Gruppe in action. Agrees to make suggestion to Heeresgruppe to advance to South West with 116th Panz div, 9th Panz Div and SS-Panzer Kampfgruppe of sector Aubel-Limburg
    Chief AOK announces arrival of Generalfeldmarschall Model. Meeting point 09.30 at railwaycrossing Richterich. Also to meeting Gruppenführer Junklaus, Mil. Commander of Belgium
  3. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    TD-Tommy776 and Slipdigit like this.
  4. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    Thanks Ruud! That was a great day.
  5. TD-Tommy776

    TD-Tommy776 Man of Constant Sorrow

    Jun 3, 2011
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    The Land of 10,000 Loons
  6. KodiakBeer

    KodiakBeer Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    The Arid Zone
    I've probably said this before in different words, but it's worth saying again. Old Hickory represents the best America could put forth in the worldwide effort against fascism. It was a National Guard unit, truly the "citizen soldiers" of so much hackneyed writing on the war. It started out as volunteers from the Appalachians; coal miners, hill farmers. They were hillbillies - but I use that pejorative term with the greatest respect. These were men from the poorest part of the US. Tough men, men who came from generations who had known nothing but hunger and adversity. It was their legacy. It was a way of life. As the army expanded, trained men were taken from Old Hickory and replaced with men from all over the country, but they never lost that toughness. It was a tough unit and new men were expected to adhere to that standard. And they did, without a doubt. They all became hillbillies. They all became tough, rugged men.

    Those who have followed this thread know that SHAEF historians chose this Division as the best in Europe. They were the hard fist that led most of the offensives through the war. They broke the line at St. Lo. They held and broke the offensive at Mortain (Operation Luttich). They broke the Siegfried line in the Aachen offensive. They crushed the 1st Waffen SS along the Ambleve. They led the 9th Army through Europe to the Elbe. They were among the first troops in Belgium, the very first in Holland and the very first in Germany.

    The most incredible feat, perhaps in any unit in the war, in any theater, is what happened at St. Barthelemy in the Mortain Offensive. Two companies of the 1st Bn. 117th, were on the line when they were hit before dawn with an incredible array of SS and Wehrmacht troops following two panzer battalions. At 0900 when comms were re-established, one of the companies had 33 men left alive and the other had 13 men left alive, AND THEY WERE STILL HOLDING THE LINE. They had not been ordered to withdraw, so they held. There is no doubt they would have held until every single man was dead. When ordered to withdraw, they did so in an orderly manner back to the new line established on the other side of the town. And they held there for four days until ordered to advance.

    These were great men and each one deserves our respect, no, they deserve our tears as they shuffle off this mortal coil. They liberated a continent and asked for nothing in return. They came home (those who survived) and became the fabric of the society we live in today. As I correspond with French, Belgian, Dutch friends, it almost seems like they are remembered there better than here. I suppose that's natural. We never had those NAZI boots on our necks.

    I will remember and I've made sure my children will remember.

    God bless them all.
    Otto, McCabe and Slipdigit like this.
  7. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    another part of the before mentioned website http://www.4en5meiheerlen.nl/blog-oorlog-toen-en-vrede-nu/

    I stand at the town hall in Heerlen. I've just seen the mayor Depla go in with a stack of papers under his arm. He will soon have to give a speech to the American veterans of the Old Hickory Regiment. I already know what he is going to say, for any of us Committee for the Celebration of May 4 and 5 in Heerlen Municipality has written the basis for the speech at the request of the mayor and I translated it into English (with my former colleague Jos Smeets as catcher). I'm waiting for Carel, a member of the Committee. On a wall is a charming woman with gray hair. With a not identifying accent (American?) She asked me if it still has here is the 'Town Hall'. I walk up to her.
    - Come to the meeting with the American veterans?
    - Yes, with one of them - Marion - I have been friends for 30 years ...

    Marion was mayor of a town that has the size of Heerlen in the state of Alabama. And he sought the girl Rosie that he had met here during the war. He said in an article in the Telegraph: "Who will help me find my Roosje?"
    And then she replied: "If you help me find my brother, I'll help you find Roosje!"
    "Because," she told me with stars in her eyes, "I am a child of the liberation ..."

    Her mother had met her American father in Maastricht. But while she was pregnant with him, she would not like Valkenburgs girl with him to that large, distant America. So has dee woman hardly any memory of her father. But she knew she had a brother on the other side of the big pool. And Marion helped to find her.

    A little later we enter witnessed how this ex-mayor of Alabama our own mayor Paul Depla shakes hands. Depla the veterans addressed, the Royal Heerlen Male St. Pancratius sang, there gifts are given and the veterans are honored with a special decoration, made a star of ceramics clay Aarweg, they where long entered the city in 1944. The then commander Frank Towers has full power to the people present. Frank is 97 years old and tells the family he has come to know when and with whom he still keeps in touch all the timelines it.
    Slipdigit likes this.
  8. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    I know this woman, Ruud and have had dinner with her several times. She come over every two or three years to visit Mr. Sanford.
  9. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    Jeff, can you tell us something more about here?
  10. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
  11. Sheldrake

    Sheldrake Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    London UK
    Please forgive me if this has already been mentioned. Did you know that 30th Division served with the British Expeditionary Force in 1918? They fought at Ypres and on the Somme and their soldiers are many of the dead buried in the AMBC Bellicourt War Cemetery.
    KodiakBeer likes this.
  12. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    @Sheldrake: thanks for reminding us of the long history of Old Hickory.
  13. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
  14. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    Thats how people here honor all those brave man.

    Attached Files:

    Otto, TD-Tommy776 and KodiakBeer like this.
  15. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    Her story is in the book. I think the author misunderstood her. Some of the information (names, locations) in the story is incorrect.

    In the 1980s, Mr. Sanford helped the woman find her father (actually his family, as the soldier was deceased) and she found a Dutch family he had known well during the war. As I mentioned, she visits Mr. Sanford regularly and he has visited her a couple of times, the most recent was this past September, 2014, when he and his wife stayed in her home for a couple of days while he got used to the time change after the flight over.

    The Dutch woman and her family that Mr. Sanford was wanting to find was Philimena Duster, wife of Fred Duster. Mr. Sanford's nickname for Philimena was "Mientjie." The name's origin is discussed elsewhere in the forum. He knew them during the war when they lived in Heerlen. We visited what we think was the house they lived in during the war during our visit in Sept 2014. The Duster family later moved to Kerkrade, where they were when he was finally able to visit with them in 1994.
    Otto, rkline56 and Ruud like this.
  16. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    and on we go with the AAR :
    22.00 Uhr:
    Ia gibt Lageorientierung an Chef AOK: Statusreport
    Chef AOK teilt mit, daß Kampfgruppe 10.SS.Pz.Div. morgen noch nicht zur Verfügung des Gen.Kdo. Steht.
    Chief AK informs that Kampfgruppe 10th SS Panzer Div will not be at disposal for Gen Kommand
    22.10 Uhr:
    Ia 275.I.D. meldet an Ia, daß Art. und Granatwerferfeuer auf Raum Vise – Argenteau liegt. Einige Verluste.
    Will linken Flügel etwas zurücknehmen. Gen.Kdo. einverstanden.
    2210: Ia: 275th Infant. Div reports sector Vise-Argentau is under artillery- and Mortar fire. This inflicted some losses. Would like to withdraw left wing a little. General Kommand agrees.
    K.T.B. LXXXI.A.K. 11 September 1944
    09.00 Uhr:
    Meldet sich der Kdr. der Festungs-Art.Abt. 1301 ( 3 Battr. a 3 22 cm Mörser (f), Schußweite 9 km), von Hagen kommend nach Aachen. Abt. wurde 353.I.D. Unterstellt.
    0900 The commander of the Festungs Artillerie Abteilung 1301 ( 3 batteries of 22 cm mortars, firing range 9 kilometers) coming from Hagen to Aachen , will be under command of 353th Inf. Div
    09.15 Uhr:
    K.G. orientiert Chef AOK über Lage. KG informs Chief AOK about situation
    09.25 Uhr:
    Eintreffen Generalfeldmarschall Model auf Korpsgefechtsstand.
    0925 Generalfeldmarschall Model arrives at corpsheadquarters
    09.30 Uhr:
    Dazu General Brandenberger, O.B. AOK 7.
    0930 General Brandenberger arrives
    11.45 Uhr:
    Major Wolf:
    Feind greift mit 30 Panzern von Suden auf Höckelbach an.
    Sturmgeschütz-Brigade noch nicht eingetroffen. 6 Panzer gegen den Angriff eingesetzt.
    1145: Major Wolf: the enemy attacks from south heading to Höckelbach. The Sturmgeschützbrigade has not arrived yet. We counterattack with 6 tanks.
    12.00 Uhr:
    Oberst Pe.n, Art.Rgt/Kdr. 116.Pz.Div.:
    Orientiert sich als Erkundungskdo. Westwall über den geplanten Einsatz.
    12:00 Oberst Pe. N Art.Rgt/Kdr. 116.Pz.Div.: Informs as explorationofficer Westwall about the planned deployment.
    12.30 Uhr
    Chef mit Kdr. 9.Pz.Div.:
    Feindangriff auf Höckelbach und Kapellenberg. Div hat der Pz.Brigade 105 1 Btl. zur Verfügung gegeben.
    Linker Flügel der Div. südl. Eupen angegriffen.
    12:30 Chief to commander 9th Panzer Div: Enemy attack against Höckelbach and Kapellenberg. The Division gave 105 Panzer Brigade at their disposal. Left wing of Division south of Eupen was under attack

    12.30 Uhr:
    Obersturmbannführer Röstl, Kdt. 10.SS.Pz.Jg.Abt. “Frundsberg“ meldet sich. Abt. besteht aus 2 Kpn. Je 10
    Pz.Jg. IV (Sturmgeschütze) 7,5 cm lang, und 1 Versorgungs-Kp. Abt. wird 9.Pz.Div. unterstellt und gegen Abend zugeführt werden. Auf Grund der Entwicklung der Lage wird die Pz.Jg.Abt. um 15.00 Uhr beschleunigt zur 9.Pz.Div. in Marsch gesetzt.
    12:30 Obersturmbannführer Röstl, commander of 10th SS-Panzer Jäger Abteilung “Frundsberg” reports in. Abteilung consists of two companies, both with 10 Panzerjäger IV (Sturmgeschütze) 7,5 Lang and one supporting company. The Panzerjäger Abteilung will be added to the 9th Panzer.Div later that evening. But, due to the development of the situation, the Panzerjäger Abteilung is already directed at 15:00 to move very fast to the 9th Panzer Div

    13.45 Uhr:
    Chef orientiert Chef AOK über Lage bei Eupen und Limbourg und über die Unterstellung der Pz.Jg.Abt.
    13:45: Chief informs Chief AOK about situation at Eupen and Limburg and about the Panzerjäger Abteilungs deployment
    14.00 Uhr: Oberst Sperling, 9.Pz.Div., der vom Ia über seine Aufgaben als Erkundungsstab am Westwall orientiert wird. Obert Sperling meldet, daß im Raum Koblenz noch Teile der Div. (Werkstatt-Kp. pp.) liegen, die die Div. heranziehen möchte, sobald Sprit vorhanden ist.
    14:00 Oberst Sperling , 9t Panz div reports: in sector Koblenz are still some units of the 9th Panzer.div ( workshops etc) which he would like to add to the division as soon as fuel is available.
    14.40 Uhr
    Kdt. 9.Pz.Div. meldet an K.G., daß Feind über Höckelbach und in Eupen vordringt, bitte Front,
    zurücknehmen zu dürfen. K.G. befiehlt: Weg nach Aachen verlegen und eisern halten.
    14:40 Kommander of 9th Panz Div informs KG that enemy advances over Höckelbach and advances in Eupen, request to withdraw. KG orders to move to road to Aachen and hold firmly.
    14.50 Uhr:
    Ia 353.I.D. Meldet: Die 12.SS.batterie in Aachen (10,5 ) hat Befehl, abzurücken.
    Gen.Kdo. befiehlt, daß die Battr. in Aachen bleibt.

    14:50 Ia of 353th inf div reports: the 12th SS Battery in Aachen is ordered to move out.
    Gen.Commando however commands the 12th SS Battery to stay in Aachen.
    15.10 Uhr:
    Ia an Ia 353.I.D.:
    Orientierung über Durchstoß bei Hockelbach und Eupen. 353.I.D. hat ihre Truppen im Westwall zu alarmieren.
    15:10: Ia to Ia of 353 Inf Div. : report about enemy breakthrough at Höckelbach and Eupen. 353th inf div has to alert their units in Westwall
    15.15 Uhr:
    LXXIV.A.K. durch Ia orientiert. LXXIV AK informed by Ia:
    15.20 Uhr:
    Ia orientiert Chef AOK über Entwicklung der Lage bei 9.Pz.Div. und den Stoß auf Dalhem bei 275.I.D. Und meldet daß K.G. eisernes Halten befohlen hat und daß 353.I.D. alarmiert ist.
    15:20 Ia informs Chief AOK about development of situation at 9th Panz Div and enemy push against Dalhem at 275 Inf Div . And reports that KG has ordered to hold firmly and 353 inf div is on alert.
    16.00 Uhr: Kdr. 116.P.D. meldet, daß Stu.Gesch.Abt. eingetroffen und bei Henri Chappelle abriegelt. Beabsichtigt, evtl. den rechten Flügel zurückzunehmen.
    16:00 Commander of 116th Panzer.div reports that Sturmgeschützabteilung has arrived and closes the lines at Henri Chapelle. Intention is to withdraw right wing eventual.
    16.00 Uhr:
    Major Johannes, AOK 7:
    Die Pz.Jg.Abt. der 10.SS.Pz.Div. ist frei zu geben und nach Roermond in Marsch zu setzen. Kdr. Zu Heer.Gru. nach Venlo. Gen.Kdo. macht darauf aufmerksam, daß die Pz.Jg.Abt. bereits auf dem marsch zur 9.PzDiv. ist und es nicht sicher ist, ob man die Abt. noch rechtzeitig abfangen kann.
    16:00 Major Johannes, AOK 7:
    The Panzer Jäger Abteilung of 10th SS Panzer.div has to be released and has to be moved over to Roermond (Holland) and Kommander to Army Group in Venlo.
    Gen.Commando informs that the Panzerjäger Abteilung is already on the move to 9th Panzer.div and it is uncertain if they can still intercept them on time.

    16.45 Uhr:
    Ia 275.I.D.:
    Dalhem wieder genommen. Angriff auf die übergesetzten Teile bei Vise nach Süden.
    16:45 Ia f 275 Inf Div: Dalhem retaken, attack at the units at Vise to south.
    17.00 Uhr:
    Ia orientiert Chef AOK über Lage.
    Chef AOK einverstanden, daß unter Umständen der linke Flügel zurückgenommen werden muß.
    Ia betont, daß es am Tage wegen der Jabotätigkeit schlecht möglich sein wird.
    17:00 Ia informs Chief AOK about situation:
    Chief AOK agrees that under given circumstances the left wing has to withdraw.
    Ia emphasizes that this will be very difficult to do at daylight because of enemy fighter activity.
  17. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    Terrible news today. Mr Sanford (Old Hickory) died today. May he rest in peace.
  18. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    Slipdigit likes this.
  19. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    19.15 Uhr
    Ia 275.I.D. meldet, daß Feind über Aubel nach Norden bis Planck vorgestoßen ist
    Ia 275 Inf Div reports enemy has advanced North via Aubel to Planck
    19.40 Uhr Kdr. 275.I.D. meldet, daß Feind wieder aus Vise geworfen ist
    19:40 Commander 275 Inf Div reports enemy is thrown back from Vise
    19.50 Uhr: K.G. orientiert Chef AOK über seine persönlichen Eindrücke beim Besuch der 9.P.D
    1950 KG informs Chief AOK about his personal impression of his visits to 9th Panzer Div.
    20.00 Uhr: 353.I.D.: 1 Offz. meldet, daß Rötgen, das von 2 Panzern, 4 Pz.Spähwagen besetz war, um 18.30 Uhr wieder feindfrei.
    20:001st Officer reports that Rötgen , which was occupied by 2 tanks and 4 reconnaissance cars, was free of enemy again at 18:30
    20.00 Uhr: 116.Pz.Div. Spähtrupps der A.A.116. melden: Feindspitze Höhe 358 (3 km n. Hauset) um 18.10 Uhr.
    20:00 : Recon Unit of A.A. of 116 th Panzer Div reports : forward unit of enemy at Hill 358 (3 km North of Hauset) at 18:10
    22.10 Uhr: Korpsbefehl an 275.I.D.:
    Das Korps verhindert weiterhin weitgehend Feindangriffe gegen die im Ausbau befindlichen Linie. Dazu werden die durch den heutigen Kampf mehr oder weiniger durchstoßenen Verbände in folgender Line neu geordnet: Eysden – Gravensfuhren – St.Martinsfuhren (für Sie), dort Anschluß an Risse. Abschnittsgrenze nach rückwärts: rechts: ist klar, der Bach und die Armeegrenze.
    links: Martinsfuhren für Sie, Gülpen für Sie, Heerlen zu Ihnen.
    2210: Order for 275 Inf Div
    The Corps has to prevent further enemy attacks against the consolidated lines. Therefore the units which had their lines breeched, will be redeployed in a new line: Eysden-
    s' Gravenvoeren-St. Martinsvoeren (for you) and make contact overthere with units of Hauptmans Risse. Section border to back: right side is obvious: the creek and left flank border is Martinsfuhren for you, Gulpen (Holland) and Heerlen for you.
    Verbindung mit den in der Riegelstellung sitzenden Verbänden ist aufzunehmen. Es ist beabsichtigt, diese später Ihnen zu unterstellen. Es kommt darauf an, den Abwehrkampf so zu führen, daß möglichst noch Viel Zeit gewonnen wird, daß Ausbau dieser Linie und Abtransport der deutschen Zivilbevölkerung. Korpsgefechtsstand bleibt Walheim.
    Contact must be made with the units in the keypositions. The intention is to fight back in a way that as much time as possible is gained so we can consolidate the line and evacuate the german civillians.
    Headquarter remains Walheim.
    22.15 Uhr: Korpsbefehl an 49.I.D. (Hptm Risse ):
    22:15 Order of Corps to 49 Inf Div (Hauptman Risse)
    Feindlage bekannt.
    Position of enemy known
    Das Korps führt weiterhin den Abwehrkampf im bisherigen Sinne mit dem Ziel, weitgehend Zeit zu
    gewinnen, daß Ausbau der berühmten Linie und Evakuierung der Zivilbevölkerung durchgeführt werden kann. Das ist entscheidend wichtig. Die heute durchstoßenen und versprengten Verbände sind in der heutigen Nacht einzufangen und zur Abwehr zu gliedern in der Linie St.Martinsfuhren, dieses Anschlußpunkt zu Berger, St,Martinsfuhren für Berger, im Zuge der Eisenbahn bis Hombourg, Hombourg ist Anschlußpunkt zu Schwerin, Hombourg für Schwerin
    The corps continues to defend with the purpose to gain more time so the famous line and evacuation of civillians can be accomplished. That is of great importance. The units who had their lines breached and the scattered units have to be gathered this night and have to be put in defence in line St Martinsfuhren. This rallaypoint is for Berger, St Martinsfuhren for Berger. Hombourg is were they meet Graff Schwerin. Hombourgh for Schwerin.
    rechts: St.Martinsfuhren ausschl. – Gülpen ausschl. – Heerlen ausschl.
    Right: St. Martinsfuhren - Gulpen - Heerlen
    links: Hombourg ausschl. – Schneeberg ausschl. – Verlauf der Westwallstelung nach NO –
    Bardenberg ausschl
    Left: Hombourgh – Schneeberg – course via Westwall positions to North East - Bardenberg
    Es ist beabsichtigt, die in der Riegelstellung stehenden Verbände Ihnen später zu unterstellen. Verbindung mit Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber ist aufzunehmen. Es kommt entscheidend darauf an, daß die Verbindung zum rechten und linken Nachbarn unbedingt hergestellt und gehalten wird. Die Linie muß unbeding morgen stehen bezw. neu erkämpft werden.
    It is intended to put the units of the keypositions under your command. You have to contact the commander of the Wehrmacht. It is crucial to make and hold contact with units to your right and left . The line has to be absolutely acomplished tomorrow or be attacked to retake.
    rechts läuft die Linie weiter über Gravensfuhren auf Eysden, links Hombourg, Montzen, Eynatten.
    Rechter und linker Nachbarn wie bisher
    Morgen rechtzeitig Meldung, wie Verlauf der Nacht und wie Bewegungen geglückt sind.
    At right flank the line continues via Gravensfuhren to Eysden, Left of Hombourg, Montzen, Eynatten.
    Right and left side units as untill now.
    Tomorrow duly report about developments during night and how deployments have turned out.
    pistol likes this.
  20. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands

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