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A question ?

Discussion in 'War44 General Forums' started by warhistory, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. warhistory

    warhistory New Member

    Oct 14, 2012
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    Hey all, I am here to ask you a question. What do you think that the main reason behind the second World War. Please reply your views.

  2. brianw

    brianw Member

    Sep 6, 2011
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    Bridgend, Mid Glam.
    via War44
    It’s almost impossible to say one thing more than another was the main reason for the second world war. Reading many of the posts on this site might go some way towards answering your question.

    Was it the state that Europe was left in following the Armistice in 1918? If that’s the case then the reasons for the first war must be considered too.

    Maybe you could consider the state of politics and eventually the economy of Germany which allowed the National Socialists party to come to power with Adolf Hitler as its leader. Here you should also consider the anti-Jewish and anti-communist (in fact, anything not conducive with the “Arian master race”) views held by the Nazi party at the time.

    And of course there were plain old fashioned territorial demands; the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, Danzig and the Polish corridor; and then there was the question of reparations placed upon Germany by the Treaty of Versailles.
    So, if you’re looking for one overriding reason for the second world, you should start in 1919 and the Treaty of Versailles. In my opinion, the position it left Germany in after the first war probably made another war inevitable.

    In the Far East, China and Japan had been fighting for many years before 1939 and since Japan had no natural resources the trade embargo imposed by the US forced them into expansion in search of those resources to continue their war with China.

    Mussolini just joined in on Hitler’s side because he wanted to claim the Mediterranean Sea, Abyssinia, Egypt and consequently the Suez Canal for Italy. That action was bound to cause consternation in London since it threatened “The Empire” and the route to India.
  3. Cabel1960

    Cabel1960 recruit

    Nov 4, 2006
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    I also believe Hitler wanted this more than anyone else. It was his intention as early as 1933 (If not even earlier) to be the Conqueror of Europe.

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