Ok let's see what we;ve established here..... The AK is good for medium to short range shooting where accuracy is not as critical to hit something. A heavier bullet means it has greater 'stopping power' than the M16's 5.56 but less penetration ability. Also, due to it's looser tolerances it it less likely to jam after being buried in sand or submersed in water but it loses accuracy more rapidly than the M16. M16 is better for medium to medium-high range but it's higher tolerances, which give it better acuracy cause it to jam more easily under similar circumstances as described above. The smaller bullet has more penetration ability but less 'stopping power'. Did I miss anything? Random side note: All AK-47 clips will fit any gun. So if you are fighting an enemy using the AK you can make better use of thier unused ammunition by jiffing the clips from the bodies. (AFAIK the 101'st took ammo and supplies off the bodies of thier dead comrades during the landing during D-Day)
You have that backwards. The 7.62 has better penetration however penetration does not equal stopping power. To get maximum stopping power you need to transfer more kinetic energy to the target. If the round goes through and through it retains much of it's energy after exiting the target. In the case of the 5.56mm the fragmenting and/or tumbling of the projectile reduces penetration but increases stopping power as all the energy is absorbed by the target. Huh? What are you saying here? M-16 magazines will fit any M-16. AK-47 magazines will fit any AK-47. In the case of the 101st we are talking about something different. The M1 Garand did not use external magazines. The M1 carbine did however the ammo would work only in the carbine.
But will a Canadian made M-16 clip fit an Israli-made gun? That kinda thing. A Russian made clip will fit in a Yugoslavian (sp?) gun as would a Chinese made clip fit a Russian gun etc. Any AK-47 clip from any country will fit any other Ak including those made in different countries. (How about a new debate? the brand new H&K 416 vs M16?)
The clips for AK's with same caliber are interechangeble. There are some minor differences but does not effect the firing. For example YU clip when emptied locks the handle for charging (i can't remember eng. word right now) in opened position as indicator that clip is empty, others don't. During my ime i had Bulgarian, Hungarian and Yugoslav LMG so i can confirm this.
I believe the 416 is simply an M16A2 but with the gas tap system being improved? I believe NATO have what are called STANAG (i believe thats what they are called, can some one please correct this if i am wrong) And M16 mags will fit into French FAMAS rifles ect....
Who makes the M16? As to the 416 another variant to the M16 I'm not so sure. The buried in sand on camera, dug it out dumped sand out of the barrel and fired. 100 rounds were firing in one burst while the gun was being rotated along it's length wise axis and the hammer was handeled a few seconds after that.
Heckler & Koch. It basically a (possibly) improved upper receiver group of the M-4 which fits the standard M-4 lower group. It is claimed to be much less sensitive to dirt and so forth. All the claims basically come from H&K so who knows?
Actually the stuff I knwo was on TV. the guy was doing it right on camera with no chance (or at least a very slim chance) of duping it. Hammer was pulled out in about a half second and then he just handed it to the host. Damn, Future Weapons is a cool show (must get 'Banglor Blade' and shred concertina wire....and other things)
To clarify on a previous post my my learned colleague Grieg, I want to say that the 7.62 X 39 (AK-47) caliber does not necessarily have greater penetration capability than the 5.56 caliber (M-16). First, it depends on what target type you are shooting at. Then it depends on what type of bullet is being fired. Third, it depends on the cartridge load and muzzle velocity created for the projectile (the bullet). There are other variables as well. The ideal load for shooting at mammals is one that expends all the energy of the bullet within the target. Either a 7.62x39 or 5.56 caliber will go right through a man if shooting FMJ loads at close range. Shooting at 1/4 inch plate steel, neither will penetrate. Using 7.62 x 39 "steel core" ammunition, I have penetrated 1/4 inch plate steel at very close range, and the 5.56 will not do this at any range. Using a .308 FMJ, I have penetrated 1/4 inch plate stell at 100 yards, but that is another caliber altogether. - Greg :smok: