Seeing as not many people live in Montana do you think Britain could have it? Anybody who wants to leave the 'evil Euro Empire' that will be upon us soon would be delighted to up sticks and set sail for the new world.
Hmmm...if you like the Rockies that much, you really should settle in Colorado or Utah, rather than Montana. Those two are much more mountainous than Montana.
Portugal has not given a continuous supply of soldiers for our army... We have fought together (mostly against Spain).
lets be honest here the english cant stand the french neva have neva will simple. not only the english all of france's neighbours dislike them. in e recent poll in the newspaper the french came bottom of the popularity table across europe. as for the original topic the uk definetly sticks up for the usa more than the other way round, regardless of public opinion. one way to guarantee tony blair winning the next election would be to tell bush or whoeva to stick his righteous attitude where the sun dont shine!
Yes, in those popularity tables, Germany and France constantly end up on the bottom. That's because they are the most important european countries(politically and economically).So their smaller neighbours have the well known smaller/bigger complex against them. The same applies to the USA on a world level.
think u find germany didnt end up near the bottom, somewhere in the middle with the uk. whether france is more important politically or economically than the uk is very dabateable?
I think it might not be wise to start a 'France-bashing' (or any other country) discussion here... Basically because you will really annoy Castelot (!) and the Moderator on this board will be even less amused... :-?
Maybe he means 'continental' Europe? The U.K is politically more important than France or Germany on a world level. Aside from the recent part the U.K has played in the forefront of this present world situation Britain also has tremendous prominence with a mulitude of countries stemming from the Empire and Commonwealth. France and Germany do not to the same extent.
Yes, I meant of course continental Europe.(We were talking about european countries). On a world level Britain is indeed politically more important. As for the economical situation, well I checked in a book and indeed the british BNP is only sligthly inferior to the french one. So I learnt something today.
hold on a minute maybe ive been living on another planet, always thought that the uk was a european country!!
US late entry Just as matter of interest can anybody tell me the size of US forces before WW1 & WW2. I dont think they could have helped anybody because of their very limited numbers at first.I believe that somebody declared the US army was approximatley the size of Rumania or Bulgaria in 1939 and in 1914 was even lower numbers.Of course after converting to a wartime economy things were rather different but that took 18 months -2years to get up to speed
Quite. But I think I can trust you to it. Edit: I just realized that Castelot is the moderator of this section. Beware... You mustn't forget that France has another factor of great importance in the global picture: it is a nuclear power of considerable size. So being about equal economically, but of perhaps less importance politically are just two things in a whole array.
Does France still have a fair bit of influence out in Africa? I know it used to - partly from old colonial ties, partly from the goodwill earned by selling the marvellous Mirage III (and other cheap but effective military equipment)
Oh no, I'm not saying that France is of no importance. Of course it is. I'm just saying that Britain is a notch higher and the historical legacy of the Empire this importance is still felt today with the Commonwealth nevermind anything else like culture etc.