Never actually got the chance to play Blitzkrieg, but I heard it was a pretty decent game. Also, from the looks of it, many of you guys also enjoy it! Looks like I'll be trying to get my hands on it now!
This is a bit of late reply. I didn't notice this thread until now. I play Blitzkrieg, though not as often as I would want to. I agree it's a game with a very useful game engine. However, the earlier versions of this game tend to have repetitive scenarios to finish a campaign. The later versions are, I think a bit more dynamic. One notable aspect of the game: if you lose all your supply trucks, lose control of all the supply depots in the map, you'll be in deep trouble. I like the way the game handles artillery and counterbattery fire. Somehow, i disagree that infantry is useless in the game. I've won a few scenarios with armor making a feint and infantry going the long way round. It takes a lot of patience and time, but it can be done. And I prefer to capture enemy weapons (especially artillery and anti-tank guns) and use them against their original owners.
yeah, somtimes I get the time to play it and I consider it to be quite entertaining. I just find the scale up between vehicle size and shooting range a bit odd. Otherwise it is frightening to play on the German part, having used up the fighter a/c function and Sturmoviks showing up. Regards Kruska
That's why there are mods for new vehicles and objects(buildings, bunkers, camoflage nets, dragons teeth, vegetation, textures for units.... These take the original engine and add so much it is a completely different game experience, some mods adjust ranges, realistic sounds, German Marsche Lieds and give you different air assets. There are also new chapters and custom maps that portray as close to historically accurate scenarios. Arnhem, Normandy, Smolensk, Krimea, Stalingrad. It is probably the best bang for your buck(there's a joke in there somewhere) on the market and it has a live supporting community for constant upgrades.
All very true. The only real problem I have is when there's so many things happening at the same time, my PC sometimes freezes for a time. I sometimes solve that by slowing the game way down. Most of the time it works, sometimes it doesn't. Still, the best overall solution would be to get a faster machine with a bigger memory capacity, I think.
There are some 32x32 very large maps that give me the -1...... but if your having problems stick to the smaller 12x12 maps, shut the blood off and music and just run the high textures as many lower ones aren't supported.
I haven't played Blitzkrieg (or any game for that matter) in years. I remember it to be surprisingly accurate...but the infantry was far too vulnerable to HE/artillery in combat. A single round could kill half a charging infantry section instantly. And the tanks' onboard machineguns were far too accurate and gunned down (rather than suppress) the infantry in droves. I also didn't like how halftracks had no weapons in the game (which departed greatly from reality).
Blitzkrieg II was fun but I never played BK I. The vehicle models are pretty realistic, but the infantry's use is very limited; mostly to recon, since thy're very weak.
I think BK I was better than II. I only played the demo, but II had a lot of inconsistencies due to the new engine. (even the infantry was better modeled in 1). BK I had amazingly accurate infantry section TOE. from ammo carried to weapon used.
Stuff that annoyed me about the game (and was hopefully corrected in mods 1. Halftracks don't have onboard weapons, and infantry can't shoot from them. 2. Section MG gunners have too little ammo 3. Computer Infantry AI does not fall back and regroup under hopeless circumstances. 4. Computer Infantry holds their position or charges enemy tanks until they are destroyed; they never retreat. When bombarded at a distance by tanks, they too often hold their ground until death. 5. Infantry is too easily killed by all elements. 6. Tank's onboard machineguns are too accurate and too effective against infantry under cover or in buildings. 7. Because tanks are so strong and infantry are so weak, many computer missions can be won with only tanks, artillery, and self-propelled machine guns (flak, 50 cal. etc.). 8. Counterattacks should have more enemy halftracks and be deployed in close quarters. The computer AI tanks always charge in advance of infantry, which is generally crawling and pinned down rather than charging forward (which is what they should be doing)
I saw the title and thought you were discussing the old AH board game. One of the first I played .... Showing my age I guess.
Hello Iwd, Well let's see what you might have been missing since then. First this Board game (Third Reich?) PG was based on it. -even unbeatable till today - exept for somebody like me who sucks in throwing dices. This Boardgame was followed by (I believe) the first PC game - before Commodore 28. It was restricted to the Desert Campaign and one could move around blocks with the units tactical insignia on it. A stack with Ramcke, those 28 Tigers, and and an infantry division alongside the mountains, could stop the entire US advance in Tunesia. However Monty couldn't be stopped exept for the timeline goal.(You recall that game?) Then came Panzer general - still the best tactical and most fun to play with IMO - all other games just come down to nice graphics but miss the strategical options of PG. Same for me would go for EAW -European Air war - almost obsolete graphics, but in what other game can you roam around as a Luftwaffe Bf-110 trying to survive between 20-40 B17's and 20-30 P47/P51's ? Regards Kruska
I thought this thread was about the Avalon Hill board game called Blitzkrieg. The cardboard version of world domination.
I like this game but its stutters sometimes, thanks for the suggestion. I've clicked and added to your prestige
If you like Bk, Mk1 then you should check out Mission Kursk or Stalingrad. They are improvements to BK, many mods have been created for all three games, some quite astonishing with Wenn Wir Marschieren playing in the background as somewhat realistic new sounds blaze away when units engage in battle. Some guys have really gone all out with the mod thing new units ect. The best site was Blitzkrieg portal but it's gone now. Happy Blitzing