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Discussion in 'Western Europe 1939 - 1942' started by george marshall, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. george marshall

    george marshall Member

    Aug 23, 2009
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    Thanks for all your help; will keep in touch

  2. Carl W Schwamberger

    Carl W Schwamberger Ace

    Mar 17, 2007
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    This must refer to the fortress Eban Emael, which had its artillery nuetralized by a detachment of engineers landing on the fortress roof with gliders. The twin 120mm guns in turrets and nine 75mm guns in casements covred the three highway bridges crossing the Albert Cannal between Masstricht and the interior of Belgium. A set of MG in casements covered the small automobile bridge directly adjacent to the fortress.

    Had the German engineer detachment not destroyed the guns with explosive charges any German attempt to cross the Albert Cannal and three bridges would have struck by accurate and high volume fire from the fortress. Counter battery fire by artillery or air the Germans would have been ineffective vs the fortress.

    The first major German combat unit to cross the Albert cannal by these bridge was the 4th Panzer Divsion. Its long columns of halftracks and trucks would have been devaatated by the guns of Eban Emal. over half the tanks of the division were lightly armored MkI & MkII tanks. Those would be vulnerable to the 120mm guns. As Skipper wrote there would have been more casualties.
  3. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    Correct Carl, I also have the date of the assault that took place on May 11th 1940. The fall of the fortress resulted into panic and a massive exode that threw many Belgians on the roads . Many fled to France thinking they would be safe there. The French fearing the "fifth collumn", lost many hours blocking these guys at the border, adding to a chaos that would increase until the fatal days of June 1940. To this extend the assault of the Fortress was an important strategic move.
    But why am I still feeding this thread , wasn't George discharged?
  4. efflux21

    efflux21 recruit

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Breendonk was not operational in 1940. There other forts such as Boncelles, barchon, tancremont. Eben surendered on may 11th at 11.20 am.

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