the best field commanders ever alexander the great jengiz khan kublai khan attila hanibal caesar agrippa scipio salladin napoleon rommel manstein
thats your opinion, now how about a little support Hannibal Fer Instance, I agree- how about a why? I like Rommel, but I don't agree Why ? nothing really just trying to start a discussion..
David Ben Gurion is pretty good to. Israel had almost nothing to defend against 6 Arab Armies plus auxilliaries with the best equiptment the West had to offer, and years of training. If anyone from World War Two is on the list then David Ben Gurion belongs there as well since the 1948 War of Independence was well a miracle victory.
oh no dont exagurate the arabs had a low standard includes skills and equitment while israel had high trained forces so you can also say general schwarzkopf for desertstorm or general franks for afghnistan no gurion schwarzkopf or franks even touch one of these historical figuers i listed.
What I'm wondering about is, was Ben Gurion actually in charge of the Israelian army? Wasn't he just the head of the new country? I mean, the US had a large part in winning World War II but we're not calling Roosevelt a great general for it, even though strictly speaking the US president is the head of the army.
yeh dude for real if i would chosse an israeli general i would vote for moshe dayan but he also hasent the class of any from my list
Ben Gurion did command the Israeli Army during many of the battles in 48, and he lead the relief effort to get the road to Jerusalem operating.
hey man come on you cant be serius and compare ben gurion with a hannibal napoleon or rommel if you werent israeli you wouldent post such things the guys i listed wrote global history ben gurion is only a national thing
All the men you mention fought for or against those peoples which happened to be the most important of the day. They were in a way all "national things". Frederick the Great was a great general, probably one of the greatest ever. You don't mention him, probably because he was just a "national thing" for Prussia. alexander the great - Macedonia and Greece jengiz khan - Golden Horde kublai khan - Golden Horde attila - Huns hanibal - Carthage caesar - OK, admittedly Caesar only fought for himself... agrippa - Rome scipio - Rome salladin - Ayyubid dynasty napoleon - France rommel - Germany (in various guises) manstein - Germany
but not ben gurion if we acept him the gate is open for every kind of national feeling and the americans post schwazkopf or the japanese vote for yamashita there is no doubt these figres were exelent millitary leaders but they dont have the format of any of my list exept frederik
Napoleon Bonaparte's Top Seven 'Greatest Military Leaders in History' is as follows: (in no particular order) Alexander the Great Julius Caesar Frederick the Great Gustavus Adolphus Hannibal Turenne Prince Eugene (better known as Prinz Eugen) Any comments?
Yeah, whoever is Turenne? It strikes me that some of these men were not particularly brilliant but merely chose to use a different set of weapons or a different main weapon to decide battles than their contemporaries. For Hannibal and Alexander this was cavalry; for Gustavus Adolphus it was muskets and artillery. Arguably, Frederick the Great and Julius Caesar were greatly aided by having the most professional and well-trained army of their day.
And that is not a sign of brilliance? Deciding to ignore all prevailing military wisdom in favour of an untried system, and making it work? Seems pretty good to me. As a comparison, Glenn Miller chose to use a different musical line-up to his contemporaries (clarinet-led, not trumpet-led) and who remembers any of the other 'big band' groups now? Oh, and Turenne:
Fair enough, though I don't know anything about Glenn Miller or music theory in general. Turenne learned the ropes from one of the most modernizing and inventive army leaders of the day, Maurice of Orange. Why doesn't anyone call him brilliant?
Seriously, Al Amin, no offense,but your name is arab in origin and it is therefore biased if you do not like Ben-Gurion. I am not trying to insult you but any historian will look at the source of the comment. Now, the war of independence in 1948 was not fought by Israeli professional armies, the country was just created in a day and 7 arab nations declared war on it! If i may say, it fulfills the biblical prophecy of Isaiah 66. BEfore i digress, we need to understand that as a new nation, to have 7 nations declare war on you would have been the end,but Isreal fought and did win! I do admit that perhaps Ben-Gurion did not have the class of the "ancient" greats, but certainly to have won with an army of 164,000(correct me if i am wrong) would be nothing short of miraculous! Therefore, i think Ben-Gurion deserves to be up there in my opnion. However to each his own.Furthermore,all functioning departments of states were functioning in just one day, this can only be attributed to a great leader.
Welcome to the forum, Kaiser. I reckon Frederick the Great is "greater" than Ben Gurion when it comes to defeating several attackers on his own, since his enemies were actualy the great powers of his day and age, which can't be said of the Arab countries that attacked Israel in 1948...
Hello Roel, It is just that,having come from a young nation that through several difficulties and almost a war later, achieved independence,i am always thankful that we didn't have to fight a war. Now of course Frederick the Great was well,great.But the Prussians were already an established country if i am not wrong.Established in the sense that it is not a young nation like Isreal? However,to be fair,both these cases are quite different entirely. We have to note that while both these leaders faced several enemies,only Israel faced foes that was determined to utterly destroy them. Prussia, on the other hand stands to lose ground but not its existence since Europe believed in a balance of power at that time,reaching its zenith in the years before 1914.