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Best defender of ww2

Discussion in 'Leaders of World War 2' started by McRis, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. jeaguer

    jeaguer New Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Sydney Australia
    via TanksinWW2

    slim was colorful all right , AFAIK the big defensive effort in burma was in march 44 when the operation U-go exploded in the face of the british 14th army around kohlima
    the battle was desperate , the british-indians so far had always lost , they let themselves be surrounded by a cruel and pitiless enemy rather than reteat .
    their victory saw an army of 150.000 japanese anihilated vitually to the last man ,
    the U.S. command in this most political theater , pretty much gave up on chennault and the nationalist chinese as useless ,
    general stilwell instead started to seriously supply the brits , mounted his own raiders war and send some goodies to mao's communists who were doing some good fighting in far off northern china .

  2. corpcasselbury

    corpcasselbury New Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    High Point, North Carolina, USA
    via TanksinWW2
    It was to Operation U-Go that I was referring. The Battle of Imphal and Kohima saw some of the most desperate fighting in WW2. Imagine fighting across a tennis court with hand grenades, as was the case at Kohima! :eek:
  3. jeaguer

    jeaguer New Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Sydney Australia
    via TanksinWW2
    I was under the impression that this thread was about the best defensive general ,as a characteristc , so my vote went to heinrici overall
    the best defence by a general is no contest ,

    .............. chiukov at stalingrad

    some extract of 62th army for the 14th of september

    07:30. enemy in academy street
    07:40. 1st batallion 38th mechanised brigade cut off
    07:50 fighting near mamayev kurgan and the approaches to the station
    08:00 station in enemy hands
    08:40 station recaptured
    09:40 station retaken by the enemy
    10:40 enemy in puskin street 600 metres from army command post
    11:00 up to 2 enemy companies with 30 tanks moving on the engineers house
    13:20 station is in ours hands

    for more than three months , the 62th army fought with no dept , literally with their back to the volga
    chiukov on a bad day had a german tank in front of his door , battallions would melt to a few survivors in a matter of hours , fighting was sustained , intense ,close ,often hands to hands, nerves could not stand it , soldiers went mad or apathetic under the stress
    because of the incredible rate of losses and the constant breakdown in communications ,chiukov had to fight the battle by ears ,throwing reinforcments to the fury of battle , listening to the risinf chorus of bombing , the noise of assault , hopefully followed by the cressendo of soldiers firing and grenades
    too often , there was the particular battlenoise of an unit surrounded , the russian firing decreasing in intensity until only a few shots , then silence
    at the last great assault in mid-october he held on with his front broken in three pieces , unable to get supplies , with the volga carrying ice , making the crossing from desperate into impossible .

    that was some defence !

  4. corpcasselbury

    corpcasselbury New Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    High Point, North Carolina, USA
    via TanksinWW2
    Yes, it was. But Chuikov was aided by a tenet of urban fighting: Concrete eats troops. German bombing and artillery fire had reduced much of the city to piles of rubble; there is nothing easier to defend, as the Allies found out the hard way in Italy. Having the specter of Stalin looming over his shoulder also gave Chuikov some extra motivation, since no one can doubt what would have happened had Chuikov failed to hold the city.
  5. jeaguer

    jeaguer New Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Sydney Australia
    via TanksinWW2

    I think you misunderstand chiukov , being shot was not his concern ,holding on at any cost was,
    one's don't get people to fight like the russians fought with threats,

  6. ItaliaLegion

    ItaliaLegion Member

    Feb 15, 2020
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    For my romantic view on generals who stood their ground for the Axis powers crusade against Bolshivism . It is entirely necessary for me to admit that I have a formality sweet tooth for Commander Andro Vrkljan (Commander of the Croatian Naval Legion apart of the Kriegsmarine.)

    The Croation Naval Legion shortly after its creation became a naval infantry and was a special reversible defence group fought as infantry in the town of Teodozija during a Soviet attack. During these long, cold, boring Winter months, the Soviets attempted to destroy the troop moral by continuously dropping propaganda leaflets, which, among other things, poked fun at the Germans for having a bad Christmas, and trying to convince them that only surrender will bring about the possibility of ever having another good one. All leaflets ended with "Long live Moscow! Down with Hitler". The Croatian Legionnaires used the leaflets in their stoves.

    Commander Andro Vrkljan had proven him self on the front lines in the eastern front .
  7. freebird

    freebird Member

    Nov 27, 2007
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    Holy thread necromancy!
  8. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Model was HitlerĀ“s fire extinguisher....

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