Re: sherman76 Everything you say is correct exept for what Danyel said. So we're both right. You can see the difference in pics like these: The M4A1-76(w) The M4 Mk.Vc Firefly
Interesting that Roel's pic has no muzzel brake. Is that the prototype, or an earlier production model?
The American 76mm M1 was not threaded for a Muzzle break. The American 76mm M1A1, M1A1C, and M1A2 cannons were.
So, the ultimate conclusion might be... that... ?? (just bringing this up because it might be a nice topic for the 'newbees'on the forum. good luck!)
Well, obviously, that is because the [insert tank of preferance here] is sooooo much better than the Panther in [insert area of excellence here].
I absolutely adore the PantherG, however, i find some other tanks pretty attractive. T-34 for its simple and sturdy design. ( Animal it reminds me of: dog) Sherman for its reliability. ( though i think it has a pretty high shilouette for a tank of its tonnage.) And L6/40 for its desperate drama against all odds.
:cry: You ruined that tank now! I really like the T34, but I really REALLY hate dogs. It reminds me more of a sleek killer, like a ferret or that sort of creature.
Ooooh, another all-German-favoured member! Wait till Danyel gets here. I agree with you except that the best light tank is the Chaffee, without question.
In all tuth, can we possibly doubt that the best medium tank is the Panther if it is considered medium?? :-? Roel, u read my mind, those are exactly the tanks i think are th best for their classes. Namely, king tiger for heavy, Panther for medium, chafee for light.
I practiced. Seriously, I'm glad we agree; that's one less to convince... Despite the fact that its weight, compared to other medium tanks, is quite large, the Panther was a medium tank. Relative weight does not determine a tank's class; this is determined by the reason why it was built, its designed purpose in battle. In the case of the Panther this purpoise was MBT, making it by WW2 standards a medium tank. Another fact I've often brought up is that the Panther was not deployed in heavy tank batallions, like the Germans did with their heavy tanks (like the Tiger). Therefore by the definitions of the designers, the Panther was not a heavy tank. Why do we not simply consider it the best medium tank? Because the T34 has certain practical advantages that the Panther doesn't have (reliability, tactical versatility, simple design made for mass-production, easy maintenance). And because the later Sherman, in every thinkable characteristic, falls into the Panther's class.
Okay the Panther is a medium, making it the best all around and the best medium. I'll go for the Tiger II for best heavy and M24 Chaffee as best light.
It seems settled already... I think we shall have to wait until our american tank friends come over and starting the discussion. I would agree with the statment mentioned above, though. Yet I do have problems considdering a Panther a medium tank. It's nice for the tank that it's ranked as a medium tank cause that makes it an all-round winner, but considdering the standards of the early years of the war this baby was absolutely no meduim but a heavy tank. Though for it's time, it might have been somewhere in between indeed.
By early-war standards, Churchills, Shermans & T-34s are heavy tanks. It is the whole tricky question of 'define medium' - especially as goalposts change over time. The Panther is definately on the upper fringes of medium, but is not truely a 'heavy' in the same way that a Tiger I or II is.