I beg to differ.... http://www.manx-cats.com/ "Rumpies, stumpies and risers" ...no innuendo there! But generally they have no tail....I just wanted to put my pedants hat on there.....I'll put it back in the cupboard! :roll:
Whilst looking for something worthy of this little quiz, I found an interesting factoid. Did you know that humans and dolphins are the only two species in the world that have sex for pleasure! Odd, that! Okay, if you were a catfish, the number 27,000 would hold a certain significance. What?
It's not quite a fact that dolphins and humans are the only ones to have pleasure in sex. It's more that among the animals that were tested, dolphins are the only ones to show the same kind of brain activity as a human. I reckon they haven't bothered trying it on mantises or black widows. Back to quiz Is it the average number of eggs they lay?
The amount of basepairs that make up the part of its dna that make its whiskers? The amount of times a lame joke was made about a catfish sharing more charateristics with a cat then whiskers?
Sorry, making wild guesses here. I'm truly at loss for the right answer, though I'm quite certain it's an estimated number.
There are fishes who can hold offsprings in their mouth, but IIRC the catfish aren't among those.... The amount of molecules a catfish requires to taste something? The amount of taste(buds?) on its tongue? How many guesses am I allowed per post?
Technically, I believe it's one guess per post. However, as I was about to give the answer, I'll turn it over to you since your shotgun approach did hit the target! The answer I was looking for was the number of tastebuds on the tongue. How in the hell they counted them all, I don't know, but there it is. Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, Stix!!!
What's up with the blood of horseshoecrabs? (I was considering another list, but the one I had ready was even harder then the last)
Both correct, Roel was first, but gunters answer is more scientific.... You 2 fight it out, or who ever of you two is quickest.