I guess you gotta just go with what your have from each of the players. most important of those people who have yet to give orders is Great Britain. But then again, Mahross is busy isnt he Cvm
Indeed, the British prime minister has not been very talkative about the imminent war... Where's Churchill when you need him?
Morse code recieved from Great Britain... Beormunster Radio will now begin decoding messages from all nations... Orders not in... Too late! You will all recieve a selection of reports and gossip, hopefully the economic module too! Look out for HEADLINES in the near future... Heads down... Its war!
I have also been finding pics for news articles. If anyone has any that suitably portray their nation send them to me. Or write up your own articles... As well as news headlines, each turn will see some more detailed reports from our excellent reporter in the field, Beormunster RAdios very own Kate Adie... Peter Baver... Reporter Extraordinare... Catch his first report from the Polish Border soon...
Hey if I'm going to be away for a while (8 weeks) and wont have a computer, what should I do in terms of orders and such. Or since I'm Norway can we just assume that I get taken over?
Send me what you want to do regards defence etc... Then you can take over when you get back... Never know may need a resistence leader...?