See I think most of you are missing my point... I totally respect and have a great feelings toward America, Americans and the American Military. There is much that we Canadaians can learn from the Americans I think and Im sure it can go both ways too... Your right that war games are a controlled environment. Absolutly. They have to be. Militarys want to test an aspect of its its capabilities and need rules to do that. All I know is what I have seen. Somthing that us Canadians cant compete with with is the American huge logistic capabilites. America can project itself anywhere in the world very quickly. We sadly have to ask permission to piggy back with them or rent Antonovs that are pricy. In closing I am not one of those band wagon American bashing Canadians. I love America. I think they are like our brothers or sisters. We may have different views but I know when push come to shove either would be there for the other no questions asked. And I think its high time Canada beefed up and participated more with that.
Oh ya Canada uses Leo 1s not 2s. Yes they are out of date and I think we should have traded them in for Abrams when the yanks offered them for 1$ a shot... We have nulear cababilities but Canada has made a policy of No Nucs what so ever for defence. Right or wrong thats another debate. But we have the ability and no how our laws just dictate no... Your right in a real sitiuation we would loose agains the Americans. No doubt about it. Its just a matter of size. We have about 40 naval vessels of all shapes and sizes America has what 400 ? Not sure on figures... Of course I dont have links. How do I link a AAR from combined Cdn - US exercises... I dont know of a site with all those AARs out there for the reading... All I have are my experiences and take them as that my experiences.
We have 34 vessels -12 frigates -4 destroyers -2 auxillary replenishment vessels -4 submarines -12 coastal patrol vessels
Does Canada have a shrinking defence budget or what? Leo 1s are supposed to be in the trash can, 1/10 to 1/4 of the CF18s are down due to maintianence problems, and there's a pilot shortage. All that can be put right with enough money.
We actually have a growing defence budget. Our current government (although a minority) is very committed to building our once proud and strong military back to its pre-liberal strength. But it will take time and allot donairos...
Are you telling me Canada has nukes? Thats news to me! If you're not ever to use them for defence what are they for? I hope the answer isn't 'offense'
Actually a litte known fact and kind of government boo boo is that Canada did and does possess the ability to build nukes. During the 60s we gave up on the Arrow in favor of the bomarc AA system... It was desgined to but used with high level nukes on formations of soviet aircraft. We are also a huge supplier of uranium and plutonium (sp)... But no we dont not *wink wink* have ICBMs in Canada
Canada had access, I believe, to "joint key" weapons. American warheads, guarded by US personel in Canada to be released for use by Canadian forces in the event of all out war with the USSR. West Germany did too I think.
Of course you do. If the US could do it in the '40s and in the '50s the USSR and Britian and and so on, and given South Africa could do it while under sanctions, there is no reason to think that it would be beyond the capabilites of any reasonably advanced country with access to uranium ore.
My remarks in this thread addressed what is in my opinion somewhat grandiose delusions that some Canadians harbor regarding their military capability. There was never any question(nor would there ever be in any reasonable persons mind) what the outcome would be in a military conflict between the US and Canada. Not that I can envision any scenario in which it could occur. Just as I defend the US military from what I perceive to be unwarranted criticism from poorly informed people I'm sure there is a natural tendency to become defensive and overestimate the importance of things like military exercises when the result is one that you like and to ignore the results that go the other way. Are you claiming Grabber that Canada has developed and deployed their own line of Intercontinental ballistic missles? Not even the former Soviets could develop a line of ICBMs and deploy them in complete secrecy.
Grieg, please dont lower this into a grade school banter ok. Saying things like "poorly informed people". I am not poorly informed at all. And I would continue a constuctive disscussion on the strength and weaknesses of both militaries but I can see thats propbably not a great topic for disscusssion. And no we do not have ICBMs in Canada. That was the joke during the cold war. Because we actually did have ICBMs in Canada.
Of coarse we have we have plutonium/uranium what do you think powers out powerful nuclear powerplants that have been down for almost the last decade.
BOMARC's: Named after Boeing and some other company for the MARC part. Apparently useless without a nuclear warhead so with that in mind we were defenceless without the Arrow (which was needlessly destroyed beyond all hope....That still doesn't make any sense- at least keep the planes themselves or blueprints so they can be reiveved if it proves feasable again). BOMARC= useless anti-bomber weapon. Who the hell thinks up a weapons to counter nukes that requires a nuke to be effective? Bomber blown up= onboard nuke(s) detonate= rest of the stinking formation is at least damaged. I'm done ranting now :lol:
I think they destroyed the prototypes and the blueprints because they thought there was a soviet mole in the deaprtment of defence or something related to it.
Never heard that....still to totally scrap everything just to keep the Russians off it seems a little extreme. I mean all we've got is a wing tips, a nose section and test models (which were still on the bottom of Lake Ontario last I heard) There are no technical details in existance other than the basic size and intended armament (If with the Arrow gone they still could have continued work on the Sparrow II's) We probably still would have made it to the moon. It just would have taken longer.