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Carl's latest photos

Discussion in 'Photographs and Documents' started by LRusso216, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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  2. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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  3. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    sniper1946 likes this.
  4. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    The last two are somewhat IDed.

    The Hiwi photo is early war Russia-I THINK Nov 42?

    The pic with the General in the observation photo-General has been properly IDed. Nope-I was wrong about him being Guderian though he does greatly resemble Guderian. However, on recieving this photo just yesterday-I saw it had writing on the back and guess what? it confirmed this General not being Guderian. Anyone care to take a stab (and ill give two hugh hints) at whom this General is? Hint 1) He served on the Eastern Front-which is where this photo was taken. Hint 2) He was a General der Kav-and was the same Gen der Kav in my PK press photo that either Julio or Skipper had posted for me some months ago.

    PS, heres an extra tidbit about this General. In the movie: The Bedford Incident with Richard Widmark-the British Actor who played the role of Commodore Schepke of the West German Navy-IMO-greatly resembles the Gen d. Kav in question. The actor of course was: Eric Portman.
  5. sniper1946

    sniper1946 Expert

    Jun 11, 2009
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    all good pics carl,cheers once again go to lou,interesting to see what more you find out too,ray..
  6. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Thanks mate, and im going to spend some time this afternoon trying to research more of the info on these photos. Heck, if im lucky enough, I may even meet someone who can read the writing on these pics. Oh and all these pics that are have writing on them-are all by the same person. These dates so far-range from about June 29th 1941 to Oct 1943 ;-))
  7. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    June 1941 means yo u have comments for mthe very first days of Barbarossa Carl, that should be nice to find out. You could also compare dates and famous battles, you never know , you could have some gems there
  8. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Thank you Skipper, and thats exactly what I was thinking. Also, I can actually get a copy made of these today providing the CD copier is working at the Wal-Mart I am going to be at later this afternoon. If you want? ill make a copy of these pics and their backsides and see if you can make out anything I cant? If I can make this today, I can get it out in the mail tomorrow afternoon ;-))

    PS, I have not yet dug out any of my reference books so ill try doing soem searching on the internet and see what I can come up with. I can also practically tell you what HQ unit von Mackensen was visiting. All of these photos that are IDed-are by some Officer who served with von Mackensen-or in one of his units ;-))
  9. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Skipper, I forgot to fully answer your Q but-yep-I have a bit more info I can add and will do so after this post ;-))
  10. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Some additional info on the following photos.

    Here on pg 2 of this thread-the following which are shown as attachements:

    Attachment Nr: 10202. This Soldiers name is: Adolf Wenig-friend of the Gent who took thi photo. This photo is going to now be known as my "Lerch" photo. For those who don't know who Lerch is? he was the tall guy in The Addams Family TV series.

    Attachment Nr. 10207. This photo was taken by the same soldier who was an Officer (I don't know wha his rank was) who was the one who took that HiWi Pic, that Gen v. Mackensen pic and several others I have. Anyway, this officer was in some bomb-damaged structure when taking this photo which shows smoke from bombs on some City. Well, this photo was taken in Sept 1941, and the City (then) being bombed-is and excuse my spelling if im wrong but-the the place being bombed is: Dnieperpetrovsk. :-D No-im not smiling cause the City is being bombed-just smiling since I was able to make out enough writing on the photo backside to make out where the photog was at the time he took this nice pic.

    Attachment Nr. 10216. I am narrowing down the area this pic was taken in on this date of: June 29 1941. Ill edit here when I can have a better guess to the areas name. This photo shows 9 Army Flak Troops all who were newly "minted" with their EKIIs. This pic was taken by the same offz who took the directly above photo which is also part of what im calling the von Mackensen photo group-for simplicities sake.

    Attachment Nr. 10217. This photo is NOT in Russia and was taken of several Graves of German Soldiers who had passed away from wounds at the Reserve Hospital located near a Church in: Glatz, Silesia (SP?) The name of the Church and the Hospital is on this pic but I have not yet been able to figure it out. This photo was taken by the same offizier who took the von Mackensen phoo and it was taken on Oct 9th 1943.

    Attachment Nr. 10218. This photo was taken in: March 1942 and is from the "von Mackensen" group. Im still trying to narrow down the local on this one as well. Will update it here when I find out for sure the name of the area.

    Attachment Nr. 10224. Photo was indeed taken in: Nov 1942 and im trying to narrow down the exact locale-without the aid of my books and enough time on the internet.

    Attachment Nr. 10225. The von Mackensen photo. Taken in early Oct 1941, and this one too was @ Dnieperpetrovsk. :-D Notice the young Offz extreme left of pic? Doesn't he look alot like German Actor: Kurt Krueger? Does to me. I KNOW this Offz aint K.K because he was in the USA at the time as an American Citizen and making War Movies with Humphrey Bogart.
  11. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    Great pictures Carl, He does look like Krueger. I hope you'll manage to narrow down the Von Mackensen group. It's a bit gloomy to see your pics apparently stop in 1943. I hope they survived the war and have a follow up for 44 and 45 as well. If they were there in 1941-42 there could be some Ost Medal awards to be expected
  12. sniper1946

    sniper1946 Expert

    Jun 11, 2009
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    thanks for pic info updates carl,it all helps too with pics,ray..
  13. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Thank you Skipper, and also I too hope they survived the war. It would be an absolute pinch, if i found out his name and if he was still alive? I'd send him copies fo these and see if he would explain more.

    Thank you too Ray. I spent some of yesterday afternoon pouring over the writing on these and will be doing more today. Im also spreading the word to a few people locally and see if anyone knowns anyone who speaks German or can at least read the old script. If I had access to my books, I could give you Gents a virtual story on whats happening, when, where and other stuff ;-))

    Oh and Skipper, I will be keeping my eye out for anymore photos that l think could belong to the von Mackensen grroup. At least we know that the officer who took these photos survived till late 43. I have a feeling that this officer was attached to a Staff-or as an Aide of somekind? If so? theres a great chance he survived the war and I might be able to find out his name too ;-))
  14. colletorww2

    colletorww2 Ace

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Carl, how do you have the space for all this?
  15. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Heh heh, funny you should ask. I go to Jeffs favorite place to eat at, to do the research. Zat place ist McDonalds ;-)) I don't go there to eat but I do drink copious amounts of their unsweetened Tea-which is probably why I got sick there this afternoon.

    When I was in Houston, I went to the Los Faroles Mexican Restaurant taking my pics and several books with me-and was where I did most of my research and cross-referencing at-while drinking copious amounts of their delicious :yum: tea-which never made me sick-and eating a 1/2 order of their Chicken-Ranchero Nachos-which also was :yum: :yum: and never made me sick.

    Since I don't plan on living here in Austin for more than several months-I have not bothered with looking for employment-but I might take a job I was told about just to keep busy.
  16. colletorww2

    colletorww2 Ace

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Hehe, good luck with that :D
  17. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    I can use the extra moolah. My darn medical bills from my recent foot surgeries in houston, are starting to eat me for lunch.
  18. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    I can't wait for the next batch Carl. The officer could indeed be staff . After all he was an aristocrat or wasn"t he?
  19. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Skipper, thanks and, me too ;-))

    Im pretty sure the guy was an Aristocrat-from the juicy assignement he had. I just looked today to see if anymore were posted for sale but-nothing yet. These ill make a sacrifice for if I see more for sale? I wish that he would list these as having writing on the backsides so it would make it easier for me to nab everything that should go together.
  20. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    nobility of sorts still had it's privi's ..........plus who do you know for the assignment, a nice cushy desk job behind the front lines..............way back hopefully

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