it was a booster of mpral nothing less. Carl would be interested to see if the back of the pic of the "kids" can be confirmed as that is a late date. spring of 45 nobody cared about anything except surviving .........fewer and fewere pics were taken the end was near all those attending this RK ceremenony and you can beleive it new it was right around the corner. To believe within onesefl that thew ar could be pulled out was a pipe dream but the Red horde hasd to be delayed the inevitable so they thought
Hi E,sorry about not being able to give a salute earlier-yeserday was a bad computer day--ran super sssssssssslllloooww. nyway,im catching up on them today ;-)) Next will attempt to give you reps too.
Hi E, I don't have a pic of the back but-when I get back here later i'll let you know exactly whats written on it. I think it only has the date on it. I agree with you on the above-but one tihing I remember was that awards were passed out in the final days almost as if it were candy. I guess that was how their morale was supposed to be raised? Anyway, ill be back here in about 2 hrs and will let you know whats all on the back of this pic. Also, hopefully by then-hopefullymy postman will have comeby and leaving somegoodies-instead of the junkmail we got yesterday;-)
thanks for the plus's Carl ~ yes the awards even if not documented were to the extreme in 1945, got a special little something if I can find the rest of the info on the KM Captain but he was the very last KM RK awardee, in June of 1945. he never received the award but it was put forth and the paper work was all in order. Actually from what I have read over the years on this it was quite un-like the Third Reich hierachy to do this, a definate no-no. As I look at this chaps record must confess that he could easily commend his crew as well done upon the achievement of this awad as it was more than him to accomplish the record he gained with the 34. Minensuchflottille............. Carl or anyone else note my avatar
Hi Skipper, Erich, Jughead--it's confirmed-I just looked at it again and it the date is April 20th 1945. Also the number 27 or 2f is written on it and Im assuming it's 27 for pic nr 27 of???? As for being decorated at the end and after--several RKTs were also either recommended for and or awarded their awards on or after the war ended-according to Walther-Peer Fellgiebels book listing all some approx 7,320 German & Germanic RKTs and some 80? foreign RKTs, and I know several in there are mentioned as having thier RKs awarded in JUNE 1945-and possibly later than that. BTW, if wondering who Fellgiebel is-he too was an RKT. Also his book has been translated into English and published by some English company-I forget their name-anyway, they merely did a translation of Fellgiebels stuff-mistakes and all.
Dammit-I can't EDIT my post for some reason? Anyway, I was going to also mention that I have seen and or heard of awarding awards days, weeks, months, years and even decades-after the cessation of hostilities that ended WWI. Iron Crosses were commonly awarded like that as well as Imperial Orders. I can't site exact specifics on anything but I have a good friend who collects only Imperial EK1's that are engraved-and he has a few that were engraved and dedicated to a man sometime in 1932!
Hi E, if you can give more info on this guy? perhaps Paul might know something about him as well. Also, Fellgiebels book just MIGHT have his name listed in a special section in his book about cases such as his is. HAH,now I can edit??? Something screwy is goingon. And quite welcome E. Also, Im going to try talking with a friend this evening-I don't know the date but he has an unsigned Uboat war badge-Doc-which were only signed by Adms Carls or Donitz--that shows someone being awarded the badge-at least on official award doc paper--the uboat badge after the end of WWII. Im going to see if I have some tradable stuff that I can use to possibly get that award doc out of his mitts ;-)).
C ~ pick up that U-Boot doc asap, that sounds like a dandy for your collection the chaps full name is Oberlt. zur See d. Res. Wolfgang Feller Gruppenführer i. 36 M.S. Flottile date of RK is as the 318th of the Km is June 17, 1945. The award was for his tirious work with his crew in sweeping Soviet mines out of the Baltic during 1945 to allow KM and merchant shipping to rescue those stuck in the Ost and the retreat/sail back to Denmark. this guy and his crew evideetly were everywhere. at presetn I do not have a date of his passing. have pic showing my avatar with a later versions wappenshield - dual sided diamond in black with the little Dutch gal standing on a mine....
Hi E, thanks for his info. I'll check Fellgiebels bok tonight and see if I see any mentioning of this fellow-feller :-D and it'll be tomorrow before I can tell you what I find-since my brother is due home soon and will kick me off his puter ;-) PS, did notice your new Wappen-cool. I need to change mine sometime;-)) Heck, I might change mine sing some Gent in one of those pics I paid for and are awaiting for all to finally arrive. So far-only 4 of 30 have come in as of today. Possibly even better-I might use that pic of the Panther-or Brummbar-as my new avatar. No-I think I will use my Stalingrad Combat photo-it's cool enough for it.
I've dealt with Rick in the past C, he seems fair enough and his items are far ranging. Got snubbed on a LW Bordfünkers wehrpass the other day, just was not fast on the draw for my bid on it. you've only got 4 of the 30 ? that seems odd, why not all of them at once in one package, I mean how big can a photo container be ?? E ~
Hi E, im getting these pics from 4-5 different dealers ;-)) Most are coming from Rick and two from - can't think of his name and several from a good dealer who lives in Kiev, Russia - his will take the longest to arrive as he gets to the post office once every 2 weeks :-( This is the guy im getting the Brummbar, and PZIII pics from ;-)) Also, i've been tyring to get that uboat award doc from my friend for over two years now--all attempts so far were not successful.
I wonder what's going on? half of the pics Skipper posted forme are now gone? Anyone knows what's going on? I especially need the tank pics back up-especially the one with the busted right track.
if the photos were purchased off of ebay or straight from other dealers then they made the decision since they were sold to remove them. this is totally out of your control Carl. Best to get a photobucket account started up and dump the images when you first get them into their saved files then they are easily accessible anytime for you and others enjoyment.
Hi E, makes sense ;-)) I just wanted to make sure Skipper had nt landed into a hot frying pan because of posting them for me ;_)) So far it'slooking good ab out getting two very nice iger tank pics and a pic of several men from the GD division who had just been awarded some decoration. These three I want and in a bad way if ya get my drift? ;-)) I will almost b et that if I get these three which all have the potential of becoming expensive--that that other dealer I was telling you about willprobably put up some of those 44 pics from that one collection of pics that are of Gen Julius "Papa" Ringel.
C ~ even if using your bro's PC at times go make a photobucket account, it's that easy then your pics are there. Bascially just right click the image and save and wha-la ..... besides it's free. if the dealer has the images available with out their copyright name on them then download and store em
Hi E, sounds good to me. I'll have to wait till Monday before I attempt anything. My bro will probably be on his computer all weekend. At least there is still about 5 days left on these and I set the first bid high enough to discourge some of the BS bidders. The highest i'll go is probably 25% higher than I bid. I will definately go much higher on the GD awards pic. There is a nice view with at least one of them wearing the Divisions Cufftitle-and I THINK it's the guy waring a DKiG??
Just "Bumping" this back to page 1 so you guys can see a few more acquisitions im going to get in. ;-))