During the opening months of Barbarossa had the German army groups North and Centre taken proper advantage of the complete disarray and almost leaderless condition of the Russian army and push deeper into the Soviet Union with their initial pincers perhaps the German campainge might have succeeded in the timeframe Hilter felt it would (four months). After Crossing the River Divina in a remarkable feat of speed and surprise Von Manstein's 56 panzer corps was denied an opportunity to push immediately towards Leningrad which was practically undefended at that time. Army Group Centre as well could have expanded the size of it's initial couldren battle to reach perhaps all the way to Smolensk. I have thought of this scenario often.
If I could change something, I would have forbidden all banzai charges and suicides within the entire Japanese military as well as the production and usage of kamikaze vehicles. No more senseless deaths for a lost cause.
Of course that wouldn't be an outcome I would have liked. Even if the Germans could have achieved these bolder operations I believe they still would not have defeated the Soviet Union. I just always wondered if these operations would have been possible at that time in June/July 1941 and if so how that could have changed things.
Singapore/ Malaya - Two scenarios 1/ Percival is replaced a few months before hostilities by a fighting general, someone in the mould of Bill Slim, who would have trained is troops for the task ahead and stood and fought the Japanese. It would have been possible to halt them in central Malaya, wear down their forces and then counter attack. 2/ Before the Japanese landed on Singapore island, Percival was removed by a palace coup of his subordinates. They resolve to fight to the last. Poorly trained Indian formations are withdrawn from the frontlines and Australians used as shock troops against Japanese landings. The 18th Division could get a chance to show its worth. The British forces would probably still lose but hold on for three or four months more.
I am at a standstill between two battles I would change: 1) Wake Island-the relief force moves onward and helps the Marines at Wake giving a morale boost to the folks at home and allowing America to keep a strategic outpost in the Pacific. 2) Operation Market Garden- Is a success, 30th Corps links up with the British paratroopers at Arnhem bridge. Opens a gateway into Germany. Monty coming from the North and Patton from the South. Western Powers in Berlin by Christmas.
Believe the radar info at Pearl Harbor about the possible enemy planes and send the fighter planes to meet them.
Start Taylor's mission to train the AAF to vector fighters six months earlier. Then the FIC would be ready and hooked into the loop.
Change Coral Sea so Lexington survived and was at Midway. The USN takes out Yamamoto in June, '42 as well as the carriers.
Yeah the Lexington task force would have helped quite a bit. If things played out like they did in history, I doubt the USN would lose any major surface vessels.
Here's one with ramifications beyond the local theater: The attack on Taranto is a total flop. All planes are surprised and shot down while trying to make the attack and no Italian ship is more than slightly damaged. One Jag. of Me109s would have changed things.
I would have changed "The Battle Of Narvik"(The allies would stay, instead of pulling out to support the French). It could have been a real breakout in the Norwegian campaign.
Oh yes. The Me109's would murder the Swordfish torpedo planes. They might not have even reached their targets.
Well, it would not have made a trememdous impact on the war but it would have definitely shortened it. Germany would be without the natural resources from Norway. The strategic airbases and seaports Norway has would not be in Germany's possession.