Marlon/Merlin My original request was for Marlon to change his user name because I did not want these 'Boys Own Comic' stories credited to me! We had two very special sayings in the 'BAYS', the first was , 'When in doubt, Brew up', the second was 'Bulls*** Baffles Brains'! I have to admit that Marlon does know something about British Cavalry/ Tank regiments,--------- But very Little! Trooper, Queens Bays/ 1st Kings Dragoon Guards.
No rule, but obviously if you are discovered to be posing as something/somebody you are not then your credibility will take rather a dent. Marlin / esquilax, are you still here?
"It was at this point that things started to go awry ! Whatever status our presence had, there certainly were many British Army officers present, and in uniform ( or what passed for uniform ! ) because I remember thinking just how out of place some Guardee officers looked in their crisp and well pressed cotton drills, when most Americans and ALL of the Aussies slouched about in grubby camo trousers and T shirts. " In case there are any doubts left about this one, aussies didn't wear cam gear in Vietnam unless they special forces. Knowing the sorts of stuff-ups that can occur, I might have believed this bloke otherwise. You guys seem to be able to sniff out a fake pretty quickly!
actually in 68 in country americans didnt wear camo gear either ..except for special forces army troops wore olive drab fatigues and ball cap and o.d. tee shirts and undies as well the feild same o.d. with od flak jacket and m1 helmet with od cloth cover.... btw marines and riverine navy guys all wore o.d. too