What is your favorite map and game type, for all you diehards out there like me ? My favorite map would have to be either Cassino, not too big or too large, or Foy. My favorite game type would have to be either headquarters or ctf. What about you?
I love Cassino, one of my favorites map EVER. Foy, Arnhem, Stanjel and Berlin were all great...UO has MANY great maps. My favorite game type, Domination by far....just sucks that no one plays it anymore.
Been a long time since I played COD UO. Maybe I will have to dig it up. In COD WAW (PC) I prefer Search & Destroy mode. Not sure about my favorite map though - they recently added some new ones and I found one of them was pretty fun (played 2 v 2 TDM with three Rogues before other people joined).
Team Deathmatch on Foy for me. I took a liking to ambushing tanks and blasting them with anti-tank rockets (Jeeps and Horches are even more fun providing you have good aim and reflexes)
My clan has a Thursday night game on the base assault Tuchola board that rocks! That, and we used to have fantastic matches on the Barbarossa map as well.
woah! I love FOY and CASSINO and PAVLOV. I often play as Joseph_Pilsudzki on XXXRockyDoodlesXXX (or sth like that) server.