Chicken fried steak: If the breading starts coming off in the fry pan in great amounts then your grease is too cold. When meat floats, it should be a nice golden brown. :smok:
az iz. Roel, you have let me down and disappointed me muchly! I put in a comment in my best "Hollandisch Sprechen" and you don't even comment.TToo many Rollmops and curried Bratties I suppose.
Sorry tankpark, I haven't been here for two days! But now I shall comment. het is verboden in den wagen en op de balkons te spuwen en in den wagen te rooken of aldaar eene brandende sigaar,cigarette of pijpmede te brengen. H.Heinen. Directeur der Nederlandsche Spoorwegen-le September 1907. This is great old Dutch, dated 1907, and outdated for about fifty years. Where did you get it? It is forbidden to spit in the waggons and on the balconies (of trains), and to smoke in the train or to bring a lit cigar, cigarette or pipe there. Signed, H. Heinen. Manager of the Dutch Railways, september 1907. BTW Ricky, the moderator chappies won't split this topic as it is a free debate! Greg said when he opened it that it was supposed to be about everything you wanted. Well now it is! That recipe sounds mouthwatering Greg.
I've recently leafed through a flyer which outlined the Dutch law on firearms ownership. These are the basics. No person under 18 is allowed to own any kind of firearm, including air pressure guns. Beyond the age of 18, no person is allowed to own a firearm unless he has a hunting license or is member of a shooters club. With a membership card for a shooters club, you are allowed to own no more than 5 guns. With a hunting license you are allowed to own no more than six guns.
Interesting. Under Dutch law, you couldn't own any historical firearms, like an M1 Garand or a Mauser, or any pistols. What, if anything, do your laws say about black powder guns, Roel? The muzzleloading variety.
I was a program a while ago about a group trying to a WW2 tank destroyer, an Achillies I think, the program said that a normal shotgun licence was all you needed in the UK to own a 17 pounder Anti Tank gun.
Maybe I should get me a shotgun licence... It would certainly help me keep the car-parking space outside my house free if I could get my hands on a 17pdr...
You need a special Federal weapons permit to legally own any military hardware like a machine gun or artillery piece. The FBI does a background check. I presume that they have tightened up on that a lot since 9/11.
I would suppose that anything that fires a projectile by chemicals would fall under this law. So black powder guns, if they don't just fall apart in your hands , would be illegal too. Say Ricky, I'd do it! Looks nice too.
My parents own an old Flintlock musket however the stock is so wood wormed its debatable if you were to fire it which end would be more dangerous. I think if they needed something for home defence they would be better off with the flail (ball and chain) thats still kicking around in my old room. It doesn't have the nobility of purpose of a sword but if you want to bash somebodies brains out via their ears its just the thing.
I have a sword though. It's not sharp, and I bought it in Belgium without anyone finding out, so so far it's still mine...