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Dishonorable Discharges

Discussion in 'Counter-Battery Fire' started by applevalleyjoe, Oct 8, 2009.

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  1. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    I guess I'll throw in my take on the "Banning" process. You'll notice in a few threads or posts that some try to come off as "Military Historians" and when 'called to task' become belligerent in their defense. Others appear to deliberately post condescending remarks or post 'opinions as facts'. These don't last long or quickly become ignore by other members. I've seen nothing but great latitude by the Admin.'s and Mod's here with the resulting "discussions" that follow. When those who push the envelop in an attempt to get a point across or deflect attention from the subject matter (say a questionable source cited or simply copy and paste), it can turn from a discussion to a debate to an out right argument. Setting "PC" aside I've read posts that in my opinion should have deemed a reprimand and possibly did. As mentioned before, only the Mod's and Admin.'s know the Who, What, When. It appears to take a lot of repeat abuse to the site before anyone is "Banned" and those who are "Discharged" are usually not a big loss.
  2. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    I know a bit about Andy to know he REALLY is one of the good guys. I stuck up for him because of how I know him and will continue to stick up for Andy because he i a friend-like I would for any other friend. I dont know the full story and dont need o-on why he was sent out the saloon door. All can say is that he really is a true Gentleman and that Andy has a wealth of knowledge-as well as family background and personal experiance to be able to have the opinions he has-even if my CHERMIN friend and I have disagreements on some things even now and then. That said, and im movin on-just like the name of that Claude Akins TV series of a few decades ago. BTW, Res in Peace Claude-loved ya in everything I ever saw ya in-specially those I Love Lucy episodes.

    Back on the discharges, nazi punk wannabes and what people choose for avatars adn such.

    Ive run into a few wannabes here and also know enough about "Real" Nazis o know that "real" nazis would laugh at these neo freaks. Yup, I did know a couple of "real bonefide WWII nazis" and was friends with one. Nope-im no nazi nor a supporter of them but I was friends with a couple of them. They respected me enough not to push their former and even current views on me nor did I ever bash them for their beliefs. What we had in common was-a likings for military history as well as my wants t know about their MILITARY background.

    A few of the neo-freaks ive clashed with here are all long since gone and thankful they are. They are sick-minded-narrow-minded wieners with nothing better to do than o worship one of histories biggest most dangerous Sphincter-Muscles-ala-Uncle Dolfis Hitler-who IMO-was not as bad as Uncle Joe Steel-though both were cads of the lowest forms.

    On Avatars: I could care less what a person chooses to use for an avatar. If a person wants to use a Silver Infantry Assault Badge as their avatar-so-frigging-what? Otto mad me a John Wayne avatar-and im greatful for it and proud to have his image here. Otto didnt HAVE to do that but he did so anyway.

    Now if a person used a photo of a soldier killed in combat and blackened because he wa burnt-id have a problem with something like that. Not only IMO-would it be distasteful, but also a slap in the face to the soldier killed in combat and a huge slant and bigtime disrespectful for the dead. I cant tolerate that. I love collecting WWII German photos, but you will not see me collect any photos showing dead soldiers. I do have afew showing graves and burial services-but none of those in any way, shape or form, disrespect the dead.

    Anyway, thats my opinioons on such things. Sorry if I got off-topic a bit.
    Falcon Jun and Za Rodinu like this.
  3. 36thID

    36thID Member

    May 23, 2008
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    Hello Carl And All,

    Carl... I just got my pee pee wacked for my thread on the gereral discussion about the Japanese wanting us out of Okinawa....

    Like you, I am friends with the Willey family in San Antonio. I am well known on the 36th web site and am proud to say I have helped many family members trace their loved ones battles....

    To Tomcat and everyone I appologize and never wanted to inflict a problem on this great site.....

    Having 8 relatives and many church members in WW 2 while writting a book about my brave uncle KIA, I hope my reputation is OK here.

    Best Regards
    Tomcat, von Poop and formerjughead like this.
  4. sunny971

    sunny971 Ace

    Apr 29, 2009
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    seems to me more like a case of sexual harrasment!

    Hey mods... keep it above the waist will ya!

    Unless otherwise requested...:D
  5. formerjughead

    formerjughead The Cooler King

    Dec 29, 2008
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    For what it's worth: Your reputation and status are in good standing with me.
  6. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    I bailed from your thread but agree totally with formerjughead. As far as I'm concerned your thread was Hi-jacked and the Pirates should have been keel-hauled.
  7. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    talking about hi-jacking, what about getting this one back on track guys? Keel-hauling, hmm....... tempting, I 'll have to think about that.
  8. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    A quick one for Steve before im back on topic. I didnt get to see what happened in your case but-no worries about anything-your rep is good with me as well. Heck, mine goes up and down all the time ;-)) I sometimes feel like an Otis Elevator ;-))

    But as for those who come here to cause trouble or push their wierd ways on the good folks of this site-as they say-I aint got nothin but nothin for their types.

    Take care Steve and looking forward to more discussion about Gregg Wiley ;-)) I wish he were still here as he really was a great Gent to know.
  9. sunny971

    sunny971 Ace

    Apr 29, 2009
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    reps go down??? i didn't know that
  10. A-58

    A-58 Cool Dude

    Nov 13, 2008
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    Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    That depends on who you hang with....
  11. sunny971

    sunny971 Ace

    Apr 29, 2009
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    so in other words, I should keep my eye on you.. :D
  12. A-58

    A-58 Cool Dude

    Nov 13, 2008
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    Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    Only when it gets dark....
  13. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Suzie, they used to and I miss being able to place a flame by someone who deserved it. I did so once-a long time ago ;-))
  14. formerjughead

    formerjughead The Cooler King

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I think you lose a couple points for each trip to the cooler or maybe thats just if you make a a couple of trips in the same month........that's what I hear anyway.
  15. A-58

    A-58 Cool Dude

    Nov 13, 2008
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    Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    The Cooler King Speaketh....
  16. Spaniard

    Spaniard New Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Now thats funny, Words of wisdom I read from him. No worries one day he'll practice what he preaches. By his words there could be hope:D
  17. Falcon Jun

    Falcon Jun Ace

    Oct 2, 2007
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    I noticed those flames when I first signed up. I sure am glad I didn't step on any toes while I was still learning the ropes here.
    I think I did get a subtle warning during a discussion with Devil's Advocate in my first year here but DA thoughtfully cleared it up in a subsequent post.
    One thing I know that works here: we may all disagree but being civil and not taking things personally helps a lot. Oh, one other thing, a good dose of humor goes a long way.
    Slipdigit likes this.
  18. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    Well spoken, Fil.
  19. Spaniard

    Spaniard New Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Well not all the Times Many things concerning WWII are not debatable others Are. We must all remember theres two versions to War.

    Well that's worked for me I can safely state I don't use Potty mouth words to get many point of view excepted or even if as a possibility. It's been proven many times that even World Renowned historians and all the books they write some accounts are incorrect or half the info is provided.

    This site is about Gathering Knowledge on WWII and reveal the complete Truth Concerning WWII.

    I never take things personally and I have been Civil Ok I might have been a little Reckless but only when many assumptions of my intentions as Aggressively been called names by others, while I provided all my Sources when I see things differently and an Explanation why.

    Well Humour all depends, What you see thats funny others might not, That's the problem Icci. Or Someones having a bad day or took his Girlfriends or Wife's Prozac by mistake.:D LOL

    Being Civil respecting others, Unless warranted and not taking yourself to seriously, is Good Form!
  20. Kevin Kenneally

    Kevin Kenneally Member

    Apr 24, 2009
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    The mods do a fair job of trying to control what some consider "good words", but others know and feel they are "bad words". I listen to what the mods say and I do enjoy how they control the forums. But you will always have one or two "test" the waters and eventually they get the "DD" title.

    Hey, if you don't spend time in the cooler, then you don't know what you are missing....

    I like this website for the interesting conversation and information I have found. Thanks to all who post here, good or bad, because everyone is allowed to speak (unless you speak out of the "wrong-side" of your mouth).
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