I read this thread for the first time and I noticed in an earlier post someone said the Cross of Iron used the correct tanks. Close. If you look you will notice the T-34's are T-34/85's(and late models of these, look at the smoke dischargers). This battle in CoI is the retreat from the Taman penninsula I think, in the spring/summer of '43. The T-34/85 doesnt go operational until spring '44 and doesnt show up in large numbers until '45. The examples in the film were built in the late '40's. You can find inaccuracies in nearly every film but it only bothers me when its way off. At least they used Soviet tanks in CoI.
Goood observation, I missed that one. What I find very annoying is, when they try to pass off Sherman tanks as Tiger tanks like in "The Big Red Oneeven though I like that movie very well.
Every time I watch the Big Red One I can't enjoy the movie, because my mind won't let me except that a sherman is a tiger and it drives me crazy. It keeps on poping up in my head during the whole movie.
i know what you mean. One movie like that for me is Midway with charlton Heston. Alot ofthe fighting scenes in the movie were actual war film...but i could never accept kamakaze films for this supposed combat for Midway...not to mention EVERYTIME they showed a Japanese Carrier it was American Essex class...and all Carriers for americans were essex class too!! lol (just different angles) Essex class carriers didn't exist in the war till early 44.! AND to top everything!! Heston's Heroic death is when his plane crashes on the carrier deck...well the footage they show of a plane crashing is of a JET !!!!! i still watch this movie but it really does bother me a TON nowadays. A movie that i LOVE to watch is...damn what's it's name Countdown? i forget...the story is a nimitz class carrier is timeported to like December 5 1941 and the story goes from there. It always makes me smile when some Tomcats take down some zero's...and imagine what they thought before being shot down...kinda like "Holy crap where did the americans get planes like that?! where's the propeller?!" LOL
Ron I liked that "dog-fighting" too with the F-14 and two Zeros. But I was waiting a better end to the film. The Name of the film here is "Nimitz - De volta ao Inferno", or in English: "The Final Countdown".
Ohhhhh yeah ok the final Countdown...that's it!! Thanks! Yeah i'm always let down by the ending too. I always wanted to know what would happen to the Japanese fleet with all those modern bombers and stuff...it would have been blown all the way back to Japan!! lol
Another film with time travel is the series "The Project Philadelphia", in the second movie, filmed in 1993, a Stealth bomber arrives in 1943 and with the Nazis win the war, because the Germans use the Stealth to drop a nuclear weapon in Washington. Film shows America after 50 years of German occupation. That´s courious, but the first version of "The Project Philadelphia" was better. I think that Hollywood should make better films with subject "Time Travel" with WW2. Just reading the "What If" session here at Forums there are many ideas.
Countdown was nice. There was another film like that, which was a japanese movie. Its all about a group of modern day japanese soldiers getting warped to the 1400-1500's, where they end up fighting against the samurai, and lots of em i might add... a haftrack, a m60 or pershing tank, rifles, grenades etc.... they take on tens of thousands of troops.... know this movie? As for Hollywood accuracy... its funny though this inaccuracy only exists for the enemy, not just germans, but vietcong/NVA too (in vietnam movies). If i was to direct a movie worth 20000000 usd, i would hire a few historians as well, or even better, i'd use the expertise of the discovery channel peeps.
Only just read this thread . . In Britain the film biz seems to be going through a rather 'misty' or 'romantic' phase where WWII is concerned. This started with 'The English Patient' and has extended via 'Enigma' and 'Charlotte Gray' - seems to be giving the war an odd intellectual/middle-class-heroine slant. Going back to 'English Patient' - which I loathed with every fibre of my being and has devalued the Oscars for EVER - in the midst of all the hype novelist Frederick Forsyth ( who knows his military detail ) wrote a scathing newspaper review of that film demolising it point by point and had me literally laughing out loud ! I wish I'd kept that review - it was a classic job.
Is Charlotte Gray any good? I saw a poster for it at the theatres when I went to go see Harts War, and it looked interesting to say the least.
'Charlotte Gray' - the reviews were lukewarm, it disappeared from the cinemas fairly quickly , and I'm afraid I never got around to seeing it.
Charlotte Gray-now, im a sucker for a good war flick, but this has the very romantic side of the FRENCH resistance to it, so i dont think it will be any good. I was one of those English Patient viewers who skipped to all the war scenes!!!! Hart's War-sounds hazy in the synopsios but i still gotta see it!!!!
Not WW2-but i saw a fault in FULL METAL JACKET-after the guys' first engagement in Hue, you can clearly see that one of the guys' M16 mags is missing, but then in the next scene-ITS BACK!-And he has to change it again....
Hallo! Hey Martin! Do not say bad thing about "The English Patient"! It is my bloody favourite film ever! It is not good to include that film here, where we are discussing about war films, because it is not a war film! The story happens during the war and that is over. But the main-love-tragic story is awesome. I still picking up pieces of my heart for that ending... I just love tragedy! I am still laughing about the first posts of this topic, posted a year ago, when we all were looking forward "Pearl Harbour". It just sounded great... God! How disappointed we all were... "Tora! Tora! Tora!" is excellent, the visual effects have no comparisson, but the story (even without a main story) was very good. "Pearl Harbour"'s love story was a cheap "Titanic" (and this love story already sucks...)... It simply was awful!!! Beside, I could find a big error in "Pearl Harbour": what the hell was admiral Yamamoto doing in the carriers?! He was 10.000 miles away on board the Yamato in Japan's sea! The film also shows three completely different stories: the Battle of Britain, the attack on Pearl Harbour and Doolittle's raid... That is very unwise. If it didn't have the marvelous visual effects it has I surely would burn the film I bought... U-571: what a filth! U.boat commanders shooting sailors in a boat?! What the hell is that? Did you realise that the German destroyer's crew were all idiots? Did you see how fake the inside of the U-boat was? again, if it weren't for the bloody good effects...!!!
Thanks for your thoughts, I think ill check it out after it gets released on VHS. At least the poster I saw of it looked cool.
Ahhh, Friedrich - you are a secret romantic ! I shall be kind about the English Patient. I shan't mention how strange it was that the badly-burned and injured hero should be evacuated from Africa, toward the frontline in Italy. And my favourite part of all - the beautiful heroine's body is left in a cave in the desert. The hero returns some weeks later ( Ah Ha ! I think, now we shall see the putrid, bloated corpse ! ) No ! She is still as beautiful as ever ! .... As I said, I shan't mention it...
Yes, I am a stupid bloody romantic! Any problem?! That is why it is a fim, everything can happen. Beside, it was a cool cave, so she was like in a natural refrigerator... Well, at least you cannot denny that the love-story is one of the bests ever! "Pearl Harbour"'s cannot even be mentioned as a vulgar storyy, because it is less than vulgar. In the other hand, "English Patient"'s is wonderful. The tragedy gives that special flavour. It is like the pepper... The writer did learnt Shakespeare's lesson. I wonder: Would "Hamlet" be the greatest literary work of all times if everybody didn't die at the end? Or would Romeo and Juliet be the greatest love story of all times if they had survived and live happily ever after? I do not think so...
Friedrich, I bow before the fiery idealism of youth ! Meanwhile, I turn my face toward to the snows of the steppes and once again - pop the video of 'A Bridge Too Far' into the machine ! No love scenes in that one . . . . . .