Virtually every day I lose access to WW2F usually shortly after noon. I either get a "Page Loading Error" message, or a "Page not Found" error message, no matter what I try to do. The problem usually lasts from early afternoon through the early morning hours (Pacific Coast time)of the next day. I figure the host server is screwed up in some way, so I move on to other forums and simply forget about WW2F until the next day. I'm using Firefox 3.0.11, but I've also tried IE 7 and IE 8; same results.
Hmm... I've not had this problem since the new server. Of course since I'm Canadian like Otto, perhaps I have a special connnection!!
I'm investigating the issue. It may have something to do with a combination of a slow server and the abominable "security software" my internet provider runs on top of their regular programs. But they have always run that crap and the problem only showed up after the new host server was implemented.
If it can help here in Italy I have the problem from time to time and the cause has always been the local DNS. If the browser can't connect I try nslookup and if it fails I just re-enable the line for the forum in the hosts file. It has always happened that way up to now up to now so that's why I believe it was DNS. But if it's DNS there's very little you can do at your end.
I've had major problems getting onto the forum over the last six-eight weeks. Sometimes I can't get in at all, or I get in, try to post something, and then get a 'no response' mesage. All very frustrating, and the only problem I'm having with any regular site......
How about this for a new twist ? when running IE8 with Google browser,Fav ww2forum then suddenly Firefox loads up and hey presto up comes ww2forum. It started happening today. I am sure a higher alien intelligence resides in my old laptop because my twelve month old desktop aint that clever. I keep threatening to scrap the laptop but it always comes up with one last gasp.
I have never had real big problems accessing the site from my home computer or laptop but two or three times in the last few days I have received a message that the server is not responding when trying to access it on my phone.
I've been having all-kinds of problems trying to log into almost any site-which is frustrating as hell, then I get perturbed and load in a game=play if for several hours-forgetting I need to uninstall it before trying to make an attempt to get into any site only realizing that after waiting about 20 minutes only to get a "page cannot be displayed" message-that I need to uninstall said game-just like this evening
Hi Andy, it is annoying especially since were now a two computer household and my Brother keeps his active from the minute he gets up till he goes to bed-which I have been told slows things down quite a bit. I was up till 4am this morning and finally got back into this site-only after he went to bed.
Carl time to reboot when things are slow, get rid of the cookies and temp internet files will spped things up as to firefox I have it and it does not matter because in about an hour/2 I will not be able to log in as the familiar daily server error box and cannot find the URL will show up till early the next morn
I have tried every day for the last 5 days and have not been able to access any point of the WW2f site at all. I run firefix, but have tired IE as well, with no luck at all.
Hi E, I noticed I too have Firefox, netgear, mozilla and Internet Explorer-if that means anything? I have been getting up all these doggone annoying popup ads. The person who invented those should be found and summarily executed by the slowest most painful of ways. PS, I forget to add, how do you get rid of those cookie-things? I don't even know what they are? ;-))
Hi Sir, i've tried that too when I used my Brothers Laptop. Ill try it on mine next time something happens. I finally also made it into the Wartradersguild site this morning-first time in about 5 days.
Well two days in a row, and I've got on with no problems! I'm pretty happy today!! Not sure what changed, but I'm happy to be on again!