SC 339283 - Berlin bound, the Seventh Army pushes inland over the coastal ridges of Southern France. La Garde Freinet, 17 August 1944. The scene today. A third story added postwar to the house on the right. The photos are here: France - a set on Flickr III-SC 339283, credit NARA. Dave
Very nice work Kerd,i really hope you have already enjoyed the places ,especially the southern ones.Correct me if i'm wrong but the "last hour resistant" is equiped with a Garand?I think he's holding this weapon for the pic,cause resistants were mostly armed with Brit stuff,weren' they?
SC 200793 - The 9th Armored Division Band plays for men of the 3rd Armored Field Bn in Aboncourt, Lorraine, 14 February 1945. The scene today: All of the photos can be found here: France - a set on Flickr III-SC 200793, credit NARA. Dave
I think I already saluted you for this thread Dave, but you're posting such dang good stuff I had to throw another your way.
Great research once again. Note the combat damage on the front of the church (hole on the statue that was damaged beyond repair, wood plank replacing a window and mg hole in the wall.
Thank you, Lou, Tom and Jeff. And merci, Skipper. This project is fun and a challenge. I'll continue until I run out of photos from the NARA, which will give me an incentive to go back there. Dave
I look forward to seeing what else you come up with. If you ever come across any photos from the 44th ID area (vicinity of Sarreguemines-Bitche) I would be very much interested.
My two cents to htis fine thread: it too kme wa while to identify what appears to be the north side of the Metz , Lorraine cathedral . This is a huge Mädel gathering .
Thanks, Dave. My specific interest is in C Company of the 776th TD Battalion. The were attached to the 44th ID during Nordwind - specifically the 114th and 71st Regiments. I just figured it would be easier to find 44th ID stuff.
Hi Les Petites Dalles (Normandy - Seine Maritime - France). June 7, 1940 : Today: On the recent photo, we can see bunkers built by German between 1940 and 1944 Regards
SC 193394 - After liberating the town, men of the 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, leave Salernes, Provence, 18 August 1944. The scene today: Salernes is renowned for its tiles, by the way. Salernes Tourist Guide - Information France The photos can be found here: France - a set on Flickr III-SC 193394, credit NARA. Dave
Good show once again and yes, it's famous for its typical Provence tiles. Note the construction worker company depot on the right. The big chesnut tree was already there in 1944. Same for the one on the right corner in the rear.
SC 193395 - An Engineer patrol, probably of the 36th I.D., "crosses a bridge west of St. Raphael which is heavily mined and has a road block." St. Raphael, Provence, 16 August 1944. The busy Boulevard de la Liberation today: The majestic Notre Dame de la Victoire is in the far right of both photos. Notre Dame de la Victoire « Paroisses Catholiques à Saint-Raphaël File:Saint Raphael Notre Dame de la Victoire.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia All of the photos can be found here: France - a set on Flickr III-SC 193395, credit NARA. Dave