I do appreciate very much writing in this forums in English, not in Krautish In any case the best anti-tank weapon the Allies had was a B-25 bomber group over a marshalling yard, and there wasn't much the Germans could do about that, not even the Pz IV could be made to shoot upwards, therefore no solution. And taking on your signature, here is some more Henry V, albeit in a kindler, gentler fashion:
Can't remember where I read it but it seems that the Mk IV was unable to accommodate any larger caliber due to the limited space for the gun and ammo.
Alas, poor Yorick, that turret is to my eyes Much too small already for the KwK 40 L/48. Too low in height it is, thou would unable be To fit a larger gun in, not to mention Longer length and recoil extension.
But hard, what gun through yonder glacis breaks? It is the large gun breach, and the ring is small. Arise, Ferdinand, and challenge Henschel, Who is already designed a machine of death But thou, GroFaz’s desire, art far more favored than he.
Miguel, you've got me on a roll. O STuGIII, STuGIII, wherefore art thou STuGIII? Deny thy turret and refuse thy name a tank; Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my grizzled beast And I'll no longer be a Hertzer.
Ye StugIIIth is in battle hunting ye t-34th to killeth. Keepeth thou panzer, for it is not needeth Who started THIS! Let's refer to the good book "The Stug III is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Stug III is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid of? Certainly not of thy T-34"
"See, noble Charles, the beacon of our friend; The burning torch in yonder turret stands." "To slay the tiger that doth live by slaughter" "To-morrow, an it please your majesty To hunt the panther and the hart with me," "And by the bright track of his fiery car, Gives signal, of a goodly day to-morrow." Cheers, Adam.
This could have be said just before D-Day: "When we have matched these rackets to these balls, we will in France, by God's grace, play a set. I will rise there with so full a glory that Iwill dazzle all the eyes of France. This lies all within the will of God to whom I appeal and in whose name I am coming on, to venge me as I may and to put forth my rightfull hand in a well hallowed course".
this sounds like a marriage proposal! I do love shakespeare I must admit. krautish? funny word that. gentler HenryVth? true I chose mine to fit the tone of this site which is war related. plus I just watched 'the postman' again and I love how kevin costner says that line in the film towards the end....
Are you nuts? I already have my hands full (literally) :lol: Besides, we haven't even been introduced yet and we haven't seen your pic in the Roguettes Gallery. Considering that In the Internet Nobody Knows You're a Dog, you may even be Gordon the Historian under a new name :clown:
Been reading more on German 'recoilless' or fixed mountings in Spielberger's recently translated Pz.35/38 book - seems that the PzJgr 38/Hetzer also underwent trials with a solid mount, again with essentially successful results (despite critically wounding a gunner with the sights in testing... sounds nasty). Massive savings in weight (highly beneficial given the extra weight the 38t chassis was carrying in Pzjgr form) from the simplified mounting and removal of recoil apparatus, with little decline in accuracy or facility and a gain in ammunition storage space. The programme was not completed as time ran out, problems with some parts eventually cracking continued and the beefing up of suspension components was only partially applied, but orders were issued to continue with what looked like an effective method of saving precious materials and production facilities/time. ~A