Background Information: Taken from my career experience's in combat Author: Gunny Setting: Vietnam, and Present Genre: Historical Fiction A Sniper Speaks “ Gunny “ USMC-Ret. 1998’ I am watching you sweat as you run through the terrain, and then slowly without remorse, without a flinch, without a second thought I pull the trigger. Thump !! Your body falls to the ground in an un-ceremonial stumble. Your mind has a last second thought of a strange loud noise then...blackness. You are still breathing. I did not place the shot to kill, just to put you down. You can feel the blood oozing from your chest, its warm and soothing. You can't feel any pain as you are paralyzed. You try to crawl forward to move from harms path. You cannot. You are going to die, and this is the few seconds I've given you to contemplate this fact. Sad, you even have a second more to think... "damn I screwed up...." Clinkchaaa !! The final shot rips your brains apart. Your heart still pumps blood out of entrance wound and exit wound in your skull. Your body shudders and is vibrating involuntarily, doing what is commonly referred to as the "chicken". Chinkchaaaaa !! The 3rd shot is placed into your chest to stop the heart. ***
Background Information: Taken from my career experience's in combat Author: Gunny Setting: Vietnam, and Present Genre: Poetry NAM For you it was the News; for me it was Reality You called for Pizzas; I called for Medics You watched Construction; I performed Destruction You watched Children play; I watched them Die You learned of Life; I learned of Death Your passion was to Succeed; Mine was to Survive You served Dinner; I served my Country You Forgot .... ... I Can’t … *** J.G. "Gunny" © 1995…
Gunny, you sure as Hell ain't been forgotten! And if no one has said it to you lately, Thank You Sir !
for some reason i can salute you, but if it would have let me, i wouldnt have hesitated to do so. wonderful poem, Gunny. Thank you for your service. :S!
Hey Thanks Radar, the thought is what counts, I too noticed at times I couldnt leave someone a salute, till I figured out even though you can review any post here in the forums in order to leave salute etc, I found you have to actually be logged in LOL, sometimes I forget if I am logged in or not... SALUTE !!!!! Appreciate your kind words !!!
A DESERTED AIRFIELD. In the mists of time I lie here still abandoned long to natures will. My buildings bare, my people gone, the only sound the wild bird song. My mighty birds will rise no more, No more I hear their engines roar and nevermore my bosom feels the pounding of their giant wheels. The ageless hills from echoes cast of armadas’ from the past. Now stilled in lonely revere their great dark wings sweep silently. Laughter, sorrow, fear and pain no more to know these things again. Emotions that I came too know, of those young men so long ago. Who knows when evening shadows meet, Are they still here, the phantom fleet? Do ghostly crews still rise and roam above my face that was their home? Now weeds grow high, obscure the sky Remember them as you pass by. My gratitude with you abide, for what you have......... is why they died!!!
Thanks Radar.... Hey Texson... Nice Clip of the opening of that movie, been a long time since Ive watched that movie....
I should say that I took the photo at Station 128, Deenethorpe ( 401st BG, B-17s ) in 1990. The tower has since been demolished.
Thanks Sniper !!!! Martin, well thats a really nice shot taken, good perspective and arraignment tells a story just on its own. Nicely done !!!!