I will second that recommendation. There was information in there I had never seen before. Imagine if Göring had been able to keep relations with Poland friendly? It is a very interesting read, although it is rather long. It examines each of the top people in pretty good detail. A lot of information on the early days of the Party and the Kampfzeit. Well worth having.
hey ..hitler was dead ,himmler was dead...we got to hang somebody,hermann had lots of things to hang for...the red army pretty much hanged anyone thet caught in a ss uniform,didnt feel the need for a trial either....course if the krauts had won ,they woulda hanged churchill and roosevelt ,not to mention all bomber air force guys...
Curtis LeMay, the guy responable for the bomming missions of the B29's (that blew up japan, burned haf of tokyo down and dropping the A-bombs), once declaired: "If we had lost the war, i would be accused of massmurder"
No body evan seems to care when the Canadians (mostly) firebombed a German town killing more civilians in that one day than Canadians had lost in the whole war on all fronts, how come nobody got hanged for that?
because they are the good guys. they won the war. you don't condamm the winners but you punish the losers
Actually I do not belive there was anything strategic... most people there were refugees escaping the Russians, and I do not beleive there was Strategic about the bombing. Edit But I complete understand what you are saying Roel.
hey, Goering looks like my teacher of physics (natural science ==> gravity, electricity, optics, presure,...... you know) that should be good stuff for our school newspaper
Are you referring to Dresden? That was certainly one of the more shameful incidents but I don't believe it was carried out by orders from Canada. The Canadian squadrons served as part of the RAF at that point IIRC, I'm sure the Canadian members will correct me if I'm wrong.
I've split the whole Bush and Hitler discussion off into the Non-WW2 section for your comfort. This thread is about Göring, after all. I do have one question about him - did he have any character traits or credentials that made him a good candidate to be in command of the Luftwaffe? Other than having been a pilot. Because he didn't seem quite competent at it, to say the least.
Actually I have seen a biography about Nazi leaders and it said that Goring would aften act stupid and incompetant to raise the moral of the pilots/aircrews. An example would be him with his cape and septor walking around. Well Goering helped create the Luffewaffe, and since he was a party member since almost the begining, he could earn certain favors Hitler. Ya Roel I was wondering by 1-2 pages were gone.