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History of the 348th Fighter Group

Discussion in 'Air War in the Pacific' started by Biak, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. BOB1949

    BOB1949 Member

    Apr 25, 2019
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    Welcome back Biak. I was curious if you know anything about Ruben Wayne Macy? From what I have learned through research Ruben was adopted by the Moskaloff (Moshkolof? He is on the 341st squadron photo) family and I am assuming because of this named his plane "The Mad Russian". The reason I ask is because Ruben was the 341st squadron historian (official or unofficial, which one I do not know) and from what I learned wrote several historical articles about the squadron for "The Friends Journal" of the USAF museum in Dayton Ohio. I've tried to locate some of these articles without success as of yet. Any thoughts?
  2. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    I will see if I can find something in the cd's I have. Do you have more info ? When he joined the group or other dates etc: ?

    I know I've seen a mention of "The Mad Russian" just can't remember where?
  3. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    So far I've found he was promoted to Capt. in June 1945. SO 152 FEAF

    Oh I also found this :D

    341st D Flight
    Front Row L to R
    1st Lt. T.A Gibbons, Capt. R.W. Moskaloff, 1st. Lt. G.G. Murphy
    Second row L to R
    2nd. Lt. J.F. Marshall, F/O H.L. Imlay, 1st. Lt. P.R. Nordell
    Top row L to R
    1st. Lt. J. Colgan, 2nd. Lt. H.M. Berger, 2nd. Lt. H.C. DuBose,
    2nd. Lt. J.C. Baily, 2nd. Lt. B.E. Bonell, 1st. Lt. A.B. Purdy

    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
  4. nick goth

    nick goth New Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Hi, I'm new here. I like to research World War 2 history. Part of this is in the Philippines. Mt Mataba/Timberland etc area. I talked to a local Filipino man who as a teenager knew of an old aeroplane crash. There was alloy there. The site is now historical as there is a huge landfill site there now for Metro Manila (San Mateo Landfill). Also the alloy metal was sold in the junk shop. Nothing remains now. The man did not know the type of plane or if US or Japanese or other. I didn't ask him if there were any engines there. I need to though. I thought it was a P-38 Lightning loss as they operated in the area of Mt Mataba/Mt Parawagan (Pacawagan)/Timberland. I don't know the old name of the crash site area. Does anyone have info on what if anything crashed or was shotdown there? And the fate of the pilot. There are old partly open Japanese tunnels there. The man showed me these and I've photos. He also found Japanese soldiers bones, dog tags, artifacts including an Arisaka 6.5mm rifle (i saw this and photographed it). He buried the bones. I want to find out what plane it was. Thanx Nick.
  5. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Welcome to the forum Nick. I think it would be a good idea if you start a new thread here: http://ww2f.com/forums/air-war-in-the-pacific.50/

    I'm sure you will get some suggestions and answers on the different Units based there and who had operations in the area.

    I'll look through what I have and see if I can find anything.
  6. nick goth

    nick goth New Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Thanx so much, i have started suitable threads. Hope you have some info on them :)
  7. Johnny Signor

    Johnny Signor Member

    Jan 30, 2008
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    348th Fighter Group (3).jpg 348th Fighter Group.jpg Seeking good clear image/colors to the WW2 era Unofficial 348th Fighter Group emblem, any help much appreciated !!!!!!!!!!! :) Please conatct me at ,WeBeEmblems@aol.com
  8. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    I have not seen an emblem for the group that looks like the one
    pictured. The 348th groups emblem is a gauntlet glove on shield.

    Good luck.
  9. Johnny Signor

    Johnny Signor Member

    Jan 30, 2008
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    The emblem you mention is a Post WW2 emblem and was Not in use during WW2 .......it was not approved until Aug 1951 ...... the emblem images I posted were of "Unofficial" type but was used at one time hence the sign ........
  10. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Well look what I just found on a CD from the AFHRA .

    January 1944;
    Early in the month, Major Gallagher proposed that the group design and adopt an insignia -- one that would be representative and distinctive. A contest was initiated and considerable interest was created. The judges decided that Pfc. Helmuth's and Lt. Spaulding's contributions should be combined into one design and, When accomplished, adopted it as the group insignia.

    colors Yellow border, Blue shield, Red sword
    rough translation = STRIKE HARD AND FINALLY
    TD-Tommy776 likes this.
  11. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    I was always curious of the P47's gun range and found this a while back.
    Merle told me about one mission where he led the squadron on a fighter sweep to a Japanese airfield. He went first to strafe and said he was wondering what all those flashes were buzzing by the cockpit? Then thought Oh Sh$$ and started firing on the "general area" where the streaks were coming from. After he pulled up and the rest joined him he asked for any damage to the flight. One pilot responded, " After you flew through there wasn't anything shooting back".
    Now I understand.
  12. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Just stumbled on this video.

    Well crap ! Should have listened closer to the video. The accent is thick and I missed the part where he says Col. Kearby bails out. No he did not. His remains were found in the plane.
    Leaving the post but beware the content.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2021
  13. Johnny Signor

    Johnny Signor Member

    Jan 30, 2008
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    Wow, and MUCH Thanks for posting this one, been here nd there and haven't thought to check back here, you Really made my day with this one , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    Biak likes this.
  14. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Okay so how about a finders fee ! :D
    Seriously, I'd like to get one. PM me.
  15. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    WOW I really need to proof read my posts !
    I'd really like to order a 341st emblem, searches are free !
  16. Sam Hircock

    Sam Hircock New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    I don't even know if you're still on here, but I have a picture of my grandpa, a mechanic, next to the same plane. I think that's really amazing; I'm sitting here in awe. I just found out he was in the 342nd and not the 242nd (which I couldn't find anywhere) cause it was written wrong on some orders and his separation papers. Then, I bumped into my cousin, he brought a book of pictures and a letter my grandpa sent to his own grandparents, "342nd Fighter Squadron" in the address... now I'm looking at the same plane. I guess a lot of my paperwork has the wrong info even today (I'm an Army SSG) so I was always suspicious when only RAF Squadrons came up, haha. I'm just... I'm blown away seeing the same plane, and I wish I could add the photo of my grandpa from where I am, but I hope to at some point. Edward Hircock was my grandpa's name, and he made it to SGT as a mechanic in the 342nd Fighter Squadron, and he stood next to that same "Rushin Princess"... I know there's not a lot out there about enlisted or mechanics, but if anyone sees this and has anything, please reach out.
    Biak likes this.
  17. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    A Huge Welcome !!
    There is probably more on the 342nd than any other squadron of the 348 Gp in the history I have. They had an exemplary airman keeping track of their doings :D
    Feel free to ask questions and if there is ANYTHING I can help you with don't hesitate.
    Feel free, (I'd be honored if you do), to post anything you want on this thread.
    We lost Merle, my uncle and the only reason this thread exists, nearly three years ago. August 3rd 2019 seems like yesterday and yet so long ago.

    PS: Thank You ! As another friend once said, For stepping up when others don't.
    Sam Hircock likes this.
  18. Sam Hircock

    Sam Hircock New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    Here's the photo of my Grandpa Ed Hircock by the "Rushin Princess." That's all I have of pictures of him in terms of his service, other than at few other uniformed pictures at home. It still blows me away to have found this group, other photos of that plane, etc.

    Attached Files:

    Biak likes this.
  19. Sam Hircock

    Sam Hircock New Member

    Jul 7, 2022
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    Thank you! I appreciate you and your uncle for this. Truly.
  20. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    I'll dig through the file photos Sasmith sent me and see what I can find. May take me a while so don't hesitate to 'nudge' me if I tend to get distracted !

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