according to the several biographies i've read about the man it claims he was very suicidal. Several times he had to be talked out of shooting himself, for example is after the pustch failed Hitler almost killed himself with his pistol when he heard that the cops were coming to get him.
Yes I know, and we al wouldn't be members on this forum and I probably wouldnt exhist (which may or may not be a good thing)
red army guys were not likely to be in a charitable mood when they got to hitler and eva..certainly they were not likely to be nice to blondie if she was the last liveing thing they could lay their hands on...
. the treatment of hess was weird , he was kept in solitary for forty years ! the suspicion ,as always, turn to the british . was there a royal family contact ? was the flight of hess part of a grand strategy on the eve of barbarossa ? churchill tought to give hess to the russian to make sausages , so as to prove good will . .
not that I ever knew about. Even in his last days he wanted germany destroyed because the people of germany were to blame for the loss of the war in hitler's eyes because they didn't fight hard enough. He said if germany doesn't survive then the people of germany don't deserve to either. If I'm not mistaken I think in his last days hitler was ordering certian parts of berlin destroyed because they were still standing and undamaged and thought everyone should suffer.[/url][/list][/list][/code][/b]
Rommel had a conversation with Hitler over a telephone in 1943 after being sent to France and ask Hitler to end the war. Hitler told Rommel that he isnt stupid and he knew it was over. Or so Rommel claims. Manfred Rommel claims not Erwin he died in the war remember?
Seriously , it's interessting to guess when mr hitler thought the war was lost he was intelligent , stated several time the need to land a knock out blow in 42. I believe it was after the failure at kurtsk and the landing in sicily ! for sure after jully 44 , he wanted to loose ..out of spite ! blaming everybody for everything and wanted to take as many germans with him as he could in some great human sacrifice , if he had one shred of love for the wolk , he could have done the right thing and sacrified himself to save millions of his own people . :angry:
He ordered all industry, infrastructure, power plants and other sings of modern civilization destroyed, effectively reducing Germany to a Medieval type of society. This was because in his theories, the people that lost the war should altogether be destroyed, seeing as they proved themselves to be the weaker ones and that's the law of evolution. I reckon, though, that it took Hitler a lot of emotional effort to reach this logical conclusion of his own theories, and that he might indeed have shown remorse at some points...
He was remorseful about losing World War Two, being unable to enslave the slavs, kill all the Jews, destroy all pre-nazi traces of European Culture, kill all the Romas, kill all the Mentally Impaired, and kill Africans as well. However if you mean classical remorse absoloutly not.
They are actually a people with a language and a culture of their own. The term "gypsies" covers a much wider range of people, though Romas are indeed gypsies.