Google searching Family Member's names & Family friends names, while trying to find out what they did in WW2.
I have just been very into World War Two. I'm on another forum for this band that I like, and as I'm browsing around the forum, I thought to myself, "you know what I should join a World War Two Forum." So I instantly went on Google typed down "world war 2 forums" and this forum was the first thing that saw. I dug throughout the four for a while and decided to join. It was all just a random thought that popped in my head that got me involved in this forum.
I Was also in need of some help identifying a concentration camp that a resident that lives at the nursing home that my dad works at helped liberate. I thought that maybe someone could help. And boy did I come to the right place for that. I'm still searching but if it wasn't for Takao's help with giving me the 63rds roster, I would still be stuck, because I could not find a roster on the 63rds website.
I was looking for a community of ww2 stuff and as always,most german community sucks,so i first found this Page on Google and joined.
My father died in 1967 and all I knew was the 144th FA Regt. Found his WWII photos in 2011 and started searching. I couldn't find anything on the unit for WWII. Later, I found his WWII wallet that had a document that said 980th FA Bn. So I searched that and member, 980th's post, came up. Had the whole history of the 144th being reconfigured to the 980th and 981st FA Bns. Going from not knowing anything to knowing everything. Shortly after David Bronson emailed me the photos of Battery A, my dad's Battery, unloading at Utah Beach June 12th, 1944.
I mentioned WWII a couple of times in a BRexit thread with Germans (as well as everyone else) on it and got banned for week, but.. We didn't really get along, me and that forum. About cars.
These Germans?
I'm only interested in cars that have tracks for wheels, are driven by crews of soldiers, and have some sort of main armament. How did you find this place though BD? I get good insight from this thread and would like to hear your inception story.
I also joined a while ago with "Google" playing an important role bit just as Von Poop pointed out, I believe Za too had a positive impression on myself... Oh how time flies.
Since only Otto predates me on these forums, I have no idea! I think, most likely, that I found it via Search Engine....but 2000 was a very long time ago!