David, your parents must be so proud! Doesn't it get in the way of your day to day life though, being so heroic?
As Smokie Smith said "All the heros are buried after a battle, I am just a surviving witness to this fact." WW II VC winner, laid to rest 2005; Canada's last. The Mutant Poodle
In many cases, a hero is someone who is scared out of his wits, in a situation that he sincerely doesn't want to be in. Still, he does what's expected of him to the best of his ability, in spite of himself and his own fears. Notice, while that is an off-the-cuff statement based on my own reading and experiences, it says nothing about which side of anything said hero is on.
I've always thought that BOTH sides in a war believe they are right, it just depends on your perspective as to which side has the better cause. History is not written by those who are right but by those that are left! To me a hero is someone who puts themselves in danger to help others....and of course Roel!!!
Tom and Mutant Poodle: while the descriptions you give testify of an immense respect for veterans and those who unfortunately could not return home and enjoy this status, it is exactly such views that cloud our judgment on what a hero really is. Unless you are willing to defend the standpoint that everyone who fights in a war without deserting is a hero, it is fruitless to think like you seem to do. Since man has fought wars throughout his history, and most of those wars were actually won by one of the combatants, it seems that we may expect of soldiers to do their job; they've done so for millenniae. Only some of them are heroes, through actions that are truly exceptionally brave and selfless.
It's all right for you to mock. You don't have women endlessly throwing themselves (or their underwear) at you day in day out, and the jealous husbands that have to be placated. By the end of the day I'm fair worn out. Being a hero is not all that it's cracked up to be. It's a tough job. But 'hell', someone's got to do it. Just in case you thought I was on some kind of ego trip.
There can be only one irresistibly handsome hero figure on this forum and it has to be the Toastinator. Thanks for the financial support by the way Simon!
Then I hereby challenge the aforementioned Toastinator to a strutting competition. May the most heroic win, and may the loser pay homage for all eternity, to the winners heroics.
I think Caroline should join this thread (apart from the bias, of course). I seem to remember one her early posts protesting that she wouldn't join in many threads as she felt ill-qualified, and was told that the non-techy posters (Hi Roel) talked about tactics, personalities and adult stuff, rather than big boys' toys as I put it. And here we are, being adult and discussing serious topics in a rational manner, and applying careful thought to the subject. Gentlemen, to your corners and come out strutting. And remember, in the end it's not about who struts best, it's who pays the bigggest backhanders. Oh I wish we all had vidcams... Hooray for our side (non-partisan type cheers)
Not neccessarily so. My massive inducement is already winging it's way to the nether regions of the Netherlands. (Strut, strut)