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How far would you be willing to go???

Discussion in 'What If - Other' started by Panzerknacker, Oct 20, 2002.

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  1. Doc Raider

    Doc Raider Member

    Mar 21, 2002
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    Typical GI attitude, from what I've been told by vets, was never volunteer for anything. Never do anything you don't have to do. I'd rather have my life and body than a medal that would get me $5 at a pawn shop when I got home.

    Still, all the combat medics I talk to did some damn brave things, crawling out, patching a guy up, giving him a smoke, and dragging him back, all while under fire. I'd most definetly do my job. I don't think they got many medals for that though.
  2. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Good going PzJgr--thanks for sharing and, you ever come to Texas--I'll buy you a steak dinner at The Texas Roadhouse. [​IMG]
  3. grampas girl

    grampas girl Member

    Oct 27, 2002
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    I'd like to think I'd fight like an alley cat. Protect my territory so to speak - being a zealously patriotic "Yank" I'd want to keep the US of A the US of A and no one invades my home, y'know? Think of the folks at home and forget about myself.

    But being a small town girl who's only given a guy a bloody nose once ... I think I'm with most of you when I say you never really know 'til you get there. I just hope I'd do my job. I'd probably be a better nurse ... [​IMG]

    ... oh yeah ... a medal? Jeepers, just get me home when teh war's over and I'd be content.

    [ 02. November 2002, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: grampas girl ]
  4. Friedrich

    Friedrich Expert

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Welcome to the forum, granpa's girl!!! We hope you to enjoy yourself a lot in here, even if you're surrounded of a bunch of rough guys! [​IMG] But we are nice after all! :D

    It is good having a girl in here!!! :cool: Besides, thank God a girl is here! I was getting tired of being the most girlylike in here! :rolleyes: :D
  5. grampas girl

    grampas girl Member

    Oct 27, 2002
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    Hey, thanks! I've kinda noticed gals are a bit scarce around, but that's ok - y'all seem to be a nice bunch of guys. Thanks for the welcome ...
  6. Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

    Carl G. E. von Mannerheim Ace

    Jul 6, 2002
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    *cough cough*

    You know im just kidding Fried. ;)

    But anyway? how far would i be willing to go?

    However far it took to keep my buddy next to me alive. Whether he be a fellow private, pilot, waist gunner, tanker, torpedo man, whatever.

  7. Friedrich

    Friedrich Expert

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Carl: [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] ;)
  8. Panzerknacker

    Panzerknacker New Member

    Jul 22, 2001
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    Unselfish Carl-well done-It's all about the man next to you.
  9. Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

    Carl G. E. von Mannerheim Ace

    Jul 6, 2002
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    Why thank you.
  10. mp38

    mp38 Member

    Apr 12, 2002
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    I served in the Gulf War, and I can tell you that I didn't get any medals. Only sunburn and cotton mouth!
    However I didn't really get a chance to earn any medals either. My unit that I served in was awarded 3 outstanding unit awards, as well as other individual awards on service.

    Most of the American heros of WWII with all the medals are underground in Europe. As with every aspect of the war, there were aggressive men, and non-aggessive men. It amazes me that 2 men in the same company had totally different outcomes. One was awarded the Distiguished Service cross, and probably killed dozens of enemy soldiers by himself. The other went through the entire war without even firing his rifle once!!! :eek:
    Both these men were in the 506th, 101st Airborne.

    Just like fighter pilots of WWII. You were either an Ace or a target. Same goes for tank crews, either an ace or a target. There was no in-between.

    I think if I was an American soldier in WWII I would have definately been one of the aggressive ones. I would have looked out for my buddies at all costs. I would have tried my best to stay alive, but if something in the heat of battle, if something was at stake, I would risk it all for victory. This probably would've gotten me killed, but I would be sure to take as many of the enemy with me as possible.

    Matt :cool:
  11. Zhadov

    Zhadov Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Beeing from Croatia,I would find myself in a Kvisling like state,a satelite of Germany(NDH-Independent state of Croatia).Country occupied by Italians,Germans,and domestic traitors 'ustaše'.I belive that in that time it would take great amount of courage just to oppose the mighty and ruthless enemy by joining Tito's partizans..I would do so and would have to suffer malnutricion,cold,almost no medical care,sleeping in mud or leaves in the woods and mountains.Even so the moral was extremly high and fighters were very tough.They tied great number of Nazi divisions,several times their own number and always were in control of vast liberated teritories in the middle of occupied Europe.
  12. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Yeah, Tito was a great and stong man. He refused to go to Moscow in the late 1940´s and probably saved his life ( what ifs...??? )as well. Not many said no to Stalin, I think, and stayed alive. Even after his death many old folks said that Tito´s coming back and he´s gonna make things good again..Not even death could stop him from ruling the country!

    I read someplace that they had their own tanks as well, probably transported by the allied there plus some they took from Germans. I don´t think many partisan or other same kind of troops had tank battalions...

  13. JOL

    JOL Member

    Nov 11, 2002
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    If you've skipped to the end, the above is well worth repeating, courtesy of PzJagr. As for myself I'm pretty sure self-preservation would be first and foremost, no volunteering from this guy to charge a machine gun nest.

    But as mentioned earlier, it's hard to say what I would do faced with a situation that could potentially save my buddies, of course I have the added luxury of age and wisdom now, but I'm sure we all waded into a domestic situation when we were younger when our pals were threatened, be it a sports brawl, bar fight etc., and frankly I'm just a big chicken at heart. So tough to say...I just hope I would perform my duties as PzJagr above did, which would satisfy my own sense of accomplishment, irregardless of any medals.
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