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I spent most of today doing this not only for me but for other fans of the Eastern Front.

Discussion in 'WWII Books & Publications' started by C.Evans, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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  2. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    saw you posting past a couple of pages back, cannot say how sniper ace will read but the guy has at least 200 of his shots recorded confirmed. a Lithuanian born in Königsberg, Germany. his first name is actually not Bruno but Bronius .......

    what is interesting the chap did not receive the RK or the DkG for his service while serving in the 68th Infantrie Division.

    Attached Files:

    L-Raiser likes this.
  3. Kobalt04

    Kobalt04 Dishonorably Discharged

    Oct 19, 2009
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    L-Raiser, Erich, et al:

    Interesting array of books on the Ostfront and the German army. Excellent. Many thanks.

    Is it only coincidence that on the Amazon UK's webpage for Festung Posen: Bastion an der Wache: Journals from a Fortress (Hardcover) by Fredrik Nilsson, there also appears a best-seller entry at the bottom of the page for My **** Life So Far (Hardcover) by Frankie Boyle? I can see how one could link to the other. Who would ever have guessed that Frankie Boyle served at Posen?

  4. L-Raiser

    L-Raiser Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    As for that one, i have it and cannot recommend it enough, very good, interesting and very informative book.
  5. L-Raiser

    L-Raiser Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    And after 8 months that elusive book "Decision in the Ukraine" by George Nipe Jr. has finally arrived.
    After all the book DOES exists!!!!!! :) :)

    For those interested or those who may be drawn into being interested in this great book.... here's a little about it.

    Decision in the Ukraine (George M. Nipe, Jr.) Hard cover, small format (9"x6"), 390 pages, 75 photographs and 29 maps and orders of battle. For the first time in English, the full story of the crucial battles on the Mius River by the 6. Armee and the successful counterattack spearheaded by the II. SS-Panzer-Korps, consisting of "Das Reich" and "Totenkopf". Also covered in detail are the offensives after Kursk in July/August 1943. The author uses many primary sources and conveys the action in vivid detail.

    This book tells the story of the German attempts in the summer of 1943 to try and force a favorable outcome on the Eastern Front. After von Manstein's brilliant counterstroke at Kharkov in March, 1943, the major summer offensive was Operation "Citadel." While the battle of Kursk is not the main focus of the book, it is covered, and destroys myths about it, particularly the battle at Prochorovka. Most notable are the myths about how many German tanks were destroyed and the destruction of the three Waffen-SS divisions of II. SS Panzerkorps, which the auther shows isn't true given the combat effectiveness of the Waffen-SS divisions later in the summer. Postwar literature accepted the Soviet account of the losses and the historians copied each other furthering the misinformation.

    The author delves into the other interrelated battles on the Mius River and at Bogodukhov. One of Nipe's objectives is to study the combat operations of and correct misconceptios about the SS divisions "Das Reich" and "Totenkopf," both of which fought at all three battles studied in the book. An aspect not covered well in other books is well covered here, and that is Soviet deception to distract the Germans. The battle at the Mius River is the best example of this because when the Soviets gained a bridgehead over the river, it caused Hitler to cancel "Citadel" and rush the two SS divisions to counter the threat in that area. As usual Hitler tried to defend everything all at once, and in the end lost everything.

    An extremely revealing book which clearly demonstrates:
    - the tactical & mobile superiority of German armoured units in 1943.
    - the role increasing played by these forces in the 'fire brigade' role rushing from one crisis point to another.
    - Nipe uses fact to destroy the myth that Prokorovka was a draw with both sides suffering equal losses. The Soviet's strategic reserve 6th Guards Tank Army rushing headlong into battle suffered appalling losses which meant it was unlikely to have been able to continue it's assault on the day in which Hitler cancelled the offensive.
    - Nipe's more detailed description of the defensive battles on the Mius shows that this was an effort by the Soviets to force the Germans to Cancel 'Citadel' & also shows that the SS 'Totenkopf' Division although was still a relatively inexperienced formation at that time suffering appalling losses from inappropriate commitment by wehrmacht commanders. Making up for this by it's fanatical bravery of it's officers & men.
    - the Bogodukhov operation also shows German Armoured superiority in a situation where the soviets had an enormous amount of tanks & men. Here the Armoured forces of Army Group South were able to use their superior mobile forces to encircle, destroy & blunt two Soviet tank armies although not able to prevent the Soviet capture of Belgorod & Kharkov for the last time.
  6. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    the draw back of this book when I picked it up right after it was published is the over-repetitiveness throughout. you will note that my friend.

    In essence this is the English version so to speak of the Munin Verlag's Sylvester Stadlers "Die Offensive gegen Kursk 1943", II. SS-Pz Korps. 19 maps, 232 pages.

    im my opinion this was the first book in any language that made it a point to try and get the German SS Panzer losses under true scrutiny and not the acceptance of the myth that the SS Panzers were annihilated on the battlefield. Nipe uses quite a bit of this work to generate the book you have just acquired, but sadly and again in my viewpoint Nipe could of done better work with the maps, some nice dual fold-outs would of been fantastic but due to the smallness of the overall size of the book this would of been non-acceptable.

    glad you finally found the illusive copu
  7. L-Raiser

    L-Raiser Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Found this one on the JJF site:

    November 25: Dear Friends:
    [​IMG] Once again, our update is a bit early this week because we have some exciting news to share. We have just learned that the classic Hitler Moves East by Paul Carrell is being reprinted as a special limited edition under the title Hitler's War on Russia. We expect to have our copies by the 15th of December. If you do not own the original British edition or our limited edition long out of print, do not hesitate to order as it will sell out quickly. It is one of the best books on the Eastern Front ever written. Follow the link for a full description.
  8. halder

    halder Member

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Carell's an interesting read, but I'd rather JJF print something new rather than reprint something that's 50 years old and really rather dated these days (not to mention Carell's very dubious past...).

    If you really want to read about the 1941 campaign, buy War Without Garlands and Mike Jones' The Retreat; you'll save yourself some money in the process.
  9. L-Raiser

    L-Raiser Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Already have them, read the Garlands one and was blown away by it. The Retreat is waiting it's turn, probably after i finish Peter F. Hamilton's Dreaming Void ;)

    A couple of months ago i bought Carell's book, i think it was the Fedorowicz edition, 1991, green backcover, a drawing for the cover +- 610 pages.

    Actually, my wishes at the moment (concerning WWII books) is that thebookdepository would answer my mail and tell me why i'm still waiting for Glantz's Armageddon in Stalingrad (Stalingrad Trilogy book 2) since i pre-order it in the end of September and the book was suposed to be published in the 15th of October.
  10. L-Raiser

    L-Raiser Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    My wishes exactly, they could finish once and for all the Das Reich saga, and who knows begin a new one.... why not start the Vopersal's saga... they would make a lot of kids very happy....;)
  11. halder

    halder Member

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Er, if you'd seen a copy of any of Vopersal's volumes, you'd quickly see why they've never been translated... ;)
  12. halder

    halder Member

    Nov 6, 2007
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  13. halder

    halder Member

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Schäufler's history of 35 Pz Regt (So lebten und so starben sie) will soon be out in English. At an insane price. :eek:

    Amazon.com: Smhs: Knight's Cross Panzers: The German 35th Tank Regiment in World War II (Stackpole Military History) (9780811705929): Hans Schaufler: Books

    We Brits have to pay a bit more, but it's still a bargain. :)

    Smhs: Knight's Cross Panzers: The German 35th Tank Regiment in World War II Stackpole Military History: Amazon.co.uk: Hans Schaufler: Books

    I paid a lot of money for the original German edition. :( Luckily, it's outstanding. :) It's not really a regimental history, rather an anthology of first-hand accounts, diaries and the like from members of the regiment over six years of war. That makes it very special in my book.

    Order it now. :)
  14. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    I have been wanting to again participate in this thread but am unable to do so thanks to crappy computer at home and very limited time using Austins computers. They allow only 2 hrs a day.

    So, I can only add one book-not fully an Eastern Front title but ive been reading it on my visits to the library im typing this at and the book is called: Hitlers Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocost. By: Daniel Jonah Goldhagen.

    So far its been a fairly interesting read but is not a book I will ever have in my library. Has some good reference materials though for those who want some infoon German Police Battalions and Companies.
  15. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Forgot to add, I found but not yet have bought a copy of "Hells Gate". I found it at a local and somewhat nearby Hobby Shop here in Austin. I looked at it for several minutes and im impressed. Im going to be getting that book in January ;-))
  16. L-Raiser

    L-Raiser Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    New from the JJF site:

    GOOD NEWS To make up for the previous disappointment, we are very pleased to announce that we have completed an agreement to publish in English Wolfgang Schneider's new book on the Totenkopf Tigers. Translation is proceeding and we hope to have it in the first half of 2010, maybe even earlier. Please do not order this, when it is close to publishing we will have a pre-publication offer for it.

    Happy holidays people!!!!
  17. L-Raiser

    L-Raiser Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Last night i ordered Ronf Hinze's Crucible of Combat..... hope its any good...
  18. halder

    halder Member

    Nov 6, 2007
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    If by "good" you mean "inexhaustibly detailed" then yes it is. At his worst, Hinze is a very, very dry writer who manages to suck the human drama out of a battle (e.g. East Front Drama - the only drama is in the title...). He also has a really annoying habit of weaving his political views into his work, particularly those covering the final battles. He did a lot of research, but as a writer, give me Tieke any day...
  19. L-Raiser

    L-Raiser Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Just to share the latest from Fedorowicz:
    NEW FROM US: Just want to let you know that our next available title will be a memoir from a German soldier who fought exclusively on the Eastern Front until the end of the war. His experiences include some of the most interesting small-unit actions that are around. He started the campaign against the Soviet Union in 1941 as a member of the motorcycle battalion in the 13th Panzer Division, then was transferred to the 88 Panzerjäger Abteilung and served in a Marder and Hornisse. He fought at the Mius, in Eastern Poland and in 1945 participated in battles in the Carpathian foothills of Silesia. His unit retreated from there to south of Berlin where it surrendered. Always in demand, the tank destroyers faced incredible odds while trying to stabilize the front and support the hard-pressed infantry. There are some photographs, and we hope to include some color maps and vehicle profiles. The book will be in the 6"x 9" (small) format. We hope to have the price set within 4 weeks and to have it printed by the end of March. No title yet, this is just a heads-up to our friends, so do not order it yet. We will have a pre-pub for it when it is ready for the printer.
  20. WorldWarBill

    WorldWarBill Member

    Feb 27, 2010
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    Hi everybody, a newcomer here who might be able to recommend a book or two. Anybody read 'Drama Between Budapest and Vienna' by Georg Maier? Very detailed account of 6th Panzer Army in the last 5 or so months of the war. Maier was the Deputy IA and was on hand to personally witness things like Dietrich's reaction to the Cuff Band Order. The only flaw might be that Maier spends a lot of time responding to Hermann Balck's bashing of the Waffen SS in his own book, it gets a little distracting at time. Still, considering it's hefty price, there's plenty of justification for it. also available in German.

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