My problem is that you were attempting to discredit and downright brush off the idea that the Allies might have had IR equipment. Not only that, but you attempted to present an argument with the phrase "I doubt it." So, if you were to say that the Panzer IIIJ was able to penetrate early production M4A1 Sherman tanks, would my argument against your statement be valid if I were to just say "Because I doubt it?"
Danyel i was not attempting to brush of anything !, I said i doubted it, because i really doubted it !. Ive heard that the Allies possesed IR equipment, but never that they used any in WW2 !. But apperently the Allies werent lacking behind in this technology, and already worked on it in 43. Doubt="Not sure" Danyel there's no need to correct me in such an agressive manner. If you feel my response to Skua was incorrect then say it to me, instead of saying that i cant be taken seriusly. I wasnt trying to make an arguement, because i wasnt sure about the U.S. actually using IR in WW2. But Skua gave me prove, and now im interested in knowing more about this because i've never heard about it before.
We'll put this one down to KBO having English as a second language and therefore not realising that 'I doubt it' tends to mean 'I pour scorn on your view' rather than 'I am not sure'. (no offence meant to all our members who have English as a second language - I have yet to see anybody on here whose written English is worse than my own.) He did acknowledge that Skua was correct, so kiss & make up? KBO - try using 'I'm not sure' or 'I have never heard of this' to avoid any problems like this Regards from your over-reacting new moderator! (and this isn't even 'my' area - sorry guys! )
Those early IR sets look horrible to use! A huge great power source to lug around, and a whopping great dish on your gun. Anybody know why the Americans went for the 'light' below the gun & the Germans put it above?
It made it a lot more practical I guess. Both the M3 and the powerpack looks to be of less weight than their German counterparts. Nice moderating btw, Ricky. Thanks.
True - though I suppose it must have been awkward / impossible to use lying down. You noted that the Americans made decent use of this out in the Pacific - did it enter comparable use in Europe?
I should think that on top would have been better since as Ricky pointed out you can use it to good effect lying down.
Thanks Ricky ! Doesnt "I doubt it" mean "Not sure" ?? If your doubting something then arent you unsure of it ? Well i guess my english is bad then, sorry guys Well yeah, or it was because the U.S. power-supply-unit needed to be recharged electricly, while if you look at the picture of the German power-supply-unit it has a handle for spinning round= Manual recharge power. Thats my guess at least.
KBO: when saying "I doubt it" you literally say you're not sure, but it could be taken to imply that you doubt the facts and the author in one. I must say it's quite far-fetched of Danyel to take it like that (since I don't expect anyone wishes to get into a fight here), but "I'm not sure" would probably be more appropriate.
I see, well thats just the problems you run into when your not English or American. (And yes a Fight is the last thing im looking for !)