And what unfounded belief are you talking about, Roel? I hold no unfounded beliefs that I am aware of. As to Mr. Chomsky, if someone mentioned or quoted in his book felt that he/she had been slandered or misquoted, they might well sue him. ... 676136.stm an update on the nuclear thing. what caught my eye was "Iranians have been demonstrating in support of their country" - and I began to wonder if the whole thing is a cynical attempt to a) unite the country and win support for the government in the face of external danger b) show the people (and the neighbouring countries) that Iran is strong and will stand up to the world
That's certainly part of the reasoning of the iranian leadership. Don't forget that the vast majority of the iranian population absolutely wants their country to acquire (civil) nuclear capabilities. Ahmadinejad won the election only narrowly against the reformist candidate Rafsandjani. He was mainly elected by the poor/rural parts of the iranian population to which he made promises during the electoral campaign. However there is no chance for him to keep most of those promises. That's certainly a motivation for him to confront the west on the nuclear question as he knows that this will unite the people around him, and distract from interior problems. Maybe he thinks that given the general economic context of high oil prices and lame world economy linked to the political context of huge trouble and rising iranian influence in Iraq the west will not dare to act decisively against Iran. And if they should act he probably thinks that economic, diploamtic or even military actions by the west would even further unite the iranians around him.
Those are dangerous assumptions for him to make, as any miscalculation could result in disaster. I am curious as to why the Iranians want nuclear power in the first place, however.
within the next 30 years nuclear power will be praised by the public servants greenies as the most ecological solution to save them from working in a factory . I even predict the use of fast breeders reactors ( YAKK! ) Energy consumption is the single factor as to the prosperity an life style of a population , a large energy consumption allow sophisticated control and services . hyrocarbons are precious for plastics and industrial production to burn them is akin to burning diamonds for heating the greenies are technological illiterates , everytime human bastardness get too much I read the greenpeace program for sustainable energy I laugh so much , tears run to think adults can believe in santa claus
Would it take an awful lot of strain for you to make just one post without insulting a large group of people?
I'm a certified high voltage operator , I sign a piece of paper telling people it's safe to work on 22KV gear . I know what a MWatt is . I still haven't see a greenie who know what base line generation is if ecologist are willing to insult nuclear engineers as murderers , they should survive for being called technological ignoramuses . prisonners......
Agreed. I have often thought that the enviromaniacs want everyone to go back to using horses again, although one hopes that emergency personnel (fire, ambulance, police) and the military would be exempt from that.
Surely not horses, that's animal abuse! What I meant is that you can't condemn such a vast group of people over what you see one or a small group of them do. They won't all be completely ignorant of technology or else none of them would ever have gotten the notion that maybe it matters where their power is coming from at all.
OK not all greenies , only the public servant greenies who think greenpeace is about improving the world
From the way some of them talk, you wouldn't know it. But you're right, Roel, generalizations are dangerous.
O.K. lecture time , how to make an atomic A bomb, Basic 1 you need the stuff , two choices ..... plutonium , need about four pounds, pure you get it by sorting the used fuel(reprocessing) uranium 235 .. same quantity you start from natural uranium it's a mix of U238 (useless)97,5% and U235 ( the good stuff ) 2.5 % change natural uranium in a gas ( uranium hexfluorure ) spin long and hard, it separate the heavy from the light , keep doing it for ever it needs plenty of VERY fast centrifuges arranged in cascade, feeding into each others when the concentration (enrichment ) reach 7% of U235 he stuff can be used into a power plant , basicaly a steam engine after two years of operation the fuel is reprocessed to reuse the good stuff and extract the plutonium. if you keep enriching the fuel above 7% it's a ridiculous waste of money until 95% minimum then it's bomb stuff . P.S... to the N.S.A....... the numbers are indicative only and do not indicate a desire to propagate nucccccular weapons there is plenty of useless U238 left , also called depleted uranium it's the heaviest stuff on earth , at first they were giving it away it has been used as racing ship ballast , and a fews other stuff , until someone used it for anti armor wich is actualy brilliant most of the time and pretty bad some of the time.