I need to apologise for splitting up the topic into several different discussions ( )... And also for starting up a UK vs USA discussion - not really my original intent. which is not really relevant to the subject at hand. Yes, mis-treatment of prisoners is never a good thing, but we are discussing the general, day-to-day relationship between troopers on patrol and the general public.
I think the media plays an important role in the depiction of these generalizations. Perhaps the average British-trooper does have a better PR background than the average GI ground-pounder. I really have no idea... I do think it smart to indoctrinate arriving troops on the culture, and traditions of the area--and people--where they are being deployed. It simply makes good common-sense. In the '91 Gulf-War, Gen. Schwartzkopf had a very clear understanding, as his father had been an ambassador in the diplomatic-branch in that region. His background, and knowledge of the region was a tremendous asset to the coalition. Tim