Quite possibly I am too ignorant to be informative here, but the fact is, you cannot just turn the situation around and say, look, the Jews would never do what the Arabs are doing in their situation. For one thing, like you said, the Arabs are not a national unity like the Jews, so their situation is very different. This is severe oversimplification.
Here are the answers to ur questions 2ndLegion: 1)If a muslim is invited to someones home, and is given pork or wine, and there is no other food except for pork or wine and he would starve if he didnt eat the pork or drink the wine, then he is obviously allowed to eat the pork or drink the wine. If however the host offered the muslim the pork or wine out of sheer rudeness (by that i mean there is other kind of food in the house or in the market); then the muslim whould politely refuse the offer and would try to maintain his dignityat this insult. 2)If a muslim invited someone to their house and the person can eat only pork due to a medical situation, then the muslim is supposed to and has to offer the guest pork.
This may be an exceedingly retarded question for a Muslem to answer, but now that we're at it, I've always been curious why Muslems think of pigs as unclean. I won't say they're very clean animals (with the rolling in the mud and all ) but why are they filthier than other animals to you? Note, this is not criticism. It is purely curiosity.
Uve just asked the question that most muslims find it difficult to answer Its not retarded at all. Well to the best of my ability, the answer is that pigs have a tendency to eat anything that is edible. Making them prone t eat something 'unclean'. I realise this is not an excedingly satifying response but it is quite a controversial issue. If you really are interested ill ask a scholar or something :lol:
If you could... This explanation seems a little strange as Muslems surely will recognize that man's entire survival over the thousands of years it existed without agriculture was based on its ability to adapt and therefore to eat anything edible. Eating everything is an andvantage to a species; the fact that a pig eats everything actually makes it resemble man more in its habits than most other animals. Goats and rats also eat everything they can get their teeth into; I don't know about goats but rats are the supreme survivors of this world.
Roel, I think you misunderstood what I meant by 'unclean'. Surely humans have never eaten garbage or trash?? I can also assure you that goats are a fine species in that they eat only clean herbs and roots. My herd of goats at my farm in the countryside is a perfect example of that. As for rats, I dont recall humans eating rats unless there is a famine or the like As we say in Islam, ' Come close to what is clearly good and avoid what is clearly bad' This is the closest i can come to translating this phrase. Rats are obviously forbidden then to eat them as they are also 'unclean' and unhealthy.
Depends on period & financial status. Thank you Desertwolf, this is indeed a satisfactory explanation, even though I wouldn't want to miss the pork when I'm having a barbeque!
LoL Roel, i tried my best, thanks As we say in arabic, psaha! It means something like bonne apetit n french!
My theory on why the Old Testament and Koran forbids a lot of common food is that the jews, and later muslims wanted a way to be really distinguished from their pagan neighbors. Just my personal theory about it. Thanks for answering my question desert wolf. Desert Wolf I don't mean any offense to you, as I said I know Arabs in different places are all different but I have a question for you about an Arab Insult. Why is the Israeili Navy called the "Bathtub Fleet" by many Arabs? I am just asking because it doesn't seem to make sense to me, to the best of my knowledge Israel has never been decisively defeeated at sea before.
In war 2ndLegion, every side attempts to insult the other sides army in order to bolster their own moral. In this instance, 'the bathtub fleet' which is regarded as more of a comic view than a real insult perhaps of the various composition of the fleet. By that i mean the fleet is composed of many ships from different countres. However dont think that the Arabs underestimate the Israeli fleet, army, or airforce. They realise that those eapons the Israelis have are something most arab countries can only dream off.
Excuse, me, but just exactly what "Christian hate campaign" are you referring to? Where is it and who is doing it? I'd like to hear some specific details, please.
I used to wrk with a Jewish man many years ago, he loved bacon. I am not telling desertwolf to eat it, but it is lovely.
You could find it here in Finland too. Its delicisious and named as "Turkey bacon". Its always puzzled me.
The White Aryan Church. I explained though in my explanation to Desert Wolf about when I said a muslim hate campaign against jews that it doesn't mean all christians, or most, or even close to most. But it is a christian hate campaign against black people that like the muslim hate campaign against jews has absolutely nothing to do with what the bible says (the way the muslim hate campaign has nothing to do with what the Koran says) but it is there just the same. It is true to say that it is a fringe group but it is not true to say it doesn't exist, or it isn't significant. It is bigger and a lot more dangerous then you think.
Why, if he never heard of it. Obviously they aren't really drawing any attention, and it is fair to say that structural racism would attract attention if it happened on a large scale. Naturally racism is evil and groups encouraging it should not be trusted, but to say it is significant I think is a bit of an overestimation. Fringe groups of racists will always exist. The KKK is still out there, as you are no doubt aware; they see themselves as Christians too, I believe. Isn't that significant? Personally, I see absolutely no reason for montheists to hate each other through their religion. After all, they were all based on one another: Christianity on the Jewish faith, and Islam on both. Yet they often hate each other and often started killing each other...
A Muslim friend of mine once explained it this way: God started out with the Jews, but they messed up. God then moved on to Christianity, but they messed up. God then moved on to Islam. I wait for DesertWolf to laugh at me again