Good thing they changed the uniform and equipment. "The Band of Brothers" would have looked a lot differnet....
LOL But don't you know that BoB is the end all source of WWII history? LOL. That is one thing I also think that the Maneuvers helped out with. New tactics,weapons and materials.
Good thing for that then. Are the results of the manuevers taught in some of the courses in the Army War Colleges, West Point, ROTC, etc? Seems like that event had a great impact on the US Army's prosecution of the war, and as you mentioned, in weapons, tactics and material developement. WW2 would have turned out a bit different, at least concening our contribution without those manuevers.
I would assume that the results are probably taught as examples . May have to see what I can find. At that point in time the US military was in a somewhat forced started evolution into what it would become.
Its pretty interesting on how all the uniforms and equipment during the early part of the war were quite similar between all the other countries.
Yep. Thanks god they all settled on metal Helmets rather then the leather ones LOL. Here is another shot from the Manuevers LOL.