A pity some cannot enjoy the splendor of a Mars bar...Thinking deep fried Kit Kat bar now, then individual grease chunks could be shared...Ladyfingers would be a neat experiment- like a slider version of a full Mars Bar.
Mmmm, deep fried coronary artery dipped in beer batter. ..A new angle for body part miners. [ring ring]- It's China, they want to take our order.
I find that kind of information very interesting. The Alaskan "Cheechako" (chee-chock-oh) is a word adopted by the Athabascans for white newcomers in the gold rush who couldn't survive the winter without help. Apparently, they found some dying rube on the trail and rescued him. They found it puzzling that he would be freezing and starving in a place with plenty of wood and game, and they asked him where he was from. He said Chicago, which became Cheechako in their accent. And ever since, any newcomer who can't handle Alaskan winter conditions is a Cheechako. Alaskans still use that word today - you might find some guy outside of Fairbanks stuck in the snow with a Ford Fiesta at 50 below zero, and so you stop and haul him out with your 4-wheel drive equipped with studded or chained tires, and when you tell people about it later that guy is referred to as a Cheechako. After a year or so, those Cheechakos have learned how to deal with winter and are no longer Cheechakos.
OK. I'm on the map now. Actually the closest city anyone would recognise. Jacksonville, Florida. Our farm is actually a number of miles from there, out in the boonies.
I used to have a copy of Services work with that title ("ballads of a Cheechako' or "Tales of a Cheechako" I forget which). Used to be his poem "The Cremation of Sam MacGee" was required reading in high school (not to long ago I found a recitation by Johnny Cash on line that was quite good). Never knew what the word meant though. Thanks.
Nifty nifty! I updated my location to Russia for now but I'll change it back once I'm stateside (I like to take things literally... y'know?)
I've enjoyed looking the locations of our members even if some, like me, have not precisely marked where we live (right, Adam?). I did not realize the locations of some of our members. Ike, I did not know that you lived so far north in Ohio. I would have sworn in court that you lived in southern Ohio. And over in Europe, I learned that Skylinedrive is our representative from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. And for us to be a "US-centered" discussion forum, we certainly have a lot of active members from across the way, with most of Western Europe well represented, especially the UK and The Netherlands. I can't forget our good friends, the Canucks. There are quite a lot of you and amazingly, some like George Patton, are further south than some of our US members. I invite those of you who have not indicated where you live (even approximately) to do so. If you don't like the idea of marking your city, just mark your country, the software will find somewhere to put your "pin."
Yup. Of course my wife had to be from the very Northern part of Ohio. Alas, being the Texas Ambassador, I'm turning them Southern. Texas style BBQ, Brisket and Sweet Tea are becoming favorites up here. BTW, what's with this poser ==> :flag_chile: ? How about a genuine Texas flag here!
Now the member map seems to be working as it should be. We need alot more people putting their living place there so it will be awesome.
To briefly reignite the chili wars, I'm suddenly tempted to improvise chili with my (Vietnamese) wife. I have a funny feeling it would come out well. There must be something about living in hot, swampy river deltas, because Vietnamese food reminds me quite a bit of Cajun food on occasion: lots of seafood, lots of salty, not much dairy, lots of aromatic, very adventurous in protein choices, but often surprisingly simple . . . And some very good hot sauce. (Though they're not quite so famous for it as Thailand. That said, it's still there.) This could get interesting . . .
Yeah. What with the current situation regarding how we are being tracked, don't want to cough up anymore info. Would guess that is why the "app" hasn't got most of us signed up. ...That's why I cancelled facebook/ Link'd In, etc... A small stand, but it's all I got. SP, nice to have the attention of a woman who realizes the worth of a good man- eh?...Too late for my ex- who refused to be nice, replaced with a good Philippino lady. Maybe the new world order won't be so bad.
I think the Member Map can be used with out much risk of exposure. There are so many way to find our about someone these days, I'm not sure putting a pin in here matters too much. Anyways one can always do what I did, which is list the city alone, rather than an address. In my case Chicago is a big city and you'd have a tough time tracking me down here. The map appears to be down now in any case, I have put it in the queue for repairs though.