Yeah, I have nothing to hide. It's the point I'm trying to make about wasting efforts on watching the good guys, while evil seems to carry on unhindered....The new report showing 28 pages of redacted info regarding the Saudi's/ 9-11 AND today's report that what the NSA is doing- is unconstitutional....That might make a good new topic.
Didn't think you Rogues would catch it so soon. Yes the Member Map is now working again. Google pulled public access to their Maps feature, so now we are hooked in with Bing maps. I kind of like the new layout better, although it no longer automatically tallies how many members have added themselves to the map.
Not entirely sure about this map, according to it I'm living in the middle of Business 290. Jeez it could have at least given me a spot under the overpass to get me out of the sun and rain.
Done, just like a game of giant tiddly winks. I'm also under a pile of people I have never met. Great fun Brian
I wish I lived there. Beautiful view of the River from the bluff. I may just make that virtual move, Rog.
I see there have been quite a few more rogues who have put a 'pin' on the map. We're heading in the right direction : World Domination ! Brahahaha sorry, watched "Goldfinger" last night
No Mr Biak, I expect you to 'pin'! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) It is starting to look busy on there. Very nice.
I'll "pin", sign anything, or tell you everything I know (which wouldn't take long) if there is a laser headed for my uh belt buckle.