Grease gun? That doesn't look like the one I have in my garage.... Then again, mine isn't chambered for .45 ACP either. May I proudly present the only legal 'Greaser' in Canada:
I missed the new additions, but I'm glad I just saw them, wonderful collector pieces and as usual in great condition.
Very nice. I just picked up a late 1943 / early 1944 Colt (Springfield Arsenal) M1911A1. Mine too is all-original and matching as far as I can tell, and has definitely not been arsenal refurbished. I'm waiting for the 'accessories' to be mailed to me -- the fellow has the original shoulder holster that it was issued with. I'm trying to do research and mine, and apparently Charles Clawson's "Collectors guide to Colt .45 Service Pistols, Models 1911 and 1911A1" is the best one out there. Naturally, its also impossible to find for a reasonable price. In the next few days I'll order an alternative -- Joe Poyer's "The Model 1911 and Model 1911A1 Military and Commercial Pistols" -- and see what I can dig up. I'm hoping I can find something, since as far as I can tell the 'rig' is complete and correct. Do you know any of the history of your Remington, Tom?
I got this one this morning, a Union Switch and Signal slide on an Ithaca lower. It's in a near mint condition.
My whole collection is functional, there are only two exceptions, one of the M1A1 carbines and one of the Liberators.
Excellent. I guess your country does not have such draconian gun laws as is found in some of the other European nations?
I guess we have the most liberal gun laws in central europe. But mind that the full autos are only on a collectors permit, i'm not allowed to shoot them!!! But still better to have them fully functional then to have them demilled and castrated!
A Garand from Springfield Armory with the M7 grenade launcher and the M15 sight attached. It’s in an acceptable condition but unfortunately the stock cartouche is very faint, hard to see on the pic, but it’s still there.
Fantastic collection. I keep telling myself "I'm not jealous, I am not jealous"! I'm not convincing myself either.
My latest 19111A1 and I dare to say, the centerpiece of my collection! It's an all original parts mid-1943 Colt. It is in a very good, nearly mint condition! Actually, as I had to use the flash, the scratches in the finish look much worse on the pictures then in reality.
Nice M1903. If you're planning on shooting it you might want to use light loads -- the first c.800,000 M1903s were supposedly not heat treated sufficiently to use with modern ammo.
Thank you for the heads up Allan!! But i'm not shooting the old Boys 'n Gals!! I have a Garand and an 1903A3 that have been rebuilt and proofed in Germany, those are for Shooting, the old stuff is only for collecting. Thank you for the encouragement Martin!!!