From La Nationale, France 'Unknown group burn plantations in Indochina' 'An unknown group of attackers burnt down the buildings of two plantations this week. The workers and owners were burnt alive or shot before they could escape. The attackers dissapeared back into the jungle. The French Ministry of Defence is worried that this may be in response to recent calls for colonial conscription'. [ 22. June 2004, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: TheRedBaron ]
From The Times, Great Britain. 'Situation in Iraq gets worse' 'Yesterday British and Commonwealth troops were involved in an two hour battle as rebel Burpers attacked a convoy carrying equipment'. 'A British Armoured Car rushes to support the ambushed convoy'.
El Diario del Sol, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "WAVE OF VOLUNTEERS OVERWHELM FRENCH AMBASSY" Authorities report that since a week ago, when the French Goverment of President d'Épéhéry launched the worldwide recruiting campaign "For liberty, for France, for you!", more than 1800 volunteers from Buenos Aires alone have answered the call. French consulates around the whole country are said to have a constant number of incoming volunteers. "We'll go and teach Hitler a lesson!" said Roberto Ponchielli, a 21-year-old student from Buenos Aires who enlisted this morning along some friends. Similar circumstances are said to be taking place in the rest of Latin American capitals and the United States.
NEWS FLASH! August 31st 1939 Troop movements on the western bank of the Rhine in the wake of groundbreaking negotiations The Fuhrer today spoke on German radio on the subject of secret negotiations that have taken place between France and Germany in recent weeks. He announced that German troops would be leaving the west bank of the Rhine, to leave just 12 divisions (including 10 infantry divisions and 2 armoured) on the training grounds and defences in the area. He spoke of this time of international tension as a period that would require give and take on both sides. He referred to committments on the side of the French that he feels sure will be confirmed at a later date and said that his ordering of the movement of troops was a 'gesture to show our faith in the committment of the French to the cause of world peace'. German troops stop in a town before moving on to a Rhine crossing.