Here's a story from the Houston Chronicle which has a slide show. The first pic is of her entertaining the troops in South Vietnam in 1967. She was quite the snappy dresser. Gotta love the matching gloves, boots and cigarette holder. I agree with Tex. Any entertainer who goes overseas to entertain the troops gets my respect.
Police: Rodney King's 'accidental drowning' involved drugs - Wonder how many drug dealers he had on speed dial ? He was on PCP the day of the police incident in 1991 and it was in his system on the day he died.... Along with many other street drugs... Hard working store owners and honest families became victims of terror. A large US city burns in front of the world, while idiot looters taunt police. Due to an injustice. He made millions, but the goofball made investments in the industry of illegal drugs. Just hope Mr Reginald Denny did a better job with his 2nd chance at life...
He won the lottery... The police beat him to a pulp. No better than the criminals who beat Denny, possibly worse because they're paid to obey and enforce the law... Rioting because of injustice. Those officers should have gone to jail..That's why Simpson was prolly found innocent. They didn't want rioting like the King case caused- as well as terrible prosecution of Simpson- . ..There is a problem with recreational drugs. The low incomers use pot and crack etc, the rich use pills [Rush Limbaugh] and powder etc...The poor go to jail, the rich pay their way out.
I love this part `Ms. Kelley could not swim and attempted to revive Mr. King by prodding him with a pitchfork and hoe before authorities arrived, the report states.` KTK
Funny the things that get to you. I guess I never really thought about whether I liked or disliked Phyllis Diller, she just was part of my life. I remember seeing her on TV all of the time when I was a kid. Of course, as an adult I more fully appreciate what a pioneer she was and I appreciate her work with our troops. Windom is the same way, the ubiquitous character actor. Was there any show during my childhood he didn't appear in? I know he did serve during WWII, but that's all know. And rumor has it that he was kicked out of kindergarten by his teacher for his uncontrollable behavior, and that teacher was Margaret Hamilton, the Wicked Witch of the West.
Just learned that Neil Armstrong has died after complications from heart surgery. BBC News - US astronaut Neil Armstrong dies, first man on Moon
I remember sitting in front of the TV when he said those famous words and stepped (jumped) off the LEM. Godspeed Neil
Me too! I remember being glued to the TV in my grandparents home and watching not only the first moon landing but also the rest of the televised Apollo missions thereafter.
I can't remember if it was a 'school night' or not but it was after my "bedtime" and I got to stay up late to see that. Thinking back on it all, I believe that is where my interest in Aircraft, Space & the Military began. I still have newspaper clippings I saved for a scrap-book and 8x10 glossy's of the Apollo Missions sent to me by an Uncle who was at the Cape during the launches.
I too remember that date (it was a Sunday night BTW), I was flying back to Great Falls MT., on leave from the USN for two weeks before going to my "C" school. I had been in the Navy for about ten months at the time, don't know how it works now, but back then we had "A" school which was really a sort of a short aptitude testing in a classroom setting, then some "B" time which was sort of OJT testing to see what we could already do and how well, and then to "C" for training in the rate the Navy thought we were "best" for. It is probably completely different all these years later. Since I was flying military "stand-by" I had gotten bumped at Salt Lake, and was still in the air when the event came to pass. The pilot (Frontier Airlines) had piped in the radio broadcast of the landing so we wouldn't miss it completely. Fortunately I got to at least "hear" the event, and watch the many replays over the next few days on the tube.
Since you missed it this for you Clint; These were taken by me with a Polaroid camera off a 21" console TV that night. You younger rogues can Google "Console Television" to find out what that was The top Left is of Armstrong and Aldrin reading the plague on the Lunar Module. Top Right & Bottom Left is ( I think ) Aldrin after placing the Flag and saluting. Bottom Right is "The Step" of Neil Armstrong. He is actually still standing on the foot of the LEM and hadn't stepped off onto the Lunar soil. The picture on the TV wasn't that much better than what you see. We've come a long way.
My mom and dad woke us up so we could watch it. And they, in those pre-video recording days, filmed the TV screen with their 8mm camera...! I was pretty young really - but this is a very distinct memory for me, we were all so very excited about it, especially my father. My mom's car was stolen from in front of our house while we were watching it. Neil Armstrong served as a Naval Aviator during the Korean war. Neil Alden Armstrong, 1930-2012, astronaut, pioneer, veteran, American icon. "Houston, Tranquility base here. The Eagle has landed." "That's one small step for (a) man. One giant leap for mankind."