Missed Nam by a year. 1972 = classification A1 draft #54 !! Entered 70's chasing girls and getting my drivers license. Stayed just sober enough to remember it was the best years of my life. Don't repeat that.
We had a saying back then, to dismiss the shit hitting the fan. "What are they going to do, take away my birthday?" While I was still in high school that was expanded to "... and send me to Vietnam?" Well, my team left SeaTac on Jan. 11th and the plane landed in Hong Kong on Jan. 13th (international date line in action.) So they checked both boxes in one smell poop.
SeaTac ? Seattle Tacoma ? If so Seattle 1972; Puget Sound, Born to Be Wild was still popular, walking behind gals in halter tops was even more popular. Convincing a college sweet thing I met on the beach I was a junior. I was, just high school but she didn't realize OR care. oh that was so long ago.
This the latest release from tourism Australia…If you watch it passively, it seems a little childish and slightly cringeworthy. But if you view this as a short film and listen carefully to the dialogue almost the entire script has a secondary meaning. I think about 3-4 jokes in there only Australians would get…Any accents in these things will tell you who the campaign is aimed at…in this case obviously the US. This is a much more realistic view of Australia I’ve seen in any campaign…showing things close up or from a different perspective. You may notice the NT received a good chunk of air time…and mention of my ‘Top End’…Larrakia land. I’d be interested to know what you US mob think of this..?
I'll say the 'short' is better written than most U. S. prime time television shows. A talking kangaroo & Unicorn is actually more believable. G'day mate.
I just found out this past Tuesday that I don’t have cancer, which is a good thing. Went to the dentist for a checkup and teeth cleaning last month and the dental assistant noticed some white blemish looking thingee on the side of my tongue. She previously had worked in a periodontist clinic and said that the spot appears that it could be cancerous. She said not to worry and that when I came back (in 6 months) they’d have another look to see if it needed more attention. I said that nothing like that will happen and that I wanted to go see a tongue doctor to check it out asap, you know, just in case. So she made the appointment with the periodontist for later in the week. I thanked her for her professionalism and eagle eye in noticing such things. So two days later I was in the chair at the periodontist’s office. She gave me a real good examination in there. She grabbed my tongue and pulled out on it as to check the tongue out real good. She twisted and tugged on it (the tongue) so hard it busted a blood vessel in my eyelid. Dang. That cleared up in about 5 or 6 days. She said that it could be pre-cancerous or it could be nothing more that a callous caused by the tongue rubbing on my teeth or by biting on it during a feeding frenzie. She didn’t say feeding frenzie, that was my words. Sometimes I do chomp on my tongue, especially during the post-choir practice munchies session. She called in her colleague for a second opinion and gave the same diagnosis. So they had me make an appointment with them in 30 days. If there was no change then the chances of it being cancerous was nil, but if it got bigger or changed shape they’d cut a piece out to be tested. A good friend of mine is being treated for tongue cancer, and it is not a pretty thing for him. They had to cut out a piece of his outer thigh to reconstruct his tongue. He hasn’t even able to eat hard food for almost two years now, two years in January actually. Just smoothies and liquids. It’s been an incredibly tough journey for him to say the least, and that’s the first thing I thought about when the dental assistant first announced her discovery. So I was very relieved to say the least when the periodontist said that it was just a blemish and not cancerous the other day. Now I can go back to smoking stogies when riding the lawnmower and BBQing. Yay!
Oh great ! I'm going to the dentist in two weeks for a filling replacement. Now I'll have something else to think about while I wait. Stay healthy & enjoy the weather down there. We're heading into Winter.
Beat you up pretty badly, eh? If I remember right, most renal cancers have a good long-term outcome. I hope yours is one of those.
Well now, this is interesting. Wonder if someone might be a bit familiar with the Falkirk Wheel ? Gordon ??
Just spotted this...per head of population well behind New Zealand as is most often the case.... NZ 5m population, Australia 25m+, UK 68m+, Canada 39m... puts it into perspective.
Just replaced the snowmobile battery on the sled. Had the whole dealership talking about the 14 year old battery. Told them I expected the "new" one to last just as long. They said, " Uh, keep doing what you've been doing". At the cost of $156.00 I told them I'll sure as $eLL try !!
Launceston artist Leoni Duff finally has her war painting hanging in the Pentagon - ABC News Americans and Australians, fighting...and dying together. (Launceston is in Tasmania - Where most of my recent ancestors come from.)
Speaking of the Pentagon, The Myth, The Legend, The Purple Water Fountain ! I stood before this icon. The myth vs. legend of the Air Force's purple water fountain