Yep and the crew was running back and forth simulating a rocking ship. Clearly the squid wasn't powerful enough to short circuit the USN's premier balistic missile submarine. Amazing no one was serously injured from slamming into metal fixtures. Like Star Trek, the leading command staff left their vessel for a jaunt. In the former it was a landing party and in the latter it the captain and admiral in the flying sub. On either vessel, who's the officer of the deck minding the helm? Nobody had four hour watch rotations either. Can't remember if the Seaview had Marines aboard her but the Enterprise always had "security" (dead doods in red shirts).
A victory for diversity hiring and she was pushed up the ladder too fast. I don't care if it's a woman or man so long as the individual is competent and provides the leadership for the mission task. Clearly she wasn't.
Sidenote: Note how much cleaner and prosperous San Francisco was when Kirk & crew were there. Since then it's been downhill with countless homeless, druggies and store closures. I grew up a little over a block away from where they filmed them boarding the 15 Kearney (intersection of Columbus, Kearney, Pacific St) Municipal Railway bus (15 Kearney didn't go across the Golden Gate Bridge either). The Barbary Coast (where Paladin lived) was lower down on Pacific Street. William Tecumseh Sherman's bank was a little over a block away on Jackson and Montgomery Street. The building is still there. B/C of the Bay Area's anti-military stance, the military closed a lot of bases including Mare Island (Vallejo), SF Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard, Sixth Army HQ at Presidio Army Base (now the Presidio Trust) and pulled its carrier groups out (there were three carrier groups based at Alameda NAS). Jobs fled with the military departure.
I was in SF in the '80s, visiting a friend. He showed me around and made a point of cruising Castro St. There we saw a naked man handcuffed to a light pole. He was almost chanting "I hope no one molests me!" Didn't hang around to see if his greatest fear* came through. *NOT being ... bothered.
One prof at Purdue proposed that every innovation in the 20th Century could be traced back to some Popular Mechanics or Popular Science magazine article.* *Or their brother publications elsewhere. My first exposure to speculative design innovation was PM and PS in the school library.
I used to say to people that flying cars would never happen...due to the "pilots" licence needed and that you couldn't have irresponsible people in flying machines...It would be carnage with "cars" flying into buildings and falling onto people below - in other words the accidents we have on the roads NOW translated into the sky... Now, i beleive we will have flying cars because? They will be self driving (and have parachutes in case of engine failure - thats a parachute for the car) - Plus will only be allowed to travel along enclaves with water & greenery below, not people. Its taken 30 years to change my views...but we will NEVER have a Jetson scenerio where we drive the thing ourselves...Thats called a helicopter and needs a serious licence/s.
Maybe...but these wont have any option for self drive...the "kits" wold have to be very extensive. BUT there will definitely be flying cars racers...
With all the cool toys coming up I can't help but remember the old saying: The side with the simplest uniform wins.
I've wonder if the V/STOL aircraft : AV8B, F35B and V-22 Osprey have ever been used strictly due to their vertical takeoff ability? Where only they could perform the mission? Don't get me wrong, watching the Harrier at air shows is spooky. Stopping in midair or flying backwards. Cool as all get-out, But is there an actual 'need' that just can't be filled by other means?
The operational width of the plane would be larger with the VSTOL than with a small helo, no? -46 would need more, of course.
The V-22 is used by the Marines, primarily on amphibious assault ships. It replaced the CH-46. An LHA/LHD carries about a dozen of them, with smaller numbers of CH-53s for heavy lift, Cobras and a Huey or two. Also 4-6 Harriers/F-35s, although they usually use rolling takeoffs.