Onboard of German U-boats? Dear friends of Forum: Do you know if the german U-Boats have a similar system or almost a rescue buoy onboard?. At I know, in the beginning of the WW2, this devices are retirated.... Jan.
I have personally seen and inspected a German WW II "Airman Rescue Buoy" and have had the opportunity to both board and investigate her. The 'rescue buoy' is not a myth and is settle in fact. The remaining German 'Life/Rescue Buoy," that can be seen and boarded is located in Brikenhead, England, where it has been for the past 60+ years.
I recently saw a wartime British movie- might have been One of Our aircraft is missing- where the RAF crew board one of those, capture the Germans already using it, and then get rescued by an MTB.
On Youtube there is a movie, We Dive At Dawn, starring John Mills. In the film the British submarine discovers a German rescue float with three downed German pilots. I am not sure if the float is a real one captured during the war or just one built for the movie, but it provides a good look at the outside and inside of the float.
I don't think the British had rescue buoys. (Correct me if I am wrong but I have not heard of any.) Though British pilots were happy to use the German ones. Can't imagine they would be much fun to ride in. See also earlier thread here at: http://www.ww2f.com/information-requests/19050-rescue-buoys-english-channel.html