Attention everyone who are playing SH3 with GWX. Second patch is now out. :sub: :sub: Just scroll down to (HOTFIXES AND PATCHES, GWX1.02)1
Richard, I am still in the middle of the Atlantic chasing down a convoy that I previously attacked (sank a whale factory ship and a large freighter) so I can't install GWX 1.02 until I return to port. Please post your thoughts on the patch. Thanks!
Don't suppose you have an up to date url to dl GWX? I've tried but it's a real ball ache trying to track down all the indvidual files.
GWX update 2.1 *should* be released around 31 Jan. SH3 with GWX 2.0 is simpy stunning! Heartily recommended!! As for SH3's younger brother, SH4, it is becoming equally as good with the mods that have been cranked out practically daily for the past several weels!
Couple of quick questions, I just purchased and am tryng to play with no mods. I don't think I ccan yet untill i get some more RAM. Why do I always find single ships and never any convoys? should I sink everything I see or only allied ships? Why when I raid an English port are there no ships? By the time aircraft are discovered, I have no time to shoot them down as they are just about to drop thier load?
If your not patched up yet do so and insure you select the correct 1.4 patch, right moving on to your questions. Why do I always find single ships and never any convoys? I assume you arrive at your allotted grid and patrol it for 24 hours to pick up the renown, (if your interested and don't give a toss about this arcade renown business I can tell you how to give yourself as much as you want.) As you know how a single ship shows up on the map a convoy is that symbol much much bigger take a look at the map and patrol the convoy lanes. should I sink everything I see or only allied ships? Never sink your own side as you will loose renown points and don't sink neutrals as you will yet again loose renown points, only sink the enemy. As your running stock it is easy to see who is who on the map. Blue = Germany and there allies Green = Neutral not invold in the war or not yet invoid Red = Alied forces your enemy Why when I raid an English port are there no ships? That's the stock game for you just don't bother. By the time aircraft are discovered, I have no time to shoot them down as they are just about to drop thier load? Have a crack at them it's like stabbing fish in a barrel. Problem with stock is there too many of them and they comes in wave after wave. If your specs run SH3 well I see no reason why you should not give GWX 2.0 ago. Any more questions?
Thanks guys, I love that game! I am actualy addicted right now... playing in ultra realism mode. Do any of the above come with more Gramaphone files? Where can I get the latest? Tired of the same old tune.
GWX comes with more or you can add your own, you need a sound converter that converts other sound files to ogg. then you can place them in to your gramophone folder.
SH4 stock like SH3 stock are good but both had flaws on realism, when I heard about GW 1.01a I downloaded it which bought SH3 back to life. Latter on GWX 1.O3 which was more of a improvement and now up to date GWX 2.0 which has given us more historical realism which has given SH3 new life. So to SH4, a enjoyable game and we all hope in a couple of years a super mod will do the same to SH4 that GWX did to SH3 as for the add on, I'm not really interested as you play with U-Boats down under but thanks to GWX I can do that any way. I like to keep the two games separate and feel this add on to SH4 is a Ubi cash in, what I've been reading the next patch will fix any problems with the add on and the stock game but you need the add on for the patch not what I call consumer friendly.
Sorry Stefan the way you said it cracked me up. OK, here is the answer............. Go to My Documents and locate the SH3 Folder/data/cfg/careers What ever the name of your career or careers is, that is the name of that Folder. Open the folder and double click Patrols - Notepad. BTW, as this may be your first time in this folder you may have to use open with select Note Pad. Find your last patrol, near the bottom your see DeltaRenown=1525.9250 Just change it to for example 999999.999999 and save.