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Stalin's Secret War Plans!

Discussion in 'Prelude to War & Poland 1939' started by Spaniard, May 13, 2010.

  1. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Actually it doesn't do a very good job of supporting your case for a number of reasons. Take for instance the post below with the OB. How does a detailed OB with huge amounts of white space really help your case? Indeed many just stop reading when they see something like that and skim to the end to see if you have a point or not. That's not to say I'm not guilty of similar posts by the way. Take it as a helpful hint as well as a polite request.
  2. LJAd

    LJAd Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2009
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    to return to the question :cool:,
    1) are we talking about plans before 1939,or on the period 1939-1941 ?
    2)there were plans (of the general staf:eek:bvious:cool::it is the job of the general staf to make plans for any contingency),but have we any proofs that these plans were adopted by Stalin and became part of government policy?
    3)wat some people do not understand is:making plans for a war does not mean having the intention to start a war (not that I am willing to defend Stalin,perish the thought:D):before wwII,Britain,France,the US had plans for a war with Germany:that does not mean they had the intention to attack Germany .
    4)Barbarossa was not caused by Stalin having any secret war plans:in the German POV,the SU did not constitute an immediate danger in 1941
  3. belasar

    belasar Court Jester

    May 9, 2010
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    First, you must ask yourself was Stalin and Hitler entirly sane. If not it would be unlikely that any decision made by them would be completely reasonable. Hitler often did things which were counterproductive. So too Stalin.

    Then it is quite reasonable ( for Stalin ) to deploy his army offensively while biding his time, hoping no attack came until he was ready for it.

    Hitler was willing to take great gambles to win large conquests.

    Stalin, however was interested in low hanging fruit.

    I suspect that Stalin hoped a war between Germany and the west would so debilatate both sides that Russia could simply walk right in with little effort. You don't build 20,000 tanks in peace time simply to guard your border.

    It might be instructive to look at Soviet deployments in the Warsaw Pact and compare them to spring 1941 deployments in Poland/Wester Ukraine.
  4. TiredOldSoldier

    TiredOldSoldier Ace

    Sep 14, 2008
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    No it's not, unless you mean to attack you deploy defensively, the Soviet deployment in Poland doesn't look particularly offensive minded, the best troops were definetly not in the western military district. IMO a big cause of the Soviet debacle was that centralized control made local contingency plannning borderline treason and so the reaction to the German surprise attack, and there is overwhelming evidence the Soviets were suprised, was ineffective.

    Agree for the former but see little evidence of the latter, up to WW2 Stalin was mostly concerned with internal affairs. He probably was not a much of a gambler, and that IMO was a very good thing when the Cold War happened, gamblers with nukes are very scary.

    You do when you've just been invaded by practically everybody else. Afret the revolution there were British, Japanese, French and Italian troops on Soviet soil, leaving aside the Germans that had just gone home (possibly some US ones as well but I'm not sure).
    In addition to that the amies of the Versailles creations, carved out of the old Russian empire, were attepting to push their borders as far forward as possible. The Poles actually advanced nearly to Kiev before being pushed back and the Finns got to the outskirks of Leningrad.

    Stalin was paranoid but he had some very good reasons to be. Add to that that building tanks meant pouring money into the factories that were the communist power base and I'm not a bit surprised at the huge number of tanks.
  5. von Poop

    von Poop Waspish

    Apr 21, 2006
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    Perfidious Albion
  6. Spaniard

    Spaniard New Member

    Feb 15, 2010
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    I went to your Link

    I know I like to see Both Sides of the Fence, But That Comment :confused:

    in some way had saved western civilization. You got to be Joking Icci, saved western Civilization from what, Nazi Totalitarian Domination Oppression, work the conquered with starvation till they died, Like Stalin did also? Well Last time I read :rolleyes:

    Churchill, Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Hitler+++ All in those times had their Own agenda and which It's NOooooooo Secret that each wanted a piece of each other. The Great War never ended to the dissatisfaction of many and WWII is an extension of that war.

    As Example; Churchill payed Franco Off to stay out of WWII and Franco was A friend of Mussolini Who introduced Franco to Hitler. Franco in WWII Sent Troops++++++ To Hitler and was getting paid off by Britannia at the same time.

    My Question Is Why Did Churchill take thousands of Top Secret papers from the Archives to his House and had them in a Big Safe in those Times?? All his books were supposedly written from his personal Accounts as documents he possessed. As any armchair Historian can tell you All of Churchill's Books that he wrote have embellish or incorrect accounts as it's been discovered many moons ago.

    There's No Secret That Churchill wanted Britannia to declare war on Germany on any circumstances and that was clear by his speeches from around 1930 or even before that. Germany is Getting Strong and action must be taken. Since Britain was a Military Power that had interests as had used military force to get her way and had her Armies all over the World. Economically in 1930 Germany was shafted allot of $$$$$$$$ While she was getting Strong after The Great War. But once Hitler took power in 33 the Economy Bounce Back, Which Infuriated many causing them to Developed a stiff Upper Lip every time they heard the word Germany, in Britain.

    What caused the German economy to be in ruins throughout 1930's?

    The German economy was not 'in ruins throughout the 1930s'. Like most other countries it was hit by the Great Depression that followed the stockmarket crash of October 1929. It was affected more severely than, for example, Britain and for a while had an extremely high rate of unemployment in the early 1930s,

    WikiAnswers - What caused the german economy to be in ruins throughout 1930's

    What is not mentioned in the Above Link is that Germany after The Great War had Micro Loans from many Allied Countries, In September 1926 Germany joined the League of Nations with a permanent seat on the Council in recognition of her status as a Great Power. This Infuriated My British. The German economy’s recovery after the inflation of 1923 had been financed by loans from the United States. Many of these short term loans had been used to finance capital projects such as road building. State governments financed their activities with the help of these loans.

    American banks saw their losses mount and they started calling in their short term loans with which so much of German economy had been

    Weimar Germany 1919-1933

    OK The Above Link??? If Any Problems let me know I have 5 more links that state the Same Thing.

    I strongly Believe that Stalin & Churchill got together with a Hidden agenda to push Germany to take Half of Poland while The Russians controlled the other Half of Poland. This Way Britain Could declare War on Germany, Finally A Great Excuse as It's NOooooooo Secret They Both Wanted Germany!

    Stalin Figured to let Germany And Britain Fight the War then once German Forces had been Inflected a Punishing Blow the Russian would move in and Take Germany.

    But Stalin's Plan Back fired since Germany went all the way to France and it was just a Walk in the Park for the Germans.
  7. LJAd

    LJAd Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2009
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    You have read to much of Dan Brown:cool:,or,maybe,you are Dan Brown?:cool:

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