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The Bromberg and Danzig massacres in Poland

Discussion in 'Prelude to War & Poland 1939' started by Gen.Clint, Jun 14, 2016.

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  1. Gen.Clint

    Gen.Clint New Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    Lol.That figures
  2. George Patton

    George Patton Canadian Refugee

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Ontario, Canada
    I will take "that figures" as a compliment. Thanks friend!
  3. Gen.Clint

    Gen.Clint New Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    He's a busy guy but he does answer everyone that emails him.
  4. KJ Jr

    KJ Jr Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    New England
    Read the trial, read the transcripts. Read something other than revisionist, neo Nazi garbage. It's clear that you will not move from your stance or refuse to disbelieve the denier nonsense that you have been subjected to.
  5. Gen.Clint

    Gen.Clint New Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    I'm not in this to offend anyone and I truly do apologize if I did.Im in this for the truth nothing else nothing more.Hopefully you guys can respect that.
  6. KJ Jr

    KJ Jr Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    New England
    There are plenty of historical works and primary documents, millions, that will tell you the truth.

    Revisionist history with Holocaust denial is not one of them.
  7. Gen.Clint

    Gen.Clint New Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    send me a link please
  8. Gen.Clint

    Gen.Clint New Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    Again link me to this trial.How is David Irving a neo-Nazi?He does have black people on his team.Neo-Nazis conform to what they are told is Hitlers ideas.When David Irving talks he never sounds like a neo Nazi or preaches neo Nazi ideas.
  9. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    David Irving is never going to be an acceptable source.
    1) The "original source" for the 58,000 figure you quote is from a Nazi news report, purportedly written in 1940, which itself makes lots of blatantly false and incorrect statements, short on details, long on unverifiable fantasy. Considering the known, devious false flag operation carried out by Nazi Germany immediately prior to, and during the opening stages of the war against Poland, these numbers are not credible in the least. Furthermore, the dates are, as far as I have seen, are all post 1st September 1939...
    2) The document I linked to above is remarkably written in English, and not German. The document above attempts to appear as of the time period, yet is obviously not. Nearly all the images are copies of images with English captions. It is at best an English language facsimile of some aggregated Nazi propaganda. Little to no verifiable evidence is given.
    3) The so-called compiler "Hans Schadewaldt" would have been 17 in 1940, and is not credited with this work on the German wiki page detailing his life.No English article exists. But perhaps it was another Hans.... In which case he has left no other traces of himself.
    4) The editor, is called "Bob Carruthers", and appears to have a penchant for producing books on Tigers. Or it could be another "Bob".
    5) It is quite remarkable that the English language "document" claims that the various reports are based on court documents, yet this region of Poland has few surviving official documents from the period prior to 1945, given the enormous destruction rendered on city centres as the Red Army fought the fascists, and the document itself contains no (zip, zero, zilch, nada) images of Polish language documents (which, had the atrocities been committed in Poland, prior to the war, was what you would expect to find).
    So, not surprisingly, what we find the authors /compilers / editors (whoever they may really be) mean when they reference to "documents", are actually Nazi-era attempts to justify their invasion after the fact, using the few post-war incidents they managed to find to incite in a very clumsy fashion. 5,437 murders are not verified in the "document".
    Still not finding any evidence for large-scale pre-war atrocities committed by Poles against minority Germans, on the scale of 58,000 dead, as claimed by OP.
    I'll repost the translated "news" report, because it's easy to miss in all the rest of the utter garbage

    Dead and Missing
    More than 58,000 were lost by the German minority in Poland during the days of their liberation from the Polish yoke, as far as can be ascertained at present. The Polish nation must for all time be held responsible for this appalling massacre consequent upon that Polish reign of terror. Up to November 17, 1939, the closing day for the documentary evidence contained in the first edition of this book, 5,437 murders, committed by members of the Polish armed forces and by Polish civilians on men, women and children of the German minority had already been irrefutably proved. It was quite apparent even then that the actual number of murders far exceeded this figure, and by February 1, 1940, the total number of identified bodies of the German minority had increased to 12,857. Official investigations carried out since the outbreak of the German-Polish war have shown that to these 12,857 killed there must be added more than 45,000 missing, all of whom must be accounted dead since no trace of them can be found. Thus the victims belonging to the German minority in Poland already now total over 58,000. Even this appalling figure by no means covers the sum total of the losses sustained by the German minority. There can be no doubt at all that investigations which are still being conducted will disclose many more thousand dead and wounded. The following description of the Polish atrocities which is not only confined to murders and mutilations but includes other deeds of violence such as maltreatment,rape, robbery and arson applies to only a small section of the terrible events for which irrefutable and official evidence is here established.
    Slipdigit likes this.
  10. Otto

    Otto GröFaZ Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jan 1, 2000
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    DFW, Texas
    This thread started with the Danzig massacre, moved to racial discussion, and now we are knee deep with David Irving.

    Garbage thread is closed.
    Skipper likes this.
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