You learn something new every day. Managed to find this by way of an answer- (Sorry- wrong link to start with) In France's so-called Northern Catalonia, there's 'a lot of sympathy for the Catalans'
And an even better one today echoing what Kodiak said- "THE controversy surrounding the struggle for Catalan independence from Spain has crossed over the border, as 'Northern Catalans' demanded freedom from France." 'French Catalonia' independence STUNS Macron: Thousands DEMAND to join Catalan state
Maybe the Belgians will start their secession soundings back up now. France could annex the French speaking part of Belgium to make up for the loss of the French Catalon region if they depart.
Not sure what provinces actually, but those who border France obviously would be affected. Isn't there a sizable French speaking enclave in Brussels as well? Skipper would be the one who could sort that business out for us.
There are two pretty significant factions in Belgium, the Wallons and the Flanders. That division has been around for hundreds of years, and talk of a potential split of the country have started back up again (before the whole Catalonia thing though). I'm curious as to what Belgians who are near the French border think about a potential joining with France?
I'm not up on those goings on, except for the small bit of info regarding the potential split along the Wallon/Flemish lines. I guess the Flemish folks will seek a union with the Netherlands if the Walloons go with France. Who else is not happy in Europe? Time to sort it all out now, at least before the heavy duty Christmas shopping season begins.
Don't the Wallons and Flanders speak different dialects of...Belgium(I guess I don't know what you call what they speak)? I thought that what they speak in Brussels as the 'governmental' form of Belgium language while a lot of the people speak a different dialect? Which ties into their cultural differences etc.
Let's not forget the German Cantons of Belgium, taken from Germany after the first world war. This is nice really, we've dissected much of western Europe in 24 hours or so. I vote we take Poland apart next to give Prussia back to Germany, then we can start on Russian and Finland. We'll leave Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland until after lunch. .
Wise choice. Had you had dealt with Wales, Scotland and NI during lunch you would have be seriously ill with food poisoning the rest of the day.
We don't know what's going on in Britain. Bill Clinton was meant to be sorting out the power sharing parties in N. Ireland, Brexit is a disaster, MPs from all parties are resigning left, right and centre over their perversions and scarier than anything, Tony Blair put himself forward as a mediator between Spain and the Catalan's a while back.
I say we put Blair, Clinton and the Bush brothers into matador outfits and let them sort out the whole business. .
Perfect. The Catalonians will love Jeb!'s special guacamole. Act in the next 2 hours and Jeb! will provide W., Tony, and Bill with their very own Jeb! 2016 guacamole bowls.
That's too funny, Clinton is looking slightly like Mickey Mouse in my minds eye. Rhetoric is getting heated between Spain and the Flemish now. I can see this being the end of the EU. Flemish leader tells Spain’s ruling party to ‘keep its mouth shut’ – POLITICO
Cracks are definitely being to show Gordon, you very well might get your wish. Upholding the Rule of Law in the European Union
Spanish riot police have left three striker's injured in Barcelona today. Guess the Spaniard's ain't happy about the general strike today. Every main road is blocked by protestors.
Will the rain in Spain still be able to fall mainly on the plain, or is that all fonked up too? We haven't settled the Belgiumite Question yet. And the southern part of East Prussia that the Rooskies kept, maybe they can sell it back to Germany for a couple bazillion Euros. And who ended up with Memel anyway? And is there any news on whether or not the Luxumbourgese are happy or not? Just because they are such a little country and speak some sort of noise that resembles Germano/Franco/Flemmic babble we shouldn't overlook their situation. Some of our forum members on the Euro Bureau will have to keep us informed on all these matters as if they matter.