A vacuum grenade is by no means impossible. Take a fuel air bomb, it is essentially an explosive vacuum; it sucks in air for thousands of meters. Making a handheld thermobaric grenade doesn't seem that far fetched. According to this site: http://www.jrnyquist.com/war_preps.htm
I thought FAE/ Thermobaric was the opposite of a vacuum - it's a massive overpressure (AFAIK on a nuclear-weapons scale of overpressure), not a lack of pressure. As for it sounds like they've just given RPO-A a new nickname. RPO-A has been on the go for years if not longer (hang while I google...) here we are -http://www.janes.com/defence/land_forces/news/jidr/jidr010104_3_n.shtml - 1984 development, '88 accepted for service. The link Zhukov gave is dated 2001, from a seeming extreme right-wing site that also gives credence to "prophesies" of Russian invasion for World War Three.... Possibly not the most reliable technical source
I'm working in a chemical factory , making chlorine.. we have a personal escape breather with us all the time , still got gased four times I don't know wat being shot feel like ... but being gased is not so hot one has to be an absolute bastard to think of it . :angry:
Dora A railroad named "Dora" was the evilist weapon.Dora had a barrel 107 feet long.It took 60 railway cars to transport her parts.When she was assembled the total crew was over 400.Her barrel was almost 32" in diameter.She fired a 5 ton shell 40 kilometers,or a 7 ton armour-piercing shell 30 Kilometers.It took the Germans 5 years to build it,and it only fired 48 shells at Savastopol,and then diappeared from history.
germs ,gas and napalm are pretty nasty...but then getting hacked to death with a bronze age sword is prolly not that great either...
The Evilest weapon I have met is the new computre system at work. It takes 1 1/2 hours to do what once took 20 minutes by hand and our paper use has gone up 4 times what it was before. The level of frustration is beyond discription. I thought extreme tourture was band. :lol: :lol: :lol: After all this time I have finaly learned how to use the smiles.
Anti-personnel mines. Indiscriminite ability to maim or kill--military or civilian. Patient. Can wait for decades to go-off. Difficult to detect, depending on construction. Psyche-ops. Ever see those movies where the troops discover they have wandered into a minefield? Sheer terror. Seems at least one guy freaks and makes a run for it. Dies badly, setting-off another mine or two. Tim
my dad was an ammo officer in us army 52 to 72. he hated nerve gas and said it was the nastiest shit ever invented.....the human mind?how silly..grab 20 humans of any street and show me the scarie weapon...half of humanity are women (my moms weapon of choice..a wooden spoon)most people are good and compasionate by nature...crowd them in urban slums and you get a horse of a different color..
If put under pressure humans can do great evil. All these weapons are designed by humans and cannot be used without a human mind to control it. Most humans are friendly by nature but we can all change as my grandad used to say "I believe 99% of people are good natured but everyone can change"
By nature, man is neither good nor evil and capable of both. This makes them unpredictable; their imagination makes them terrible.
The wooden spoon!My Grandmother had one of those.I was regularly threatened with it's use,but I never gave my Grandmother an excuse to use it.Occasionally she offers to bring it out of retirement if necessary.
Wooden spoons. Wow. So evil. Oh, I'm terrified-not!!!!! Nice joke, SturmTiger. PS YEAH! Lieutenant! After all that work as a sergeant, I got promoted! Good bye, enlistment, hello, battlefield commision!
When human turns evil, there is no way in knowing what one can do to another, like the persecution of the Jewish by the Nazis, what evil and hatred could make one man do that to another man. That is the most evil weapon as some of you have mentioned. Man.