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The gold-plated handgun handed over by Hermann Goering as he surrendered to allies resurfaces for sa

Discussion in 'WWII Today' started by PzJgr, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. gtblackwell

    gtblackwell Member Emeritus

    Jul 4, 2006
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    Auburn, Alabama, US
    This definition is technically correct ".......having the barrel integral with chamber....and at my age grew up calling semi-autos pistols and revolvers revolvers.....and of course single shots of all types pistols. But the language evolves, whether we like it or not , so it seems pistol and handgun have become synonymous to most. My own daughter, well educated and a stickler ( Is that a legitimate word?) for word usage would feel comfortable calling a revolver a pistol and does, she shoots her Sig 239 better than I shoot my 228. I certainly do not try to correct her !! LOL ( Not a word). I will stick with pistols and revolvers.:).......The world really is changing. I grew up with a hand crank party line telephone, rural Alabama at it's best and write this on a home assembled computer cobbed together from NewEgg parts ordered online, that can reach Kai Petri instantly !

    I was taught to write, believe it or not,

    I am and remain your obedient servant,

  2. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Or not ...
    Looking at Pistol - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary it states:
    Note the "broadly" part.
    Pistol | Define Pistol at Dictionary.com on the other hand states:
    and pistol - definition of pistol by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. states:
    Which obviously do not support your defintion. Then pistol - Definition of pistol states:
    In general it does not appear that the restrictive definition is well accepted as "THE" definition or even the principle one.

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